Your Thoughts On The Halloween Event.

DBDude Member Posts: 308

So hello again guy's and this time I am back with yet another forum post, and this is about your thoughts on the new Halloween event.

Now my thoughts was overall better than I expected, I really like that it had an unique tome to it that could unlock you cosmetics and a charm for free, so obviously this makes it better then the event/thing that was last year as a Halloween event. Now My thoughts on the pumpkins is not much, but I do like the 50/50/50 mechanic where you might stay the same, move slower, or move faster, which I find kind of cool. I just hope that they bring the cosmetics back at a later date, because I'm not a fan of exclusive's and feel like they should be available to everyone.

And also too is that I hope that both the survivor and killer blighted serums could be accessible through custom lobby's, now I think the survivor's blight serum might be in custom lobby, but I'm not sure about the killer's, but I hope the killer's one could be though.

So overall I thought it was decent, definitely not the best Halloween event, or maybe, idk , but I'm glad it wasn't Hallowed Blight.

So ya with all of that out of the way let's begin the poll.

Your Thoughts On The Halloween Event. 38 votes

Best Halloween Event
Vyne456 1 vote
JawsIsTheNextKiller[Deleted User]HippieFobbo[Deleted User] 5 votes
PSPNathan13playhardQuentiplexGarlicRice 5 votes
VolantConch1719IcewhisperFamicxKnightFall28901glitchboiHex_LlamaDBDudeAurellePopsicle01 9 votes
TapeKnotEvilTurnip690MrCalac123 3 votes
Seiko300musstang62ShapedBlue_Archer33BasementDwellerUnderdawgmichaelmyers555teasalt 8 votes
RoboMojo 1 vote
Dr_LoomisjoerispekkieSlamitieGazgemauch 4 votes
Another_LegionMainNobody_TM 2 votes
Hallowed Blight and 5th Anniversary


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    I've enjoyed this event so far, kicking pumpkins has been fun lol.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
    Best Halloween Event

    I love getting free cosmetics for Mikela and Doctor by just doing some quests.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Putting all the bugs aside, the event is ok. The pumpkins are fun and the free cosmetics are cool.

  • Quentiplex
    Quentiplex Member Posts: 22

    In my opinion, the best Halloween event so far... but there's always room for improvement.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    First 2 blighted halloween events were way better imo since you could earn 2 free cosmetic sets, but could also CHOOSE which sets you wanted. Here, you're locked into Doctor and Mikaela (Please buy our new character. Signed, BHVR)

    It's... OK. Not good enough to make up for zero other half decent events throughout the entire year though

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Is it a bad event? No, in any sense of the word it is not necessarily "bad".

    But is it good? No. Not in the sense that this event significantly contributed to Dead by Daylight's history of events, in a way that was remarkable. This event is not remarkable, by any means.

    The Midnight Grove is exactly what it was supposed to be. A do reskinned hooks / generators event, filled with a few cosmetics (that didn't have a connecting theme beyond just general "halloween" stuff I guess).

    And that to me is what is disgusting.

    It seems to me that people have forgotten what good events were actually like- it used to be in a former time of DBD history, that doing reskinned generators / hooks was the most basic common form of event. Reserved for the most lackluster events that didn't have a particularly strong or thrilling connection to real reasons or causes for celebration- like the Summer BBQ events, and the anniversary events.

    The real events of Dead by Daylight, usually came around the Holidays, and when they released they did something unique.

    In 2017

    • The very first Halloween and Christmas Events (All Hallows Eve and the Winter Solstice) we ever got introduced the idea of decorating the lobby in spectacular fashion, changing the music to be reflective of the Holiday season, there were new items which glowed and were festively adorned, and so on and so forth.
    • The Chinese New Year was the very first event to create a brand new item, functionally and mechanically different from anything that existed in the game at that point: the firecrackers. These were so popular they were reused as Winter Party Starters for the Winter Solstice event, and Third Year Party Starters for the third year anniversary. And of course years down the line- they would become a part of the main game in the form of Leon's teachable Flashbang.
    • It's also worth mentioning, that though the anniversary events have rarely been the source of riveting unique additions- it is worth noting they did contribute in one major way: the 1st year anniversary introduced the beloved Escape Cake, Survivor Pudding, and Bloody Party Streamers offerings. They were meant to be limited time offerings but eventually became permanent to the base game- and would serve as the predecessors for our yearly Gruesome / Ghastly Gateau etc. offerings

