A Quick Question For Experienced Killers (Haddonfield...Infinite?)

Had a game this evening on Bubba, against an SWF. They would always and immediately run me directly to the house with the basement, DHing for distance if needed. It's a bit hard to describe the house accurately - 2 windows on the ground floor and a 'U' shaped flight of stairs heading down into the basement.
No matter what I tried, I couldn't catch them. They'd vault through a window, then run downstairs, then back upstairs, then either out the door (or if I was getting close, through the window), breaking chase, then repeat the process. The only time I'd get a hit was when the windows eventually got blocked, then they ran to a pallet.
Is there some trick to this house that I'm not seeing? Some sort of mindgame to run?
Was the first nearly 'flawless defeat' I've had in a long time, literally 2 hooks the entire game.
None even bamboozle is garbage in that house. If possible you want the generator there gone asap and you set up a three gen and a dead zone farthest away from that evil house.
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Oh, that's the Haddonfield "House of Pain". The same tiles are in Badmap- I mean Badham too. They're one of the strongest structures in the game for Survivors.
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That is why it is referred to as the "House of Pain."
Do not chase there.
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It was a very early designed tile and its very strong by modern standards, sadly its still waiting to be changed hopefully on both maps its featured
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Badham's equivalent at least has a breakable wall if I'm not mistaken. I'll often just bust that out if I'm passing.
But what do you do against a group of survivors that just high-tail it there every time you chase them? This was the big problem I had tonight.
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Use your left mouse to do an attack when dropping down from the roof (and move your camera in the direction you want to go). It is faster to drop down that way. You'll catch them eventually.
If you have bamboozle (which you should always be running on Bubba), then it shouldn't take long to catch them if you path correctly.
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Its call the house of pain nothing you can do about that unless you play nurse. If a survivor go near there leave the chase immediatly because if the survivor is decent you will lose the match
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I actually thought of Bamboozle, but I honestly don't think it would help as there are two windows easily accessible, and the second I go through one they can just go through the other or down the stairs.
It was one of those 'wait, what could I have done?' moments.
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You don't want to open the breakable walls in the main building though it opens up the infinite lmao.
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You sort of have to I find, otherwise it can be bloody impossible to get a hook if you knock them down in the tunnel.
I haven't really seen an infinite in the main building (it's entirely possible that I just haven't come up against it yet though). The only one I've seen in Badham are two houses put together, and at least I can smack the walls to prevent repeated abuse.
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That only in bandham in haddonfield you have no breakable wall
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It may not seem like much, but the extra vault speed plus the blocking of one window makes a world of difference.
Even them knowing you have bamboozle on that map will make them scared to go to that house, because they know they will soon be going to the basement.
Against skilled killers most survivors will avoid going there because it can lead to a snowball if the survivor is hooked in the basement, even if the map is survivor-sided.
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Also if you think Haddonfield is bad, atleast it can have bad RNG for Survivors on occasion. Badham is just always pure hell for Killer. If I'm not mistaken, every loop except for maybe 2 are completely safe and incredibly strong and the distance between each is very short.
Oh and the only Badham infinite I know of is the main building Breakable Walls being broken which you can actually force certain Killers to do like Demo, Billy, Bubba, Oni, Blight and Nemesis.
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Badham is...rough, but I find that the map at least starts to open up a bit as the game progresses. I have the occasional moment where it's literally impossible to hook a survivor in time from where they fell or get a bad run of houses and survivors that know how to abuse them, but it's mostly just another rough map for killer.
Haddonfield and RPD though...urgh. RPD has that potential loop in the office which feels like an actual infinite, although I haven't seen that for a while (maybe it was removed) and it's impossible to pressure certain gens and Haddonfield, as I slowly climb the MMR, is becoming a real slog. That one loop that I encountered tonight...yeah, if I see that being abused and I'm not running an anti-loop killer/build may end up being an AFK. It's just so cheap.
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And a tip, if the whole team is humping the House of Pain (as in always running straight there) if you down someone just camp. They wanna play cheap then you do the same.
And RPD could be the best Survivor map if it wasn't completely infuriating to navigate for both sides.
Also I play both sides, When I first started DBD I was a Killer main and slowly shifted to playing primarily both but after 3.5K hours and countless humiliating defeats I play Survivor more than Killer. But I can safely say a lot of maps can (not always are) Survivor sided excluding Badham and maybe Gideon.
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He brought up badham. Man you can at least read the context before replying without thinking?
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The "House of Pain" is one of the few true infinite loops that remains in the game.
If your Huntress or Deathslinger there is literally nothing you can do if the survivors aren't dumb so don't bother chasing there.
For 115% killers its literally a forced blood-lust loop so don't even bother with a power unless its can outright prevent a vault outside of LoS like Trapper's bear traps or Doctor's shock(Even then you'd need good timing for the shock).
Ps. That loop is literally one of the reasons why blood-lust exists in DbD...
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It's the fence in the main building. You just loop around the main building every time if the breakable door is broken. There is a two breakable doors then the left one just extend the loop while the right one gives the survivor three window vaults if they run it properly.
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I...don't mind Gideon. The only thing I hate about it are how boons on that map can be an 'I-Win' button, as they can project their effects through floors and you'll never find them.
Even at BL3, I wasn't able to catch them until eventually they got a window blocked, by which time almost a minute had elapsed.
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Someone's gotta drop the pallet eventually. Do not respect it at all and force a drop. The building is still really good without it, but not as bad.
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Mm. I'm struggling to imagine it. Will keep an eye out next time I get Badham.
