CHAPTER XXII: Value of Life

Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited November 2021 in Creations

Lore: *beep* *beep* *beep*

Sounds of alarm reverberated throughout the room illuminated only by the morning sun.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

On the bed in the middle of the room two people in their 30s were still sleeping: a man and a woman. None of them showed signs of waking up anytime soon.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Finally, the woman stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She took a quick glance at the man next to her and reached for the alarm clock.

*beep* *beep* *bee---

Final alarm rang out and then was silenced for the rest of eternity. Or at least until next morning. Woman looked daggers at the greatest bane of humanity and, after deciding on not ending its mechanical life right then and there, she stood up and started getting ready for the day.

After getting dressed up, woman reached for the drawer next to the bed and pulled out an old revolver. The gun belonged to her father, the former cop. Although former was not exactly the right word; he never stopped being a cop but rather was forced to when he died in line of duty.

Woman remembered a little of her father; him bragging to her about how good of a cop he was, how invincible he was and how he was going to protect her and her mother.

-You big idiot… don’t just get yourself killed so easily after saying all that stuff – woman whispered softly.

-I barely wake up and You’re calling me idiot already, Sayuri? I don’t understand women sometimes – woman’s movements around the room seem to have finally woken up the man in the bed.

-I wasn’t talking about You, Shin. Anyways, I’m off to work – the woman leaned towards the man and planted a quick kiss on the man’s cheek before running out of the room.

-Don’t be late for dinner today, I’m making curry so You don’t want to miss it! – the man shouted his last words.

What was the woman’s job You wonder? Well, as the saying goes, like father, like son daughter. Senior police officer Ohira Sayuri at Your service~

As Sayuri was leaving her apartment she checked the mail that had arrived and grimaced slightly as she noticed a familiar while envelope with no sender and recipient information written on it. She’d been receiving similar letters for the past few months, a classic case of harassment. Her boss had promised her several times that he’d handle this case extra diligently as it concerned his ‘precious’ underling, but so far no progress had been made on the case at all. Too busy sucking up to the higher-ups in hope of promotion, is what Sayuri concluded but didn’t say it out loud. At least he gave her permission to bring her gun home for protection and Sayuri’s boyfriend moved in with her as well so there wasn’t any real threat to her but still it was annoying to her. She pocketed the letter and moved on.

As Sayuri arrived and entered the police station, another grimace appeared on her face. Reason for it was the man standing behind the front desk.

- Hey Sayuri, You’re looking lovely today as well <3 – the man behind the desk called out to her.

- It’s Senior Oficer Ohira to You, Officer Oyashida Ken. I don’t remember giving You the right to call me by my name – Sayuri replied in a cold voice.

- Playing hard to get, eh? As expected from my queen. You seem to be in a bad mood today though. Anything happened?

- I got one of these again – Sayuri said as she put the letter from her pocket on the desk. Man laughed robustly as he saw it.

- You might as well throw it in a bin. Chief’s not gonna do anything about it – Sayuri glared at him – ye, ye, I’ll just add it to the pile. What are Your plans for today?

- I’m leaving for patrol right now. Try not to trash the whole place while I’m away – Sayuri told the man and turned around to leave.

- You know You can always rely on me, Sayuri. Especially if You need company at night <3 – man’s laughs followed her outside.

No sooner had Sayuri left the station, her radio turned on.

- Oh yeah, forgot to tell You. Local shop reported 3-14, go there and check on them.

- Roger that – 3-14, meaning loitering and disrupting business. Likely some local punks causing trouble again.

When Sayuri arrived to the shop, she immediately spotted three teenagers squatting and smoking in front of the shop.

- Hey boys. You can’t loiter around here. Go elsewhere, or rather, shouldn’t You be at school right now? Anyway, You’re causing trouble sitting here.

Hearing her words, the boy in the middle of the pack slowly stood up and walked up to her. He was at least a head taller than her and towering over Sayuri. What do the teenagers eat these day that they grow up so fast, Sayuri wondered for a second.

- Why should we listen to You, little girl? Go home and play with Your dolls before You get hurt, little girl – the boy said smugly and the two behind him laughed loudly as if they heard the best joke of their lives.