    In 2018,

    • The Hallowed Blight was first introduced and was the most significant addition to lore that had ever been created up until that point, this was pre-archives so they released new lore entries every day for you to read right on booting up the game. Animatics were created which told the story of the Alchemist, and how he kidnapped and experimented on killers with the Blight Serum, a completely new revelation considering up until this point we didn't know if it was possible for anyone to fight back against the killers. The Blight itself introduced an amazing thematically appropriate secondary objective, players had to milk visceral cankers to fill their vials of Putrid Serum. Do this enough times and you would be rewarded with some of the most detailed and well crafted cosmetics to date- the Blighted cosmetics available for five killers, and two survivors.

    In 2019,

    • The Lunar New Year Moonrise event introduced a brand new capture the flag esque secondary objective, survivors or killers had to find Lunar New Year Lanterns, the former had to successfully carry them until they escaped at the end of the match- if you were downed it would be "dropped" and would respawn somewhere else on the map.While the latter had to destroy the lanterns.

    2017-2019 were probably the brightest years of DBD's life in terms of events, because since then the devs have mired in mediocrity. Making very little effort to create the plans for new innovations and relying on tired, played out event ideas. In 2020: The Scarlet Swarm Lunar new year event was a do reskinned generators / hooks event, The Eternal Blight was a do reskinned generators / hooks event (there was no proper Christmas event, instead an advent calendar rewarding players for logging in on a daily basis). In 2021: The Gilded Stampede Lunar New Year event was the same, the fifth year anniversary was the same, and now the Halloween Midnight grove event is also the victim of this plague of repeated nonsense.

    Halloween, the most IMPORTANT time of the year for Dead by Daylight- is not worth anything more than a few glowing candles on some generators, and a separate two pages of the archives to grind through. I guess we have the pumpkins- but that's not even particularly new, considering they already introduced that idea with their mini Gnome Chompski event where you had to run around at the end of the match to find, kick, and destroy the gnomes.

    You'd think at least one dev on the team would maybe even just possibly wonder if they were over-saturating this idea of "doing reskinned generators."

    Frankly, I'm sick of doing generators that look slightly different. It was a fun, simple, and novel idea when they came up with it four years ago for the first Chinese new year event in 2017, but it's absolutely been milked to oblivion by now. Events are the perfect opportunity for Dead by Daylight to stretch its legs out of the normality of the established traditional gameplay cycle, and try something new for just a few short days / weeks.

    And contrary to popular belief amongst the dev team- throwing free rewards at the community does NOT make an event an event. Shouting at the top of your lungs "free Bloodpoints!! We got free bloodpoints here!!" does NOT make an event.

    Is it bad? No. But it sure is a hell of a lot more mediocre than it could have been, and that sense of dissatisfaction- that they could have done something more, is what really bugs me.

    What I find really disturbing though,

    Is that it seems to me that if the devs keep this up long enough, the community will forget the times when the devs actually tried. The times when the devs actually worked to innovate, and create new and unique mechanics which actually changed up the pace of the game for a limited time. Lobby decorations and designs that didn't just kind of fade into the scenery as part of the background. Music that wasn't soft and unnoticeable, but emphatic, energetic, and festive.

    To the point where you've got seven people saying this was a good or great event, and one person saying this was the best halloween event of all time.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Sorry. It's been spoilt by infinite loading, studder spikes and various other bugs.

    A let-down 😔

  • teasalt
    teasalt Member Posts: 5

    This halloween event has a good point, but that are only the free cosmetics and the pumpkins giving good vibes for spooky season. But the challenges for killers are a problem for baby killers and survivor mains, especially since the new mmr system. These challenges force the baby killers to camp and tunnel, because they don’t have good perks or skill to play against the survivors they get. With the old ranking system I got 1 to 4 kills most of the time, but with mmr I didn’t get a single kill when I played my killer main. (I played like 30 killer rounds since I started dbd, so I shouldn’t get survivors that are spinning me everytime and are on the same level as me as survivor)

    One of the challenges is to kill 4 survivors and that’s only achievable for someone like me, who sucks at playing killer, when tunneling and camping. So you often get camping bubba, hag and trapper. An event shouldn’t be so sweaty and frustrating.