Just a yes or no will suffice.
If you want to leave an optional explanation, please do!
My dh is delayed for some reason. I basically have to press it second or two earlier before it props.
Dunno when this started but I think it didn't happened before.
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i dont think it has ever been fine.
there either needs to be a downside to the Perk or a clear activation requirement that the Survivor needs to fullfill before being able to use it (and no, "be injured" does not count. thats not something the Survivor has to go out of their way to get or earn, that just happens pretty much every chase you do by default).
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A perk that practically gives you an extra health state and the ability to extend a loop is not fine. As I said in the NOED question, I would gladly rework both perks.
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Not gonna lie - Your reply was kind of the inspiration for this topic.
Bless your Demo heart :3
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On the bright side, now that it works properly, they can finally balanxe it properly. Im getting a headache
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Its fine.
It actually works now instead of leaving people exhausted on the ground. And it gives the least distance of any exhaustion perk in the game so...
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Honestly I feel like dead hard needs its own wind up sound like the grunt when huntress fully winds back her hatchets, or the metallic ring when deathslinger full aims down his sights.
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I don't think that would work, as the intent of the perk is for it to be an 'instant action,' as opposed to a delayed one.
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Tough one but kind of no?
It needs work from the killer side at least at it feels really weird.
Feels good as survivor though and is a far cry from what I was worried about; I still get hit while running it often lol but its my mistakes :)
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no it's not fine. Strongest perk in the game returned to it's initial power without any nerfs
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The DH fix changes exactly nothing if people don’t use it for it’s intended purpose and instead abuse the dash for extra distance, once again BHVR wastes their time on something pointless/detrimental to the game’s health instead of actually fixing the problem itself
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Oh damn really? I'm really glad to hear that, haha!
My pfp remains to be Demo (until the chapter gets removed) because even after its chapter removal, I will continue to cherish it.
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If i can get hit validated at 30 ping vs someone at 190 ping.. no
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I know this is cheating, but the answer is "mostly".
Something like Dead Hard is a totally reasonable thing to be in the game, and I think the focus should instead be on why adding some time to a chase is so damn punishing for the Killer. Action speeds, lack of objectives, strength of tiles... there are many things that could maybe be tweaked before Dead Hard is looked at.
That being said; DH to dodge a hit is, in my opinion, fine, and if I were to tweak it, I'd suggest a very brief cooldown after you use it where you can't vault or drop pallets- so DH for distance needs to be timed properly instead of being a brainless "press E to win" situation.
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Ofc its fine now, only ping abusers and other garbage complains about it
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No. The concept is ok but it needs to be reworked. It shouldn't give a distance boost. It should be more like a block where the survivor needs to time it right.
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No, it's not. I land hits, see blood and a scream yet they're not down. I even get the weapon cd but no hit. Now survivors have a built in BT when running Dead Hard
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Just to say, killers with poor ping are still denying DH. I've experienced it many times since the update and was almost doubting my sanity since I am never exhausted on the ground. Even so, this was also a thing before the "fix". But my brother and a streamer I watched (morf) have also experienced it quite a few times since the update - so DH bugging is still a problem that I highly doubt will ever be fixed.
But no. Dead Hard has always been a broken perk when used for distance, even before being half fixed. And I say this as someone who mains survivor and has Dead Hard equipped 99.9% of the time.
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I used to think it was fine as it took skill to properly use. But now? I retract it. Dead Hard is the best perk in the game. You guys were correct. My bad.
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No. Using Dead Hard to go to a pallet or window basically guarantees an extra health state in most situations.
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No. Dead hard is too strong even if it an exhaustion becuase it strength outweighs the weakness and doesn't have a counter play.
Like all except one exhaustion to me are not balanced at all and dead hard and adrenaline are the worse cases.
All don't have fair restrictions/requirements except for head on which does it perfectly. Lithe and balanced landing aren't the worst but could use some tweaking. Sprint burst could have an requirement of getting it active and to use it as it almost as strong as dead hard and adrenaline.
Dead hard need to be rework completely as i doubt it be change to be a fair perk for both sides and adrenaline need one survivor to gain an heal state and can't ignore exhaustion which is stupid in my opinion.
Also i will say that i do really hate exhaustion perks
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Yeah, its fine.
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A free health state is too strong for survivors.
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Keep 'em coming :D
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Dead Hard is fine. Glad they fixed it. Now they just need to fix Survivor Spawns.
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K think giving it a 1-2 second cooldwon before action will still make it used as intended but the bs dh for distance is no mote
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I think now, Dead Hard works "as intended", only because it's a server side decision instead of the validation being on the killer, like a P2P validation such as the older Call of Duties.
For me, the problem isn't just Dead Hard, I think it lies in that Killers -still get the hit confirmation, the animation for that hit confirm, but nothing is given-. Dead hard false confirmations should stop giving the killer the hit animation because it's like a light version of a Decisive Strike. The survivor runs away and the killer is left cleaning off fake blood and has now lost chase. If the server side says it's not a hit, somehow, the devs have to make killers swing through like a missed swing instead. Who the hell knows how that would even get implemented. Another example of Server Side Screwiness was me as a survivor playing against a Deathslinger. I feel sorry for the killer because I'm pretty sure if it was Killer side confirmation he probably would have gotten 3 spears and 2 hits at the Fun Bus. I even watched him get a false hit confirmation as I jumped through the Fun Bus window. It was totally unfair.
