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Still so glad about SBMM you know?
So glad the game basically considers me playing poorly even tho i smack gens or save teammates safely, when the others dont bother saving me when 5 gens are done or just feeds me to the killer while unhooking me without BT in front of him...
I hate the MMR since the day they said they wanted to do one, and its still made in a lazy exploitable way...
Guess i should have played better huh?
your reward for playing well is pips
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The pipping system was better then the MMr, it just needed some fixes to not make pipping so easily that everyone got R1
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It's not really the existence of MMR that's the problem but how it's implemented. From the developers explanation, if you want to increase your MMR your best bet is to be as passive as possible since dying first loses you a lot more MMR than dying last. If your teammates aren't good you will not be escaping that match anyways so you will minimize your loss, and if your teammates are good then there should be no problems.
If you want to be active with the killer and have a lot of chases and hook rescues for your team then you will probably not go up in MMR, sadly that's how it works.
Post edited by DawnMad on0 -
It also needed tweaking so people couldn't just derank to stomp lower skilled players
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What my problem is, is rather that it encourage those passive and selfish gameplay, letting people die on the hook or on the ground, going out asap just to secure your rank up
What my problem is, is that it also encourages those "toxic behaviours" many complain, even by killer as killing is the only thing that matters, why not amways play Myers Tombstone or mass slug / tunnel / camp you know?
Its bad in all the ways and the match ups arent really better from the pipping system (for me at least)
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Yes sure, but it was doable and i think à better solution then what we had now
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and i'm over here trying to do killer rifts, getting nothing but tbag flashlight squads, Badham/Haddonfield/Ormond map offerings, "EZ" in the end game chat. i barely even play killer anymore ffs.
oh and thx for another round of killer nerfs with this update, devs, very cool.
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It is just strange because basing it all on survival leads to the imbalance everyone complains about. Basing it on purely kills for the killer is a better metric somewhat but even that doesn't differentiate camping one person from the first hook to death from winning three separate chases. It weirdly puts the very good, 5-Gen chase, very in-your-face survivors (the kind that make killers actually angry) at lower ranks than they really should be, against killers who are not good enough to face them regularly, which just amps up frustration for that mid-tier of MMR. Of course, the REALLY good survivors who can do all that and survive are still way up at the top, but those folks aren't really the t-bag, click-click gamers.
In some ways, it is still better than the rank-based matchmaking but the system really does need more to go off of than survival/kills.
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what i dont really understand is why people want to have high mmr, like is it something worth achieving? Everyone with some hours should know what a pile of BS this game is in terms of balance and exploitable stuff. My killer games were a disaster lately and i consider myself not a bad killer, because i know how easy it is for a survivor team which is working together and can loop a bit (the thing you mainly get at higher mmr) to destroy a killer.
Its not like rank where you can show off, no one knows which mmr you have. I'd rather have a lower one and bring fun perks than playing against sweaty teams and have to bring Ruin/Pop every game or stuff like that