Getting a whole lot of Ghostface with Ruin
So many matches today. It's fascinating.
If I keep sighing so hard, folk will think I've got a breathing issue.
Almost makes me want to crack open my first beer of the year.
But seriously, has anyone else noticed an upsurge in Ghosty and Ruin?
What's the difference between ghostface and any other killer having ruin?
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Sounds like the same ghostie over and over again. I haven't gotten one in ages.
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Ruin is one of the strongest meta perks right now. You'll find it on every killer.
And why is it a particular problem with Ghostface? Just run Small Game or Detective's Hunch and tickle those bones.
1 - it? it's been a meme as a thing that either isn't a factor since you get the type of survs that hold m1 unless you physically force them off a gen (and then go back to holding m1 on it if you don't commit) or your ruin's gone within 60 sec of the match
what about blue totem apocalypse makes it any more likely to stay up given there's extra players looking for a place to plunk shadowstep, which is usually in painful locations, which is usually the places where a hex would be a pain if it spawned (i.e. not sniped in first 20 sec of the match)
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Most of my games have ruin in them regardless of what killer, perks, add on are brought in by either party.
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I don't personally run Ruin most of the time anymore. I run Pop and/or Jolt. But Ruin is still an undeniably strong perk. If it weren't a Hex but maintained the same properties, *every* killer would use it.
I agree, it isn't *as* strong since survivors are running boon totem builds, and also now that Thrill of the Hunt no longer gives a notification that someone is cleansing or blessing a totem (which has basically killed the main draw toward using that perk altogether, in my opinion).
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.......well yeah
what do you think would happen if i got a special variant of devour coded onto my user id that was hexless
i'm not sure what places that sentiment is meant to go to
and who was using thrill with ruin?? particularly given pre-nerf undying was a thing some time ago, often times the two hexes will spawn ages away from eachother and you can't be two places at once so coinflip if they get it or not, rather use haunted for that to turn it into a 1/3 initially with an admittedly not that impressive effect for punishment but better than some slowdown
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If I wanted to run two hexes, Thrill with Ruin was my choice over Undying and Ruin. Thrill actually gives you a chance to defend your totem. Undying just buys slightly more time. And Thrill worked very well.
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Dr. Loomis, you disappointed me.
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Myk-L....don't go back to Haddonfield....leave those people in peace.
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I do not get it, why is Ruin special on Ghostface?