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No. It needs nerfing. It's the biggest "######### you" to the killer when the survivor loses a mind-game or misplays and uses Dead Hard to get to a pallet or window to fix their mistake.
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Dead Hard was never fine. When used properly it guaranteed a third health state and an extra 20 seconds of a loop which is a lot of time for the Survivors to do gens due to one Perk. Don't forget multiple Survivors brought it aswell which was just sucked to play against.
Now that it's been buffed by making it work every time you use it with no Exhausted on the ground, it needs either an activation requirement or a nerf to its distance by disabling vaulting and dropping pallets after using Dead Hard for 0.5-0.7 seconds
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No, it desperatly needs a requirement or some restriction (no being injured doesn't count. It isn't a restriction if your opponent wants to do it)
Even just making so you can only use it once everytime you hit the injured state would be huge. Either that or lower the speed boost you get from it so it doesn't make as much distance. 8.4m extra distance in a second is huge
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It was already the best exhaustion perk before it was "fixed", so obviously no it's not fine.
The fact it was meta when it wasn't working properly says a lot about how strong the perk was and even more so now is
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From the killer perspective, no it's not fine. It's not fine to hear the hit, hear the scream, see the blood, and watch them lunge away from you and keep moving. That is not fine at all.
From a survivor perspective... You have either this or Headon. The other day exhaustion perks are trash. You either can't really choose when to use them or you have to go out of your way to avoid wasting them all the time. If you want to remove exhaustion perks, that's fine, but it should be compensated for with rolling back some of the looping nerfs from over the years. Fix some walls at good windows back to being solid or get rid of that medium vault crap. But I'm all for removing exhaustion perks.
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I would say no because the perk is just unhealthy, i think it should be for either for dodging a hit or gaining distance not both, or there should be a activation requirement.
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It wasn't "Fixed" they made it survivor sided, or better explained "bad connection sided". If you have a better connection than the Killer - you will get hit anyways. If you have a better connection than the survivor, it forces you to whiff and miss, and all they needed was to hear you start your attack.
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I'm gonna give this a loud NO!
Because dead hard is not fixed. The developers have simply moved the problem and frustrations over to the killer playerbase. First the pallet hits (yes it was annoying for survivors to get hit trough the pallets, now its annoying for killers to get hits trough the pallets that punish them). And now we have the same with dead hard, except you will encounter this "feature" of non registering hits several times during a match, making killer gameplay a f'in infuriating experience.
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Yes. It is fine.
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No, it's currently eating hits instead of letting them pass though.
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It's never been fine. Even when it was "bugged" it was still a part of the Holy Quartet of Second Chances, the most overused perks in the game. The fact that it's been "fixed" just makes it that much more obnoxious, and it eating a significant portion of the killer roster's powers on an invalidated hit is proof BHVR didn't so much as consider the consequences, much less test it.
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Still dont get how sprint burst is not the most complaint perk specially with new vigil 😶. Even though dead hard give extra distance yall make it seem killers especially 115% ms killers cant catch up to that immediately. How many times I try to dh to a pallet and still get clapped idk cause some survivors we feel that especially against killer who is good at mind games dead hard is not as broken, I hope maybe more sprint burst+new vigi may change people opinions.
Id hate to be a stealth killer and a survivor with spine chill + vigi+ sprint burst keep just zoom away from me when am trying to go for one hit downs aka ghosty and myers. Cant say really about ms piggy. Also dead hard is easily screwed by range killers like trickster and plague, it aint gonna save you from all his knives or plague annoying vomit.
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No, Dead Hard is the most powerful perk in the game. It's stronger than NOED, Ruin, Devour Hope, Undying, and all the other exhaustion perks combined. It allows the survivor to teleport across the entire map and gives them an extra health state every time they use it. If a survivor uses dead hard 5 times, even if the killer isn't around, then when the killer finally finds that survivor the killer has to hit that survivor 5 additional times to get that killer to go down. The extra health states are so bad, that the next killer has to deal with those extra health states in the next game, even if the survivor isn't using Dead Hard.
I've had a survivor come into my match with 20 extra health states from using Dead Hard the previous game.
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So let me ask borrow time and mettle of man isnt a extra life too? So if things change and people runs mettle of man instead would that be more complaint of dead hard? Actually amma now try that build dead hard + mettle of man sounds crazy goooooooooood XD
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No. It's to powerfull for the reasons everybody already said in this topic.
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The issue is never the perk, it's the fact its always one side suffers visually.
No matter which side you'll feel robbed if something happened when on your screen it didnt.
DH or pallets validation would be perfect if the servers was better without a second of desync.
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When it eats powers like Billy Saw or Pig Ambush, it's pretty busted.
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Yes, but dead hard shouldn't cancel lunge.
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What about cancelling powers?