SCP chapter Idea within DBD

Masked_N00B Member Posts: 4
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

Ik there are hundreds of chapter ideas and requests and the likelihood for a license to accept DBD is all equal, but I haven't seen any SCP-styled chapters. I wanna hear yall feedback about what you think of this chapter idea? For context, SCP is a collaborative project of thousands of authors writing their own stories in a secret government-styled format, inspiring popular horror games of SCP: Containment Breach and more. I've always imagined this would be more of a paragraph with one killer but I suppose if other people have an idea for a survivor they can shoot.

The Killer: The Decayed (SCP-106 -

Stats: Tall, 32m terror radius, 115% movement speed

Power: Corrosive Mucus -

Special ability - Decayed March - Hold down right-click to enter Decayed March (similar to PH dragging his knife). At a slight reduction of movement speed, The Decayed can walk through solid objects and can even perform a short lunge. The ability can be halted either through cancelation (release of right-click) or the power gauge is completely drained. The Decayed can only use this ability when the gauge is full.

Special ability - Sinking - Hold control to sink into the floor, removing The Decayed from the trial grounds entirely. The Decayed can then move freely between floors, through walls, etc however cannot interact with anything including gens, lockers, pallets, or survivors. The Decayed can hold the ability when in this state to slowly emerge from the floor (4.5 seconds), generating a lot of noise in the process.

Iridescent Addons

Iridescent S.C.P. Foundation Level 5 keycard - The Decayed now generates no noise when entering or exiting his 'sinking' ability and emerges 30% faster. Movement slightly decreased in 'sinking' mode.

Corporal Lawrence's Dog tag - While using Decayed March through a solid surface, the Decayed can see the aura of all survivors within a 20-meter range.


Obsession - Prime Target - Your sadistic nature can grow bored after harassing the same target. If the obsession is completing an unhooking action or is being unhooked, the obsession status will switch between the two involved survivors. Both survivors suffer from oblivious and if the unhooker is healthy, will then be exposed for 30/35/45 seconds.

Scourage Hooks - Illusion of life - You enjoy terrorizing your prey and make them second guess every single decision. 3 hooks highlighted in white will become scourage hooks. When you hook a survivor on one of these hooks 1/2/3 other hooks will display a hooked notification to other survivors and the aura of the hooked survivor. Survivors that approach these hooks will diminish their illusion until no more illusions remain.

Hex - War Cry - The sights you've seen, the horrors you've experienced have all been delightful for yourself. When all gens are completed all dropped pallets will instantaneously be broken. A hex will then spawn within the trial. When a gate is 75%/50%/25% opened all windows within the trial will be blocked permanently by the entity. Survivors will receive a notification when Hex: War Cry blocks all windows.

ANYWAYS. That's my idea for an SCP killer in DBD. I am a massive SCP fan and it's a community that hasn't been tapped into recent horror games. DBD's inclusion of SCP (Particularly SCP-106) will broaden licensing boundaries as SCP-106 originated from a 'simple' written story.

The reason I chose SCP-106 is that he is the only SCP that seems like viable character lore, ability, and popularity-wise. Obviously, we can't have SCP-173, or SCP-096. A close second would be SCP-049 but he literally kills people in one touch. But those are my thoughts. What yall think of this?

Post edited by Masked_N00B on


  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    First off, it sounds really cool!

    Walking through walls, windows and pallets sounds really fun. Maybe even make it a passive ability that is always active, but give the killers massive slowdown.

    I don't really understand Sinking, but it sounds pretty cool, but it really depends on how it is done.

    Obsession - Prime Target is a mix of Make Your Choice and Furtive Chase, but better in every way.

    Scourge: Illusion of Life sounds REALLY frigging cool. I want it in the game now...!

  • Masked_N00B
    Masked_N00B Member Posts: 4

    To clarify - Think of it as Demo going through one of the portals. He is temporarily removed from the trial grounds when traversing the upside down. This is similar but The Decayed can choose whether or not to emerge.

    But thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoy the idea!

  • Mwasi
    Mwasi Member Posts: 35

    I really like this. And would love to see some sort of SCP DBD crossover. There are so many potential stage and killer ideas in their archives

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Oh ######### i totally forgot about the SCP universe, there's so many creative SCPs that could fit into DBD.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Already proposed a ton of times but devs doesnt get the idea and they wouldnt even need to pay anything I would be free income.Add a paragraph of SCP

    DBDSM Member Posts: 139




  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited November 2021

    SCP is public domain. It can't be made into a licensed product. It can only be an inspiration, like for example CONTROL. They would quite literally have to give out the paragraph completely for free.