When the DC penalty resets?

Let me start saying that i never dc, but the game keeps disconnecting me from the host and i get punished for it. I read that after 12 hours the punishment is a little lower, but 12 hours have passed and the punishment only increased, I would like to know when it will be only 5 minutes again. I'm currently on the 3 day ban (I had stopped playing, but due to a bug fix that happend this week i thought the disconnect bug had been fixed (it wasn't)), and it doesn't help that BHRV only answers my emails with an automatic message, ignored my tweets message and my thread on the bug report forum, I'm scared to play this game again as I fear a permanent ban for something beyond my control.
What platform do you play on?
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it's not my internet, i guarantee you that
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What platform?
are you plugged in or via Wifi?
do you use any VPN? Do you have the game modified in any way (60fps cap unlocked)
did you try to turn off Firewall and anti-virus?
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I use GeForce Now (probably It's not the problem, as I've seen some people on twitter with the same problem who don't play like that, And that only happens with dbd, no other game)
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yeah, I took a month off because of the same issue.
that did reset the penalty.
honestly, I think they should keep it at 5 minutes tops. real life could be getting in the way, and 5 minutes means that someone who DC's because things aren't going their way can't immediately requeue.
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Can you try using ethernet please if possible? This game is VERY particular about connection.
It kicks me out too for no reason *sigh*
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unfortunately no, i play on a notebook without the ethernet thingy
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unfortunately I can't because I play on a notebook that doesn't have ethernet port
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they are killing their game
i had 150 friends on steam playing this game.
Today only 2 are still playing.
And the major reason for lot of those who stop totally top play this game is dc penalty.
I'm also about to stop playing this game again.
i spent 3000 h playing it, but the dc penalty is what bother me the most, not because i'm a ragequiter, but because every 2 or 3 match, the game put my CPU at 100% while my GPU is only at 30% and i have 20 fps to play.
the first match i dc, but after i tried to kill killed but get slugged and let on the ground until i died,
they should change this dc penalty.
they should remove 100 000 BP and 1 rank instead.
And if the player have 0 BP, then the account goes negative.
if the player reach - 500 000, then he got a day of ban.
One thing behavior seems to not realize is that players can create mutliple steam account and get past the penalty if they wish to troll players.
And if not, they will simply go play an other game and realize that this game is finally not so good and maybe don't worth to waste lifetime in it.
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Buy a USB to Ethernet adapter, you can get them at most electronic stores or "big box" stores that have an electronic section. DbD gets along with wifi about as well as F13 got along with the court system. Personally I use a Lenovo usb-c travel hub, because it also has HDMI and VGA ports, so I can stream Netflix and the like on the hotel television without having to bring along extra kit.
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I get they want to discourage DCing from games by survivors and Killers but it's NOT discouraging it. Out of 50 games I play as with Killer or Survivor at least 30 of those games someone DCs. If it's on purpose or something out of thier control I don't know but putting a ever increasing ban system that there is no way to talk with them about is nuts.
Other games that used a system similar allowed players to fight the auto ban.
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While I think rage quits should be even more heavily punished I'll just address the reset question.
I'm pretty sure (not 100%) that each level of the ban takes a day, so if you're on a tier 3 ban you need 3 full days of no DCs.
So if you have disconnected 10 times, youd have to wait 10odd days with no dc, if you went 7 days without a DC but then DC youd still get more than 5 mins as you haven't worked it down yet
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So did I, but then I went and got me a long ethernet cable so DBD would work.