- You should listen to me as I’m the police officer and I’m telling You to do this. Look, I’m not even asking where You got Your cigarettes from. Just be a good child and move from here, okay? And You should really quit smoking while You’re at it. You’re going to regret it in the future.

The boy stared blankly at her, trying to process all the words that had been suddenly thrown at him. It took a while and when it finally did his face went red. After a short shout: “Get her!”, he threw his fist at the woman shorter than him.

Five minutes later, all three boys were lying sprawled on the ground. Even if they were bigger than her, Sayuri was still a trained police officer. They never stood a chance in a contest of strength. She had already reported the situation via her radio and was just waiting for backup to show up. One of the boys stirred on the ground and as Sayuri went to check on him, a metallic sound by her hip caught her attention. She looked at her gun, still in its holster. There wasn’t any need to use in this encounter, no real threat whatsoever. As a matter of fact, during her many years of service she hadn’t used it even once. She was able to resolve every incident so far using only her words and fists and she felt really glad for it. Sayuri had no confidence that she would be able to shoot another person and was glad that no such situation had occurred yet.

Fifteen minutes later reinforcements arrived and took the boys into custody. Sayuri was then summoned to the Chief’s office who proceeded to chew her ear off for a few hours. Apparently, the amount of force she used to subdue the teenagers was a little more that acceptable and them being minors meant that this incident could give the police bad press. And the one who would have to take responsibility for it would be the Sayuri’s direct supervisor, meaning the Chief. As Chief rattled on and on, Sayuri just looked outside the window as it was getting darker and wondered what kind of curry will she be getting for dinner. She hoped it wouldn’t be the spicy kind; she prefered her curry to be sweet, but her boyfriend like his spicy, so it was 50-50 on what she’d get.

The Chief finally ran out of steam and allowed Sayuri to leave. Congratulating herself on another day of well done job (mostly spent enduring Chief’s bad mood), Sayuri swiftly exited the station and proceeded on the way home. It was already dark and not a soul outside as Sayuri walked through the empty streets.

-I think I’ll have beer with today’s dinner, I’m sure I deserve this much for putting up with Chief every day – Sayuri convinced herself as she started making plans for drinking the whole night. It wasn’t an addiction, it was just a one-time reward. After all, her boyfriend would have said something about it if it was really a problem, right? He better not say anything if he knows what’s good for him though. Absorbed in such idle thoughts, Sayuri was late to notice a figure standing in the shadow of the street lantern. But when she finally did, she immediately became wary. There’s nothing strange about passing by other people on the streets, even this late at night, but for some reason all of Sayuri’s senses were warning her not to get close to this person.

As if sensing Sayuri’s gaze on them, the person left the shadows and entered into the lantern’s light, revealing the appearance of a young masked girl. There was nothing particularly eye-catching about her appearance, except a little disturbing look in her eyes.

-Can I help You with anything, ma’am? – Sayuri asked cautiously, judging the distance between herself and the girl.

The girl kept standing in silence and staring at Sayuri. As Sayuri started getting uncomfortable with this whole situation, the girl finally spoke.

-Sayuri… my Sayuri… I’ve come to get You.

Sayuri had no idea who the girl in front of her was. But her deranged words and look in the eyes strongly pointed to the sender of the harassment letters Sayuri had been receiving all this time.

-Are You the one that’s been sending me all these letters? Could You stop it? Frankly, it’s really creepy and I would appreciate it if You didn’t contact me ever again.

-Sayuri… my Sayuri… we will be always together from now on.

-I have no interest in whatever delusions You’re spouting. Just don’t contact or come near me ever again and I won’t have to get You arrested by the police. You wouldn’t want to end up as a criminal right? So just don’t do any of these things ever again and we can call it even.

-We’re destined to be together, Sayuri. How much joy we will have together – the girl chuckled lightly at her own words.

-I have absolutely no interest in You nor will I ever have. Leave. Me. Alone – Sayuri emphasized her last words.

The girl looked quizzically at Sayuri.

-What’s wrong, Sayuri? You’re not being Yourself tonight. Just say You love me as always, my dear, dear Sayuri.

