I stop playing killer until the boom totems are nerfed

This ability is the worst thing that has happened in the game since I have played it (3 years). the worst thing about this is that the survivors have only one objective. for example undying got a nerf because it was very strong that an ability lasted so long .... but now it is the killer's job to make totems ??? the totems are infinite? this is a great joke. survivors can turn on totems infinite times, I like the changes but these give more tasks to the killer, other counters you can no longer slug or hurt someone and abandon the chase if you enter a strong loop. because they heal in 10 seconds ... the killers are finished. you just can play with nurse, bligth and spirit, other killers are a big joke


  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Uh... Boon Totems also only have a certain area of effect, the Killer can snuff them out faster then a Survivor can Bless one, and the action of even Blessing totems takes time off of Survivors doing gens. There are also plenty of bad Totem locations for Survivors to put Boons on which make them easy to snuff out.

    Idk, I play Survivor mostly, but if anything I've found that there strength more so lies in a mix of where I put it, if my team actually understands how to use them (As I've played with plenty of people who don't understand how boons work.), and if the Killer pressures them enough.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Yes. Snuff the totem on a side of the map with no generators is basically saying the killer to throw the game. Also what a tragedy for the survivor team that consist of 4 players to waste 20 seconds of their time to bless a totem. Truly a horrifying event for them to lose efficiency on a game notorious for having no early game. Balanced perk.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If he is not complaining about Dead Hard validation, he probably literally just has beef with boons. Boons at least have some killers who are chill with them. No reasonable killer wants to get cucked, though. Unless you are into that. No judgment here.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    I will only disagree with the part of they being the worst thing is three years, because in 2019 we had Mettle of Man (oh boy, that perk was broken on release). But yeah, the way the Boon Totems were implemented was really bad and needs a fix.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,044

    Killers saying : Survivors need a second objective


    Killers saying : Nerf boons totems!

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Yes. Boon Totems are OP and have killed the game for killers.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    But I thought killers wanted a new survivor meta?

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Honestly, now would be a cool time to bring back old Undying (without seeing auras on hexes though). At least hexes like Crowd Control and Blood Favour could be used more. Now that survivors are searching for totems to bless I don't think anyone would complain.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Then why do they complain about the same 6 perks being used in every match? Only way to fix this is to add new strong perks

  • Wrathclaw88
    Wrathclaw88 Member Posts: 51

    Its not totally about what the boons can do - but WHEN they can do something. Yes they are indeed limited by 26? meters but this is a-lot + the 3 seconds after leaving the area. + the fast heal.

    When you have a good ol´ 3 Gen to protect as a Killer and a boon thats away from it how can you protect it? Its an Infinite. Even if you can manage it to get in time to save the gen - when your ruin is out or you dont have time to chase and hook someone for pop the survivor get and win over time (what was on the opposite and what it was fine this way because 1 vs ?)

    Yes with selfheal and medkits before it was close to this - but medkits could run out and selfheal tooked a long time - this isnt the fact anymore.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222

    i keep saying that Killers should be the ones Breaking Totems, and Survivors the ones Snuffing them.

    Killers have single use Hexes

    Survivors have multiple use Boons

    Killers can't re-activate their perks, don't need to keep them after being Booned.

    Survivors are able to re-boon them, they need to keep them after Un-Hex them.

    Just change Inner-Streng/Healing and Counterforce to be Boon perks or something.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    I'm not. And neither are many others. Please stop generalising.

    I won't presume to speak for all those you mention above. However from what I have read, they are asking for nerfs to the meta perks (such as DH). Not for more even stronger ones.

    To add, I really dislike perks such as DH, bit wouldn't ask people to stop using them, and I don't consider them OP. Boon totems though are, and have broken the game IMHO.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    It's not. Instead of complaining about the same 6 perks people will now complain about 7, that's not really variety. You nerf the meta and buff weak/average perks, so the difference between the weakest and the strongest perk is as small as possible. Just look how perks like Windows of Opportunity and Lucky Break have been massively buffed but people still prefer the braindead meta.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Exactly. Reading survivors desperately try to defend Boon Totems is almost as bad as watching Dominic Cummings defend his trip to the castle 😂😂

  • Bangarang
    Bangarang Member Posts: 352

    They’ve already been nerfed. Deal with it. xo

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited November 2021

    Theyre hard to find. Theyre incredibly powerful.

    They should have charges. Can only use 1 or 2 per match.

    We are, by not playing killer. I do my killer challenges, and have switched to survivor.

    Yeah, because it created another objective for killers.

  • Its definitely worth snuffing the totem if you're in the area. It gives you the same amount of BP as if you hooked a survivor. The player has to relight the totem, and you get to deny survivors any self healing without perks or medkits. It's good to do so when you can.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    CoH really has huge %.

    also I dont like that boons has infinity Y scale.

    in other words, boon is in 2nd floor and it applies its effect into the ground floor

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I think they meant infinite as in "you can just set them back up", thus the reference to undying.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I can tell you boon perks probably wont get nerfed for a few years.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I dont like boons but i feel 1.9.2 and old MoM was worse.