Question about hack in game !?


I have few questions that need to be "discussed":

Question 1: How do you know if you faced a hacker?

Despite some obviously hack like ghostface with iri hatchets, unlimited mend, pig with all trap and 99% gens at beginning, etc. There's still a lot of ways for hackers taking advantages, i.e. Wall hack, always great skill checks, ...

E.g: I faced a Huntress who knew every action of other players and can aim from other sides of map (without any fact like aura reading), and I was very confused about it. I am not sure it's a hacker or a guy with over 10k hours in game.

Question 2: How can you report a hacker? And will you submit a report?

Report in game and submit a ticket with video proof? But

  • How if you don't have any evident likes the cases of question 1?
  • Do you think BHVR CS do any action on your report?

E.g.: I did at least 5 hacking reports with recorded clips within 1 month. But I only received 1 auto-reply mail of BHVR with this content after a week of a report:


Thank you so much for reaching out.

This is an automated message to let you know that we have not forgotten about you.

We are currently dealing with a high volume of tickets, so it may take a little longer to get back to you.


Nothing more after that. I don't think my reports, with all of my efforts are concerned.

Question 3: Turn off crossplay to avoid hack?

No, it's not a solution. There is still 2 problems:

  • Lag switchers
  • Crossplay is set by default on all platform. That means if you turn it off, player-base on your own platform will reduce to less than 10%. That also means you take 10 times longer to find a match before crossplay is a thing in game.

Question 4: Will number of hacker increase in future and unstoppable?

Yes, when it is free. Just my 2c prediction, when the game is launched on Epic store, it may be free.

P.s.: Hope I will not get banned because making a discussion about solutions to deal with hackers in DbD.