Can't Wait Until the Event Is Over

Not that I disliked the event or anything, kicking pumpkins was relatively fun when I was the one doing the kicking. Otherwise, a survivor or killer on the other side of the map could kick a pumpkin and it would turn into a slideshow on my PS4 Pro.
I know the hardware on last gen consoles is outdated, but considering it can run a beautiful game like Ghost of Tsushima without a frame drop, but can barely run dbd stably is disheartening.
Wait, there's an event?
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I'm ok with this event other than having no desire at all to use the Blight Syringes. The few times I used them it messed me up since I didn't have my normal ability handy, kind of annoying. I'd rather just use a regular add-on than those.
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Wdym? They went all out, there's like a candle on some gens and hooks, bruh.