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Killers dcing* to lower mmr

BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Had three matches last night with the same hillbilly (cross play off) and he would dc the first few seconds into the match. Messaged him to ask why he would do that and he told me to lower his mmr for easier matches while there isn’t a dc penalty. Said he isn’t the only one doing it according to his discord. How is this not an exploit?


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Does that even work? A lot of games with mmr count disconnects as void. You typically lose rank or whatever, but it doesn't adjust your actual matchmaking rating.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    I do not know if It works,but he is on his right to have fun playing the Game, not the survivors toy at High MMR.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    Sad but i understand 100%

    Im not a super pro killer and when you are faced against a 4 man premade toolbox BNP, 4 DS, 2 or 3 unbreackables, cliky clikers etc... i just whant people with my MMR more or less D:

    And yes i did some wraith AFK because after several matches with 0 kills, its not worth playing more at that MMR lvl.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Mb because not every killer is viable at high mmr and not every player mastered his killer while u need to bit more than potato to escape as survivor.

    If u read killer mains feedback over months they don't enjoy how strong survivors are.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    This "strategy" is getting too common lately, so many smurfs

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Unless he is letting everyone live, he will climb right back up

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Just take it as another example why this game needs dc penalties.

    Everytime its turned off the community proves why it was needed to begin with.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598
    edited October 2021

    I mean i always instant DC when i get Haddonfield or the RE Map as a Killer

    But i also CAN Understand when Killer dc just to lower there MMR ( if its even work ) if u only want to Play for Fun and BP ( like me ) u dont always want to Play against sweaty SwF Teams that really destroys you where u even cant get a 1k and wants to End the Match in 3 Minutes 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Winchester89
    Winchester89 Member Posts: 85

    Definitive. Since it's turned off, I've had at least one Surv dc every 2nd trial because he doesn't like the killer. Annoying for the others who just want to play a decent round.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    I don't think it works like that, if it does ill see you guys at the bottom of the mmr barrel, sick of all the hackers.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239
    edited October 2021

    says who?

    the devs have stated that its purely kills vs escapes.

    a disconnect = 4 escapes so you "lose" 4 matches essentially.

    its exploitable as hell.

    the fact that the queue times for killer are now longer than survivors further backs this up because it means MANY people are doing this.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    High mmr your pretty much stuck with annoying flashlight squads where u cant do anything as a killer and is really not fun at all

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Someone who has problems with Flashlight-Squads is not at high MMR.