This hidden mmr / visible grade system

So the reason for hiding mmr (of what I heard on the developers stream) is so people can't 'brag' about their mmr or create a group of elitist who decide what's good balance and what's not because they're high mmr.
Last week I was playing some killer again, haven't really placed since mmr got introduced so I was Ash IV (lowest Grade) and some guy in the end-game chat told me that I should stop talking to him since he was Iridescent Grade and my Grade was Ash.
I've had multiple killers asking in the endgame chat why matchmaking for this round was so scuffed, since they were Ash or Silver Grade and my team is full Iridescent Grade (to make it clear... Grades have NOTHING to do with matchmaking). New players/casual players don't keep up to date with every single patch, which I fully understand. But this makes this new Grade system and Matchmaking system very confusing for most of the players. Why not make Grades only visible for yourself, since they're personal rewards anyways.. and make MMR visible so you actually know if you did well that game or you just played an inexperienced team or killer.
People will always find ways to brag. It being hours played, Grades, MMR, even prestige or things they do in-game. So why not make it less confusing by actually showing the rating which is used in the matchmaking? Is it because the developers are scared of people finding ways to abuse the system? Like what's holding them back? I can't believe it's just hidden to avoid people bragging about their mmr....
The fact we can still see ranks of others is surprising, what it is for?
During the last MMR test they were all hidden and I was under impression it will stay like that. Especially when they are not part of matchmaking anymore, why show them?
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I agree, it’s a bit silly to hide the actual rating bracket you are in but show a Grade for you and all your opponents that a lot of players just falsely assume is used to matchmaking so end up complaining about “low/high rated players” and “imbalanced matches” while pointing to that kind of bogus Grade. It would clear up confusion if you couldn’t see opponent’s Grades and could see, say, what 5% percentile bracket you are in the actual ratings. And since your rating varies by killer it would also be interesting to see how high or low you are rated on various killers too.
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Because there were many cry babies who insisted that they want to see grades. I think there are still a lot of people who judge based on grade even if it means nothing.
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If you would see your MMR you would be able to see that matchmaking isnt right.