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Playing against an SWF like that is pointless. Especially, on that map. Next time just leave. There's nothing to learn or gain besides a migraine.
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I have a crazy tech for that area. It's called don't loop it, if they run for it just abandon cause unless you're hag or something.
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Mm. I've been led down there a few times and generally just try to avoid it in future, but I assumed it just wasn't a tile I understood.
It was only tonight (I've been playing a lot recently and I'm guessing my MMR is getting better) where a team would immediately run there that I discovered that it was a pseudo-infinite.
It...boggles my mind that this hasn't been fixed or at least a breakable wall added.
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I wouldn't describe those flights of stairs as U-shaped, but yeah, you seem to be talking about the "house of pain", or as I like to refer to it, the survivors' basement.
Contrary to what's been stated however, it is not actually unchasable. Yes, it is a really strong structure that should long have been adjusted, but against most survivors you will actually be able to get hits and downs there reasonably well. (Un)Fortunately, just how strong the structure is depends on the RNG of its window spawns, which you will have to identify first and which will change the way you would ideally want to approach it. But regardless, here are some of the basic pointers for chasing at that building that will work against the majority of survivors:
You almost always want to force the loop rotation such that the survivor will have to run up the stairs leading out to the garage area (https://mobile.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Suburbs2-980x551.jpg). From there, they have no access to any of the side or back windows leading back into the basement. They still have the windows which can spawn on the upper floor, but trust me, most survivors are not good enough to know the pathing and make quick enough decisions to abuse them from here, and regardless, they don't have super good options from there even if they do. As long as you make sure you don't chase them in a direction such that they can simply run up the other set of stairs, you will always put them in more awkward situations that at the very least allow you to close distance to them a lot faster and force the pallet drop a lot earlier.
The pallet downstairs cannot be mindgamed against any even somewhat aware survivor, at least not without playing a killer with an ability that allows for outplay potential there. This is because the stairs have gaps in them which enables survivors to see what you are doing, whereas you regularly won't see them if they stand behind the pallet (or crouch behind the boxes on the non-pallet side). I do want to note here again that an average survivor is not very aware at all, which can quickly be seen by the fact that they won't even stop to abuse the fact that they can see through the stairs. But anyway, usually you do not want to attempt to mindgame this pallet. However, once you have forced the survivor to leave the pallet and they are on their way up the stairs, mindgame potential opens up. If the survivor does not wait to check whether you are actually following them (which costs them a fair bit of distance and can even get them hit if they don't have fast reactions and/or aren't good at getting close-quarters and angled fast vaults), you running back up the other set of stairs can easily lead to you cutting them off as they come around either of the two sides of the building. You can also simply wait downstairs for a moment while hiding your red light, such that the survivor will hesitate or even run back down assuming you have run back up the other stairs, so if you then come around the corner with a delay you can often catch them out. And finally even if you do follow them up the same set of stairs they left through, you can hide your red light as you round the building corner, which can either allow you to get closer as they wait to check for whether you are following them, or it can even lead to a hit because they double-back into you. To mix it up you can obviously also actually run around the other side once upstairs, such that they won't expect that you just always hide your red light. Here again you can also use the "stand still" mindgame of making them think you are running around and then coming around with a delay.
Against really experienced and good survivors some of these mindgame attempts can come at too big a risk (especially if they get strong window spawns), as they will quickly be able to adjust their pathing in accounting for multiple possibilities of where you are and might even leave the tile entirely, but the majority of survivors will not be comfortable playing against these tricks at all and more often than not panic and run into you or drop the pallet way early and leave the structure. And even against the best players you still reliably get mileage out of mindgames where you simply hide your red light as you round corners since they don't lose you any distance even if they don't work out. And forcing loop rotation against their favour works just as well.
I like complex structures like this because they provide a lot of nuance in both sides' prowess of approaching them and their interactions at them, they reward experience and skill a lot. But of course we cannot look at structures in isolation, they are both part of a larger map (which might already be strong for survivors' chase potential, which in Haddonfield's case is definitely true, and which of course also allows survivors to simply leave said structure altogether) and part of a larger trial which is 4V1 and not 1V1, and the time budget of that may simply not allow for too complex structures to exist.
House of pain is definitely too strong and adjustments are long overdue. Haddonfield altogether is long overdue to be receiving changes. I don't know why they are not addressing it, I can't imagine that the license agreement prevents them from doing so, because they have more than once changed stuff about it before, such as fence and hedge lengths (which are however still a problem), and window spawn algorithms even as recently as last patch (Myers house now only spawns 2 windows upstairs anymore, and only useless windows downstairs).
They've even already shown that they know perfectly well how to make this structure more fair: on Badham, you cannot see through the stairs, and there will also be a breakable wall at one of three locations in it, at least two of which favour the killer outright. Beyond that, I would want them to introduce pallet spawn RNG to this tile again. It used to be that a pallet could spawn by the truck in the garage, and at the entrance doorway next to the garage. Enable these pallet spawns again, and make it so that only one of the three can spawn, such that survivors won't always have the downstairs pallet which is the stongest of the three (the others are safe pallets too, but they cannot be used in combination with the structure's windows nearly as well). They should also limit the amount of open windows that can spawn in this building to a total of 3 (there are 7 possible spawns total, of which 4 can be open currently), and make it impossible for certain windows to spawn altogether (namely the windows leading out back - the one that leads out of the basement when running up the stairs should always spawn offset to the right such that it is more difficult for survivors to get a fast vault, and the one that drops back into the basement should never be able to spawn open).
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