Spawn mechanic issue?


I have 3k solo survivor hours and this week is the first time I ever witnessed this issue.

Sometimes while spawning there is quite a big difference in terms of how certain survivors get to control their character faster than others. It can not be just ping/latency alone, because from my personal POV (spinning animation while spawning) I witnessed delays of up to 5 seconds and my ping is in the 20-30ms range.

However, this week for the first time ever I got to witness the killer not only becoming interactive before my own character and also getting inside of my TR range, but also got to see his silhouette inside of frame of the spawn animation. It The killer happened to be Blight and they were already in the middle rushing while I was still in the middle of the spinning intro, so the delay was likely on the order of 5sec if not more.

I know that loading times have been greatly reduced on a lot of maps - and in the past I have also woken up seemingly inside of killers TRs - but never before I got to witness the killer already moving around inside of the last few frame of the spinning intro, BUT before I could move my character.