Killer hex perks are USELESS NOW

This can’t continue,whats the point of having hexs now; make hex perks indestructible like survivor ones or add 2-3 new totems. Killers are leaving because this company is to stupid to balance things. Survivors were strong,now overpowered
"X are leaving because this company is to stupid to balance things"
This has to be one of the most powerless things ever said when dbd has a way of driving out old players but roping in new ones just as fast, if not faster.
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I think its funny they added yet another thing for killers to do while they are juggling 30 other things yet surv have to take a whole 16 seconds away from gen rushing to bless a totem. Poor survivors.
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High risk, high reward, right?
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No, it's high risk, high loss chance tbh. Play it in high ranks and come back
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How did Boon Totems make Hex perks useless? Hasn't cleansing totems been in the game since it was created, lol.
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Whats the high reward; being cleansed in two seconds now; why survivors hexs cant be destroyed ;;
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Hexes should outclass Blessed. Hexes should only be cleansed and should not be overwritten by Blessed. The Killer should have priority over dull bones, but alas, the devs didn't feel that way.
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Well survivor cleansed.totem.already before.and now they get another incentive with the investment of additional 10 seconds.
Double reward for less than double the investment sounds like a net positive for me. Additional to being able to apply multiple blessings in one go.
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Just play totems that are meant to be broken. I've been having a blast with the new Retribution with Plaything.
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They sound great to killers, while survivors are hardly even using them the 2nd day they are out.
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whats the point if survivors have 5 perks to find totems and cleanse them faster than ever before; this game is now to op for survivors
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14 seconds to bless a dull totem
24 seconds to bless a hex totem
If they actually manage to bless your hex totem you were never going to save it. Let's not act like this makes hexes useless.
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Well, plaything soft counters boon totems by making only 1 survivor able to touch the totem for 90 seconds. Depending on how fast you are hooking you could easily gobble up all the totem spawns. Plus survivors have been looking for totems, which made them more predictable so I've been getting 2-3 hooks before the first gen is even thinking about popping. Usually at most 1 boon totem has been getting set up in my games.
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100% agree. killer hex totems should only be a cleanse option for survivors. idk if it does but hex perks that activate under certain conditions should overwrite bless totems too.
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Overwriting hexes with boons takes longer, the hex was going to be destroyed anyway.
But hexes -should- overwrite boons if needed with plaything and for consistency...sigh
...probably with noed as well.
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If they run 1 boon perk and 1 perk to find totems -- that's great! This means they don't run meta perks for those two slots.
They have to find hex perks first and then bless or cleanse them. Like it was before the change.
I would admit, now with boons survivors are getting more benefits for blessing totems, but while they are doing this -- they are not working on the gens.
I am afraid only about the next survivor boon release in the future. They already added healing and scratchmark boons, what's next? Gen rushing boons? But we have some time before that would happen.
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Then it should be destroyed.
Survivor perks aren't supposed to be a guaranteed benefit anyways.
And yes, NOED too
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Run thrill.
You should win on the spot if survivors really want to spend 48 seconds blessing your hex
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Well why should they?
Boons are not equally viable as meta perks. Just slightly below them since for boons survivor have to actively do something. (Or at least one survivor so all 4 can reap potential benefits)
Even in the game screenshot you posted in another thread iirc they used 14 of 16 slots meta stuff, which doesn't need ANY extra investment.
Too bad it doesn't show the screenshot itself and I won't copied that since it isn't mine.
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Ummm no they aren't? Didn't you read the nerfs? If a survivor wants to bless a hex totem, it takes 24 seconds. That means it takes longer for them to cleanse, which means it takes longer for them to get back on gens.
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Which means if they blessing a tier 3 ruin they lose 36 seconds
24 seconds to bless + 12 seconds to get back to where you were.
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In my opinion its not worth blessing a hex totem. 24 seconds is way too long and you waste out on gen times.
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Told about this yesterday but 1 guy said perfect counter game "dont play with hex" lul
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I love boon totems, I've noticing survivors are wasting time at the start looking for totems to bless. And then if I snuff it, most of the time they waste time going back to bless it again. They're also so eager to bless, that they don't cleanse and that provides the opportunity for everyone's favorite endgame perk to kick in. However I didn't see as many as I thought I would, just a few boons.
