Never playing Ghostface again

I sacrificed five dollars for him because I need his "I'm All Ears" Perk, as a loyal Pyramid Head main I think it could really benefit me. Didn't want to wait for a small chance that it could appear in the Shrine of Secrets.
I got curious and actually played him, and he is without a doubt one of the most unbearable things I've ever done. Even worse than when I tried out Hag. (She's not bad, just not my playstyle.) Survivors can reveal you at ridiculous angles, and in certain maps he feels impossible to play.
Right away I immediately missed The Executioner, especially when I came to a wall with a gen being worked on behind it, and realized I didn't have Punishment of the Damned. Pyramid Head hits through walls, ignores hooks and certain perks, and can Mori without an offering. But I can't forget that his power can be baited, and caging people is very situational.
Ghostface can... what, mark people? Be only kinda stealthy? That's the only good thing about him.
I wonder what a Ghostface rework could look like....
A hint about Ghost Face: undetectable on demand is more powerful for an interrupt or loop faking than it is for waiting out a mark.
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I agree that he is a very weak killer, if not the weakest along with like pig... But some people do enjoy his gameplay^^
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why you didn't just wait for it on the Shrine?
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Off topic, but you mentioned Hag. For the first time ever I tried her Hand add-on (Waterlogged Hand or something like that). Anyway, it was a blast!
You can’t teleport to traps, but they have collision. Place trap in pallet, chase survivors as an M1 killer, and when they go to the pallet, they get blocked by your trap and can’t run through! Can’t even pull the pallet down! You get a free hit, they are terribly confused, and by the time they realize they have to run the other way, you’re reset and able to hit them again!
Ok, that’s all. Carry on with Ghostface discussion.
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He is just a stealthy m1 killer. After Pyramid Head, most m1 killers will feel bad.
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Because I'm an idiot. Also there's a 1/66th chance of that perk appearing. Maybe higher, since the tree selects four at once, but still I'm an idiot and didn't want to wait. I was also under the assumption that Ghostface might be just a little fun... he wasn't.
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Well at least he has Thrilling Tremors. That's a neat perk.
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I go entire games only using it to hide my red stain, and not actually using it for it's intended purpose. Good survivors are just good at avoiding getting exposed.
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I'm pretty sure I'm all ears was in the shrine like a week ago
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I'm not a big Ghosty fan either. Just do what I do - play a killer you like, and pour BP into him to get his teachable.
I'm not loyal to any one killer (Hag comes close), so I can rotate through Wraith, Hag, Doctor, Pig and ...yeah, it's either going to be Demo or Pinhead (haven't decided) to level killers I don't like, like Deathslinger or Ghostface.
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You're talking about the Scarred hand, the one other one is the waterlogged shoe which makes you faster.
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I don't think so, I would've grabbed it immediatly. I do remember Deathbound being in it
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Yeah, Hag has some great addons and some borderline useless gimmick ones. I use my traps a great deal for mobility on vertical maps, and would really struggle without it.
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One thing about Ghostface: he can a royal pain in the butt when doing gens. You're constantly looking around for him and then *boom* You're marked and exposed. Can be a headache.
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now you know why he is getting reworked and boy does he ever need one. at same time, I doubt he will change very much. He is m1 killer. I have never personally seen an killer with no chase power be remotely effective.