-That’s a complete… - Sayuri couldn’t finish her sentence as suddenly the look in the girl’s eyes changed.

-It’s him, isn’t it! That guy that’s always next to You, spewing lies into Your ears. But don’t worry, my Sayuri – the girl chuckled again – I’ll take care of him tonight. I’ll take care of him for You and we will be able to love each other again.

The girl then pulled out a knife she was hiding and started laughing by herself. Sayuri could feel cold sweat running down her face. The girl was seriously insane! And to make matters worse, she was armed with a weapon. You can’t predict what a person in such state would do so tackling her from the front would be too dangerous. Sayuri’s hand brushed against the gun on her hip. Should she use it here? Can she use it here? She had never used it against another person.

The girl stopped laughing and started alternating her look between Sayuri’s eyes and her hands hovering around the gun on her hips. Then, without any notice, she darted towards Sayuri! Sayuri grabbed her gun, then hesitated before letting go of it and putting up her guard with her fists. But she was too late. The girl slammed into Sayuri knocking both of them down to the ground. Last thing Sayuri remembered was bumping her head before going unconscious.

When Sayuri came to, she was lying on the street alone, still dark outside. Her head hurt but other than that she received no injuries. More importantly, the girl was gone.

- Where would she…? – Sayuri wondered before realization suddenly hit her.

- Shin! – Sayuri got up in a flash and burst into a sprint.

Soon after she arrived at the apartment. She dug into her pockets for the door keys, only to find nothing. She knocked on the door frantically.

-Shin! It’s me, open the door! – but no answer came.

Sayuri tried turning the door knob and it was unlocked. She went inside the apartment.

Inside of the apartment was quiet. There was a light pouring out of one of the rooms and Sayuri slowly sneaked towards it. But when she peeked into the room cautiously, despair hit her and she fell on her knees. Inside of the room was the man she loved, but a knife was impaled in his chest. He was dead. That’s what all her long work experience was telling her. There’s zero chance of surviving this kind of injury.

Sayuri started sobbing uncontrollably. But a sudden sound from inside the room made her stop and look for the source. In the corner of the room, there was the girl she had met earlier, sitting on the ground and hugging her knees. She appeared to not have noticed Sayuri’s presence yet.

Sayuri walked into the room and stood over the girl.

-Sayuri… my Sayuri… we can finally be together – the girl was mumbling to herself. Then she noticed Sayuri and looked up at her.

-Sayuri… You’ve come to me. I knew You would. We’re destined to be together. I love You, Sayuri – the girl said, smile spreading on her face after saying the last words.

Sayuri stood in silence, with incomprehensible look on her face. Her loved one’s killer was right in front of her but she felt… nothing? Shouldn’t she be mad from anger, wishing revenge on the girl in front of her?

Sayuri then became aware of the weight at the hips. She looked and saw her gun, still in its holster. “Ah, I see. If only I used it earlier, Shin wouldn’t be dead. I killed Shin with my own hands” – Sayuri thought to herself.

She then removed the gun from its holster and pointed it straight at the girl still sitting on the ground.

-Sayuri… my Sayuri… I love You, Sayuri – the girl kept saying, without breaking eye contact with Sayuri.

Sayuri pulled the trigger. Once. Twice. Third shot. The girl was already lying on the ground. Fourth shot. The girl’s body twitched a little from the shock. Fifth shot. This time the body didn’t move at all. Sixth shot. Click. Click. That was the last shot but Sayuri kept pressing the trigger. Finally understanding that no more shots will come she collapsed on the ground.

Sayuri wouldn’t cry. Couldn’t cry. She just stared at nothing, feeling nothing. Then she heard it.

-Sa… yu… ri…

“Shin?!” – Sayuri turned abruptly, hearing her loved man call her name. She looked at Shin. But Shin didn’t look back at her. He was dead.

She then looked at the girl’s body. She took in six bullets, she must’ve lost all her blood at this point but there still was a sliver of life in her eyes as she looked lovingly at Sayuri. Her mask fell off and on her cheeks a single word was tattoed: “Kψra”. A name, perhaps?