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But the blessing itself is only 10 additional seconds coupled with a cleansing action.
It's a win win for survivor.
They permanently destroy the hex AND get the additional benefits from SEVERAL perks at once (I imagine behaviour plans for more boon perks in the future if they don't get trashed in this storm)
But i accept that those are simply different opinions on the matter.
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I don't run hexes, to much rng involved, unless it haunted.
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So you agree with me then it sounds like, otherwise why are you hesitant? is it because idk it's weak as #########? lol
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They will be nerfed into the ground in 6 months, after BE gets their money.
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I think they are against SWFS, not so much in Selfish q.
But, yes, hexes have always been RNG reliant
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It shouldn't be random that a survivor can spawn next to my hex as well. lool,
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No doubts,
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Recently my Blight build has been looking like this:
Shadowborn, bc I'm addicted
Undying, seeing auras when people are on totems is actually useful now since people are actively looking for totems
Retribution, having them oblivious while I'm sprinting at mach speed towards them is perfect
And a random fourth perk for fun, I've been trying Fearmonger (new names :/) and maybe it's good?? I dunno its one of those perks where you really can't tell if you're getting value or not but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Its almost like the devs fail to realize hex totems will last 25 seconds when totem spawn locations have not changed for literally 4 years.
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Firstly, Hexes can last throughout the Trial as well. 25s is a worst-case scenario. I've seen matches come to a swift and devastating end because no one can find the Hex. That's what Hexes are about, RNG. There are no guarantees, and that's part of the appeal and power.
On the point of locations, what exactly do you expect them to do? With the reduction of map sizes (based on a frequent killer player rant), one of the side effects is less ground for Survivors to search. People have complained about too many obstacles on specific maps, obstacles that help conceal Hexes.
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I don't see Hexes as useless. They are still available to use, and if anything a survivor wanting to Boon it would take longer than cleansing it, so effectively the Hex hasn't been affected any worse, except maybe NOED if the remaining totems are Booned, and even then if the only totems left are Booned then it stands to reason they would have been cleansed anyway.
Boons don't make Hexes redundant, and I actually don't mind their power, but it's the significant amount of times they can be used which is the main issue for me. Heck, they can be even more powerful, but being able to simply relight as many totems as required for the payback it gives all survivors isn't balanced for strength vs risk.
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They are not useless.
Also do bones. Duh.
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Boons really haven't changed the viability of hexes. Honestly, I'd go so far as to say that boon totems are a very slight buff to the staying power of hexes since you have longer to interrupt a cleanse if that's your inclination.
The only criticism I agree with is that Plaything and NOED really should snuff a boon to make room if they have to, it's not as though survivors couldn't just go bless it again as though it had been snuffed manually.
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Cleansing a hex the totem is gone blessing a totem the hex is gone… 2 actions same outcome…. So boons havnt actualy done nothing to hex’s as they were able to be destroyed anyway ….
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Were hexes useful at some point? That the question. I don't play with hexes anymore since the ruin nerf and now with boons not even noed is safe.
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If you bless a hex the hex becomed a boon totem so is 24 secs
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Would that really work though? Remember all survivors see the aura of the boon totems. If plaything and noed snuffed out the boon totem you wouldn't get much use out of them because the survivors would know exactly where the hex totem appeared due to one of the auras going away.
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This is all I see when I read your comment... >.<
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Not to mention that if they hide totems too well killer mains will be complaining that they cant find them I'm already struggling on some maps (looking at you Game) when I can hear it but cant find it...
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i love you <3 lool
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I'm a Killer main (Playing on a high rank / high mmr) and I don't think they're too much of a problem. Of course, they take away your time but still, you should be able to memorize where your hex totems were located...
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I'm okay with hex totems being able to be replaced as long as they all get reworks that don't make them extremely broken because noed and haunted ground would be to op to be replaceable
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Hex perks were always 'useless' if you want to look at it like that. Boons give survivors a reason to care more about totems. Doesn't mean they didn't before. Perks like Detective's hunch, counterforce and small game were totem perks that could counter hexes.