bloodlust is useless

robin Member Posts: 149

by the time it activates, another pallet is dropped on you that you pretty much have to break
make it so that bloodlust is earned slightly quicker, and doesn't go away after breaking a pallet


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The whole point of bloodlust if to force pallets down.
    Let that to sink in.

  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    @Runiver said:
    The whole point of bloodlust if to force pallets down.
    Let that to sink in.

    the point of bloodlust is to allow the killer to catch up in a losing chase

    and also, you don't have to be a dick
    let that sink in.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @robin said:

    @Runiver said:
    The whole point of bloodlust if to force pallets down.
    Let that to sink in.

    the point of bloodlust is to allow the killer to catch up in a losing chase

    and also, you don't have to be a dick
    let that sink in.

    I don't have to. But I can be.

    The whole point of bloodlust is to force safe pallets down.*
    Let me correct myself. If survivors cannot find safe pallets to down, they get a hit.
    THat's the whole point of bloodlust in the current state.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @robin said:
    by the time it activates, another pallet is dropped on you that you pretty much have to break
    make it so that bloodlust is earned slightly quicker, and doesn't go away after breaking a pallet

    Bloodlust will be changed (probably with mid-patch update). Quicker (so it helps better overall during chases) but you won't be able to go to bloodlust 3 (which was considered as a crutch by some).

  • FeriousEagle
    FeriousEagle Member Posts: 9

    Bloodlust needs a big buff.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Soren said:

    @robin said:
    by the time it activates, another pallet is dropped on you that you pretty much have to break
    make it so that bloodlust is earned slightly quicker, and doesn't go away after breaking a pallet

    Bloodlust will be changed (probably with mid-patch update). Quicker (so it helps better overall during chases) but you won't be able to go to bloodlust 3 (which was considered as a crutch by some).

    It's not exactly what they said.
    What they exactly said is :
    It's gonna take 12s instead of 15s for each level of bloodlust.
    They're gonna reduce the speed increments you get from each level. The new level 3 of bloodlust will have the same speed than the old bloodlust 2.

    Basically, overall, it's a nerf if you consider the ratio of time/speed.

  • simbär
    simbär Member Posts: 27

    If you need bloodlust... maybe your doing something wrong, MAYBE.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    BL is useless you chase in circle 15sec got pallet on face and move on to the next pallet.You don't see somone for 1 sec and your 15sec chase and bl1 go to trash becose game think you stop chase this person just becose he hide over the rock or wall.But you are in the chase and know wher she or he is but no bl is cancel gj.