Sayuri started laughing. And laughing. What she was laughing at, she didn’t know. But she couldn’t stop. Her vision started getting blurry, but she didn’t care. Something like fog appeared to have entered into the room, but Sayuri couldn’t care less about it as she continued laughing until she was completely absorbed by it.

In the empty room only the man’s body was left behind, but a laughter still could be heard.

Chapter 22 Patch Notes:

Cursed totems - new mechanic (name may change in the future)

Mechanic tied to the new Boon Totems.

Extinguishing a Boon Totem by the Killer now transforms it into a Cursed Totem.

Cursed Totems last for 60 seconds or until cleansed by Survivors.

Cursed Totems effects depend on the Boon Totem they've replaced (Killer gets notified what effects are applied).

Boon: Circle of Healing - when cursed. reduces Healing speed by 50%.

Boon: Shadow Step - reveals Survivors for 5 seconds after entering the Totem range (reapplied if they leave and come back).

Killer: Ohira Sayuri, The Vigilante    


Special Power: Guilty As Charged

Survivors accumulate Guilt as they perform various interactions, such as: repairing Generators, cleansing Totems, opening Chests, stunning and blinding the Killer, escaping chases, sabotaging Hooks etc.

Survivors can lower their Guilt by performing Altruistic actions, such as unhooking, healing, taking Protection Hits.


Special Ability: Guilty Gun

The Vigilante carries around a revolver capable of holding six bullets. Revolver starts the Trial on an empty chamber.

Hitting a Survivor with a Basic Attack absorbs half of the Guilt they have and transforms it into the bullets for the Guilty Gun.

Press the Power Button to switch Your weapon to the Guilty Gun. While holding the gun Your Basic Attacks do not injure the Survivors but instead absorb all of their Guilt.


Special Ability: Lethal Force    

While holding the Guilty Gun with at least one bullet in the chamber, press and hold the Attack Button to lock on the nearest Survivor in front of You. While fully locked on, release the Attack Button to shoot the gun.

Bullets can be blocked by the environment or other Survivors. Successful hits put Survivors into the Dying State.


Special Ability: Arrest-Related Death

Locking on a Survivor while Your gun is fully loaded executes them. This attack cannot be blocked by any means and consumes all bullets.



Perk 1: Freeze

Cursing a Boon Totem now makes it active indefinitely until it’s cleansed by the Survivors.

Cursed Totems cannot be cleansed for the first 40/50/60 seconds.


Perk 2: Self-Hate

After hitting a Survivor with a Basic Attack, You become blinded for 15 seconds or until You swing Your weapon again. During this duration, You gain 15% Haste Status Effect and all non-Survivor related sounds are muffled.

Self-Hate has a cool-down of 40/35/30 seconds.


Perk 3: Red Tape

Kicking a Generator makes it blocked by the Entity for the next 16 seconds. This effect can only be triggered once every 60 seconds.

Interacting with a blocked Generator unblocks it and traps it for the next 40/50/60 seconds. Survivors that interact with a trapped Generator scream and suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect for the remaining duration of the trap.

Survivor: Kψra


Perk 1: Boon: Area Control

A Boon that conveys information.

Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.

Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.


Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

- Their Auras are shown to all other Survivors.

- Their Aura-reading abilities have their ranges increased by 6/7/8 metres.


When Cursed by the Killer, Boon gains the following effect:

- Survivors suffer from Blindness and Oblivious Status Effects.


You can only bless one Totem at a time.

All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.


Perk 2: Boon: Soft Reset

A Boon that contains last hope.

Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.

Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.


Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effect:

- They can fully recover from the Dying State.                            

Survivors outside of the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

- They crawl 30/40/50% faster when crawling towards the Boon Totem.  


When Cursed by the Killer, Boon gains the following effect:

- Survivors cannot recover or be healed while in the Dying State.


You can only bless one Totem at a time.

All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.


Perk 3: Covert Action

While repairing a Generator, its Aura is no longer shown to the Killer.

After hitting or failing a Skill Check Your Aura is shown to the Killer for 12/11/10 seconds. Hitting a Great Skill Check reduces the duration to 5 seconds.