Do you personally expect Slinger to be played after the nerfs?
I'm not expecting to see him much anymore, personally. I feel they've tampered with his appeal too much without giving him enough elsewhere to compensate.
NOTE: I am NOT just asking about viability/his strength. The discussion is welcome, but I'm specifically asking about how much you think Slinger is going to be played after his nerfs.
He can still shoot in less than a second so the changes don't do anything. It might actually be a buff, let's wait and see.
Really good death slingers will still dominate.
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Really good slingers already weren’t dominating because he has no map pressure. Now he’s even worse.
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As for me, no. Not even gona bother.
Also I think you will see him less at the very least the higher MMR you go, because he is even worse now in terms of fun & power.
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They did nothing to him except remove his fun and unique aspect. He will still be as annoying as he was before to go against, but way more clunky to play. Guess that's the norm at BHVR when changing killers at this point.
I wonder if they really expect people to use an addon that makes him move 1% faster when I can just stack out double reload.
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He was A tier at least before. Now that he can walk faster when aiming he can zone really well, and good killers will adjust to the quick scope change. I think this is a buff to really good deathslingers. It added like 0.1 second to how long you need to aim, that's nothing.
He will still be really strong, you just need to actually be good at aiming now instead of just waiting for a vault and quickscoping
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I expect to see him as often as I see Billy, about once out of every 70 matches.
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Nope, only changed from PTB seems to be the more changes to movement speed while aiming down sights. YES BHVR, that's EXACTLY what he needed.
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He's not really played now and the devs nerfed everything about him while making him less fun.
I'm sure people will play him /s
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I definitely think calling it a buff is wrong. The only basekit buffs he received was a 1-second decrease in stun time and a 10% extra movement boost with ADSing. The nerfs that hurt his strength are far more impactful, as quickscoping and stealth were his biggest strengths by miles.
Either way, my post isn't asking specifically about viability. Although I welcome the discussion, it's moreso for what you expect on the Survivor side. His appeal was that quick ADS and stealth, and with those 2 things being hurt quite a bit, I'm not expecting players to find his gameplay all that attractive anymore, thus potentially resulting in Slinger going down to Billy levels of play-rate, or worse.
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32m terror radius on a 110% with that short of a 'ranged attack' is not a buff you clown main
it doesn't matter how much you spin being able to walk around in ads in a completely and utterly inferior fashion to before mechanically-speaking
anyway the pertinent bit is will people want to play him with that utterly massive qol nerf that does little to nothing about his 'counterplay issues'
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"Really good" Deathslinger here. I don't main him, but I do play him almost daily since his release.
The ADS MS is USELESS. ADS feels like CRAP because of the horrid sensitivity and how easy it is to dodge his shot if the survivors strafes due to the hitbox. Try holding ADS forever and see if that helps you in any way.
His strongest playstyle will still be quickscoping, which the survivors still can't react to. He's just as annoying to go against, but way more unfun to play.
Don't forget that you can also now hold W for 14m before he's even able to do anything with his 110% ass speed. But yeah, huge buff.
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He basically received the Billy treatment; overrated killer that gets nerfed into the ground and becomes horribly clunky to play.
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Almost noone will play him similarly to Hillbilly. Talking about Hillbilly, didn't they nerf his Engravings Addons?
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They buffed them this patch. They no longer accumulate as much overheat as they did before, which is reaaaaaally nice.
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I misread it then lol. I thought they nerfed them. This Mid-Chapter is actually really good (Deathslinger being the black sheep)
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I'm sure people will enjoy more Blight and Nurse
(until they got overheat or any other stupid "balance" treatment)3 -
hard no, his teachables are ass and I have no reason to play him now.
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if not for blue totems i'd tell you about our lord and saviour plaything-retribution but unfortunately due to personal reasons:
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I can't wait to start patrolling gens and totems, its going to be so fun. Behavior really did an amazing job for killers this patch....
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Sure you will see him played(at a certain mmr level)then no just nurses and blights after that and maybe pinhead.
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I would say unless you down a survivor next to a boon totem there's very little reason for you to be patrolling for them. If snuffing out a boon meant that totem couldn't be relit it would matter but it doesn't.
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There isn't a reason to play him now, because Huntress exists and is better in every way possible.
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Nope. he is dead. He may be seen at super trash ranks because people will still try him since he can be bought with shards.
Anyone that thinks he was good or a problem is just the target audience that can't seem to raise through the ranks in this game.
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I've just played one game, and i can safely say that it will be my last. Feels terrible to play as.
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eyy, called it
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I played him a bunch in the last 2 weeks. I was not impressed. His playstyle is fun, but it isn't viable even with his strongest add-ons. Now he's gonna be worse? Yeah, there's no way I'm playing him.
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No...he is a dead killer now. Everyone will move to Trickster/Huntress.
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I feel survivors dont think that far ahead. They want a killer to get nerfed for "reasons" so they whine to bhvr. They cave in and nerf said killer. Survivors think those killer mains will then use a killer thats more "fun"(for survivors) and the game will improve. What actually happens is 1 of 2 things.
1: that killer whose main got nerfed then jumps to the next meta killer. Survivors complain about the new killer being seen every match and they whine to bhvr. Seeing a pattern here?
