Auric Cells are too expensive?

xcottonx Member Posts: 33

Do you think they decrease the prices or something?
Because i mean 10 USD for one complete outfit which you only can buy with auri cells is very expensive.
And for an example we take the Charity Case: It has 26 cosmetics for different characters and it costs 5 USD. And one complete Auric-Cell-Outfit has 3 cosmetics and costs 10 USD. So #########?


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Yes, but atm I wouldnt even pay 1 buck for a skin. I dont feel like supporting this game anymore till they address the balance issues (pointing at second chance stuff and SWF)

  • JesusPrime
    JesusPrime Member Posts: 12

    I agree that they are too expensive but too be fair, the charity case has cosmetics which are terrible in comparison to the top tier ones in the PTB.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @JesusPrime said:
    I agree that they are too expensive but too be fair, the charity case has cosmetics which are terrible in comparison to the top tier ones in the PTB.

    There is still a huge diFFerence between 26 reskins and 3 completely new cosmetics. Especially when the bundle of 26 is literally half the price of the 3.

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    @xcottonx said:
    Do you think they decrease the prices or something?
    Because i mean 10 USD for one complete outfit which you only can buy with auri cells is very expensive.
    And for an example we take the Charity Case: It has 26 cosmetics for different characters and it costs 5 USD. And one complete Auric-Cell-Outfit has 3 cosmetics and costs 10 USD. So #########?

    but remember those are reskins, the ones on the new shop cost +- .50€ each, I mean that's awesome!
    Yet yea more discounts for puchasing bigger packs would be awesome!

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984
    I also thought the skins were a little bit pricey. The lower recolor and stuff are fine, but there's a very sharp increase in price if you actually want to look nice, especially for killer where you can't even see yourself.
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,097

    You don't need to buy the top tier crap. That's for people that don't mind paying the $10 price for their Gucci time. They have cheaper skins too... but currently, not for all characters yet.