Hex: Pentimento Questions
I'm a console player so I can't test these so I'm just going to ask them here. I don't think #3-4 is useful at all but just something I wondered if it was possible to do.
- Does Jill's perk Counterforce continue stacking the 20% speed of breaking totems?
- For the perk Small Game does the tokens get affected by the hex: perk? Will they decrease in number or continue increasing?
- could rekindled totems be blessed? if so then when snuffed will the totem become a normal dull?
- If #3 is possible and that dull is destroyed would that be able to be rekindled again since it's not the Rekindled Totem just a normal totem?
Since I don't know the exact here are my best guesses
The speed boost should stack since it still counts as a totem
The tokens don't decrease when totems are rekindled but still increase when they are cleansed a solid 0° cone at 9 stacks (might be a small oversight probably will get a cap when the update drops)
I don't know for #3
I don't know for #4
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I have not tested it, but I would assume most the "hex" and "dull totem" perks do not work with them as they are "Rekindled Totems", not hex or dull totems.
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For #3, I saw someone try that on the PTB and when they finished, it literally just destroyed the totem as if they had cleansed it instead. Weird, I know.
I'm kinda okay with that though since that means you can't use pentimento against the killer to have a boon there again after someone already cleansed the totem.
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Huh. I agree, but at the same time, it's a bit disingenuous for survivors to waste extra time blessing when they don't actually get a boon totem out of the deal. It's true that rekindled totems have a visual distinction, so it's not a situation where you'd get tricked into thinking you were blessing a normal hex, but I think it'd be better if there just wasn't a bless option.
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That's true, but that would also give away that it's a pentimento totem, if the survivor doesn't know that already. You're likely to be running other hex perks with this anyways so if they see a bless option that would tell them that it's something else they probably care about before even having to do anything with it.
Idk it might be a bug anyways, guess we'll see.
EDIT: I'm dumb I didn't realize they looked different from other hexes. In that case yeah I agree.