Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Remove DC penalty until the hacker situation is more under control.

My dc timer is now over 60 mins because of hackers. I shouldn't be forced into a penalty because I'm in a match that doesn't end until the hacker decides to let it. I just had a hacker crash the game for everyone in the game (I was a survivor) and OH LOOK I'm locked out of the game for an hour. Just great. Glad I paid money for this.


  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    Just remove the DC penalty period. And just give us some sort of compensation for them leaving. For those about to come and say how you shouldn't DC because it ruins the game for everyone. Last time I checked getting tunneled, face camped, bullied by perks, and other toxic shenanigans along with hacking ruins the game for everyone else to.

  • my_name_jeff_69
    my_name_jeff_69 Member Posts: 95

    So people can rage quit and ruin the game for others, so people who don't like how the start of the game has started to screw over the whole gameplay experience? For killers to DC when the first chase causes 3 gens to pop?

    What you're suggesting will create far more problems than fix any problems.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I would like a forfeit option after 10 minutes.

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    If 3 gens pop the first chase i would just face camp. This ruining that person's match, so in the end nobody really wins.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Then I will find swf to play with and make killer experience even more miserable since solo q will be unplayable.

  • my_name_jeff_69
    my_name_jeff_69 Member Posts: 95

    Your mentality for this game is something else lmao, you must face camp often.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited November 2021

    Giving people the authority to decide valid reasons to leave the game is a recipe for disaster. Oh, sure, most people will agree that their game is being ruined if the killer insists on bleeding out everyone, or if the survivors won't end the game and have been hiding for the past 30 minutes. But for many players, 'ruined the game' equals 'didn't manage to pull off that cool flashy tech' or 'screwed up in chase and went down too quickly' or 'tried to bully the killer but failed' or 'that hit was BS' or 'I don't like the killer' or 'I don't like this map' or 'survivors did gens too fast' or 'I got flashlight/pallet saved' or 'BNP/instaheals/styptics are BS' or '######### hit validation' or '######### SWFs'... et cetera. You can't give people carte blanche to ragequit because people will ragequit over everything under the sun in this game. So yes, you do have one person ruining the game for four other people when those four other people had no issue with what was going on and were ready to play. The problem in most cases isn't intolerable gameplay, it's bad sportsmanship.

    That said, hacking is definitely a reason to remove the penalty, and there's been an epidemic lately of games that are one hundred percent griefing, now without the ability to remove yourself from the situation save DCing. I just also fear what a lack of a DC penalty will do, because I don't think BHVR's anywhere close to patching the cheating issue. It's exchanging one kind of unplayability for another. I could put up with no DC penalty for a week or two, but a few more months? I just can't. I've been there before a few times and it's horrendous. Can't play survivor unless I 4-man SWF, and every other killer match sees at least one DC even if I play by the survivor rulebook.

    Either way... I doubt this is going to happen. Not because it's a good or bad idea, but because BHVR's been really hesitant to admit there's a massive cheater epidemic in their game.

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    Behavior doesn't ever admit they're wrong.

    Hillbilly, Cheaters, Boons, Some other dumb ######### I'm sure

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Why? So then I can't enjoy the game at all? No thanks.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Removing the timer is what they call a double edged sword argument. Sure it might help you find a new game without a hacker issue but in leaving your last match killer was able to kill all survivors because you left and everyone was forced to hook suicide. I dont like these hacker players either as more players are taking advantage of this chaos atm but behavior would make all players stop their game until they found a solution. My guess is that they are trying to tag as many cheaters before they push out their update so as too make sure they are getting it all in one patch otherwise itll just show up again. Cheats often manipulate code stored in locked memory to fuction and its not always a fix they can do without help from 3rd parties like their engine they use. Hopefully it gets done soon as they amount of hacks goin on is absurd.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    ^ this, I would like this, forfeit would force the end game screen and that is it, this would probably make it better when it comes to cheaters as well, it would also help for people that complain about teabagging at exit gates and such.

    I'm honestly surprised they haven't come up with that.

  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    you literally can't tell me you encounter that many hackers that your punishment is 60 minutes.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think the easiest thing to do would be to let the Bleed Out bar progress when on the Killer's shoulder.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Currently, hackers are really rare at low-mid MMR and really common at high MMR (since they always win their matches, they shoot to the top and stay there.)

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2021

    at least they could make the servers last top 30 mins or something, realistically how often a game goes for more than 30 mins anyway? maybe 40 top. so at least if u got a game hostage they cant make u lose more time than going for a dump or breakfast.- or even easier server shut down when ECG goes to 0, why should continue?... devs DEFINITELY could do something, if they wanted, they just dont care, if there are survivors not hacking they should be able to finish gens and you could start EGC regardless unless you get sniped by a full lobby of hackers.