Brown medkits bug?

Has there been a change made to brown medkits that I am unaware of?

None of my brown medkits (and the same goes for the ones found in chests) are capable of healing a full health state. Unless I happen to get and hit a great skill check, they all seem to lose charges when the healing progress is already over 99%, but not quite 100% yet.

The only thing needed to finish the heal is for another survivor to tap their mouse; they don't even go into the healing animation.

Also, don't get me wrong, if this is an actual change , I think it may actually be a good one, i.e. having brown medkits be capable of producing what amounts to a full heal time-wise (saving 16s when compared to SC ), yet still requiring a fraction-of-a-second cooperation from another survivor for it to result in a true health-state change


  • aperoni
    aperoni Member Posts: 23

    YES! It's been driving me crazy!

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Healing requires 16 charges. The browners say they have 16 but it was bugged to be a charge off.

    It's not intentional

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    its not about brown it happens with green aswell there is a problem with medkits in geenral when having 16 charges, havent tested purple medkits...

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Really? I didn't use a lot of med-kits lately, I only noticed the issue with the Brown. Gonna check the report bug section to see if someone created a thread about it.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    It's medkits with exactly 16 charges and a healing speed boost also applied such as an add-on or perk something cause like .01 charges to disappear

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    While I have had this happen with an Emergency(green) Medkit, it has only happened once. However, I cannot say for certain if I truly got more than one chance to test this before this morning. In practically all instances of using a green medkit, i happen to have one from the start and by the virtue of it I am also able to upgrade the kits with Gel Dressing, as well as either Surgical Suture or Needle & Thread. Having 32 charges, accompanied by 100-150% additional skill check trigger odds assures so many skill-check opportunities and virtually assures a great skill check on at least one of them.

    However, I am 100% certain that this morning, when using a chest-found green medkit I was able to heal for a full health-state without hitting (or even getting a chance to ) a great skill check. I don't think I have had any issues getting 2 full heals using a First Aid(yellow) Kit+Bandages either.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    My theory is that they implemented server validation for medkit heals and this happens.