2: that killer is fed up with having all the bp and time invested wasted. They play something else. Survivors whine to bhvr their que times are too long. Bhvr gets a licensed killer to attract fresh meat. The circle of life :p
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i'm telling you inevitably half the killers will be nurses invalidating pallets/windows/entire walls/entire FLOORS hello and virtually everything you can possibly do except 'move weird and block los or press e' and then survivor mains will see what it's really like to have little to no counterplay
on a killer who can barely even be nerfed more since the power literally is fundamentally 'teleport to and hit survivor' which trumps all but dead hard
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Absolutely, I do.
People were dedicating themselves to playing killer when the original DS was released, and even when that patch came out that allowed you to blind/stun at any time during the pick-up animation. It didn't matter how hard they were belittled, or how unfair the game was towards them.
If there's anything you can rely on killers to consistently do, it's to play through their worst frustrations.
Sure they complain too but hey, it's hard for me to blame them nowadays.
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No, and survivors simply don't understand the full breadth of this nerf.
This is not just a nerf to his ability to secure kills, by increasing his already glaring weakness which is the dreaded 'W' key when the survivor is more aware than a ######### potato. It was a nerf to his killer fantasy. He was a ranged killer who sacrificed movement speed and long chases for surprise and incredibly rewarding skill shots. As a DS main, I've shot people through the holes in Killershack and through sheer finesse managed to maneuver them to the door AND not break my chain in the process, landing the melee hit and giving the survivors a very clear 'Killershack ain't going to save you, hoss,' warning.
That is dead, and with its death BHVR has created another Nurse main.
EDIT: And by the fog as my witness, you survivors are going to regret making me go Nurse.
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say you dont play deathslinger without saying you dont play deathslinger
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I do agree, however, you are bringing up the game's balance as a whole. I will throw in the point that
1. This change negatively impacted a single killer, so although killers may still play despite these changes, they may just not play SLINGER.
2. Even if a killer is objectively weaker, I think what matters most is the feeling that you have while playing them. For example, Spirit is now weaker, as she gives more information, but the feeling of playing AS her is completely unchanged. I don't expect Spirit to be thrown in the trash by people who main her. Slinger, on the other hand, had his gameplay experience heavily tampered with, as his power was all about those quickscopes and his stealthiness. His TR increase mostly affects how the Survivors feel when playing against him, so it's probably not something that you're going to immediately notice as Slinger, but his ADS time is what really hurts his appeal. Even if Slinger was the same exact strength as before, I feel these changes would still ward people off from playing his new version.
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you tell those survivor mains, you tell them
i'm going to be super real with you as an ex-non-headphone spirit main
being constantly juked and pallet stunned by headphone survivors that know where you are in phase is a very, VERY jarring change to gameplay from her pov, and good ones now just loop you inside and outside of your long cd power
even vs lower-end survivors that made major mistakes that are the basis of killer gameplay, her addon set was ravaged, and it was such a solid set, possibly one of the only consistently good sets they ever made, maybe slightly outdone by wraith
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He wasn't ever A tier.
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They badly trashed Deathslinger for honestly no reason in this patch, it's inexplicable
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There was a reason (survivors complained), just not a good one.
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The frustrating part as a DS main is I always LOVED shitting on Deathslingers. There are so many ways to win against him, but try telling a survivor that, out of sheer ignorance they feel getting speared is inevitable. It's not.
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did the PTB changes go through?
if so, then no.
those changes managed to locate and remove everything fun about him.
honestly if i, as a Deathslinger main, was tasked with making him really unfun to play as, i wouldnt have been able to do a better job.
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I won't argue with that. My point was she's mechanically the exact same, so you don't play Spirit and think "man, her phase feels slow and clunky," you just feel "man, it feels like everyone always knows what I'm doing now." It's 10000% going to negatively impact your experience, just not with the actual mechanics of the power that make her feel like a Spirit.
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pinhead is nowhere near the same level as nurse or blight lmao, there's like 10 better killers than him minimum
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yes but what if your phase does feel slow and clunky because your green activation speed/movement speed addons are deleted
double activation speed being a glitchy spirit that'd stop moving and two seconds later lunge at you suddenly was my primary setup
now you kind of just..... can't do that, or up her speed to any reasonable extent without using mother-daughter, god it's just so awful
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yes because devour + undying + thrill of the hunt + haunted grounds deathslinger exists
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I've been trying to adjust but it takes 20 full minutes to ADS now, it's unbelievably terrible
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not anymore it doesn't, mikaela just arrived and thrill doesn't noise alert you now lol
(and why is noed not in place of thrill?? i always ran that ace in the hole to completely and utterly dunk one gate teabagger free of charge)
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uh no if you run the perks i listed there will be no totems left that aren't hexed
so boons are useless with this build
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and boons are not a problem because i am part of a group of other survivors on discord who will for the first month bring totem perks and cleanse every dull totem we can find in protest of boons
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..except when they gank your hex totem and turn it into a blue totem, which they can do you realize
they nerfed it a bit in that it takes +10 seconds (24 total base) but you realize that blue totems trump hex totems right, and even if you snuff one they can just relight it (without the time penalty because your hex doesn't come back)
uh engineer's fang hi, i am the basement dweller on gideon randomly injuring your entire team on the first floor from below them and they can't do jack about it, better hope they find some legendary cover when it's box time!