Should map offerings even exist?

Seriously, do they do anything except tell one side "you're going to have a bad time"? Being able to weight the game in favour of your planned strategy before the game even starts is just imbalanced.
And it's even more Bloodweb junk for all the other maps you don't want.
No. Map offerings should be removed for both sides. It's broken that Survivors can pick their best map + good for their build and same for Killers.
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In kyf only.
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I mean, you should just straight up have a selection/vote in that case, not need to faff around with map offerings...
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Most broken offerings in the game. Maps will never be balanced so map offerings shouldnt even exist.
It would clear some space in bloodweb too
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They need to be removed entirely. Currently they are used to abuse advantage on certain maps that sucks on both sides.
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I think custom games can already adjust the map pool directly, can't they?
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True. They wouldn't hurt there so that's why I said it.
I dislike them in public as well.
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You are right. Host chooses map everyone is going to play.
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Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but could they be changed to decrease the chances of going to a certain realm instead of increasing the chances...?
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Add-ons being a map ban would be nice(r).
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Maps offering are fine. There are perks you want to use on some maps.
People just need to adapt.
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I've been saying this for a while. The only time I ever see map offerings used is when one side wants to skew the balance too far in their favor.
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No. Whatever side uses them uses them for a blatant advantage and they can select their perks to take advantage of the map to it's fullest.
You should only be able to choose your map in KYFs.
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I agree most maps are survivor sided and normally if a killer is bringing uses one its for some broken build or nurse on Midwich type thing. It pretty much ensures one side has an huge up hill battle.
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who cares using a map offering doesnt guarentee you the the same variant everytime really only map that didnt change was the labs and that map is gone now
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Maybe if offerings were used before you selected your character and perks? There's only so much you can do if your perk and character choices are just horribly maladapted, and the other side has a loadout geared for a certain map.
Window, pallet, and breakable door locations don't change the overall structure of most maps. RCPD and Game are still going to be multi-level indoor mazes no matter what you do (and RCPD won't stop being huge). Large maps are going to keep being large. Haddonfield is Haddonfield.
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No. Remove them. Put them in the bin
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Yeah, they are unnecessary IMO.
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Map would be fine if 99% of the map would not heavily favor the survivor
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I think thats another problem but yes I agree
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Yeah lemme just play nemesis or huntress, then a haddonfield offering gets played. Guess I should just "adapt" to have better map pressure on a large map with insanely good loops and with good gen spread for survivors. You see how stupid that sounds?
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Yes, they should exist. Period.
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But why should they exist?
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Bhvr ain't gonna balance red forest, badham or Cornwind so yeah I'm gonna crank out RPD and Midwich offerings
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I'm okay with map offerings, I only use them if my last 3 matches have been the same one.
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No, they are unfair, usually skewing the game balance in the Survivors favor (seeing as there's no Killer sided maps, only balanced and Survivor sided. Ig you can call Dead Dawg killer sided but the main building will always be a giant time waster)
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I would not be at all sad if map offerings were removed entirely. They’re more annoying than anything else.
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It shouldn't be consumed if no map offering is played when you use it
If they make that change, fine, Sacrificial Ward is a valid counter
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I don't think map offerings themselves are an issue. They are more a representation of how unbalanced many maps are. If the maps were better balanced the offerings wouldn't matter as much.
Also, seeing as it's a 4:1 ratio the killer map offering should carry much more weight than a survivors map offering since they're able to throw more. IE if one survivor throws an Ormond offering and the killer throws an Autohaven offering, the Autohaven offering should win every time.
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I think that they should be changed to have a slight/moderate chance of going to a certain realm. That way going to a map won't be 100% guaranteed.
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1 green offering to counter how many map offerings that are in survivors favour when it comes to offerings? Not to mention its 4 bloodwebs vs 1. So on my most leveled up killer currently i have 10 sacrifical wards. My survivor has 14 haddonfields. My 3 swf teammates have more then me. 40 haddonfields at least. The killer also has to guess its coming or the sacrifical is burned for nothing which is very bad for a green.
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Map offerings are fine, it’s maps themselves being unbalanced that is the real problem.
There are certain perks and builds that are going to work better on certain maps and that’s true for both sides. I don’t care if someone plays a map offering, I care if someone plays a map offering for an extremely survivor-sided realm, regardless of the killer or what anyone’s build might be. That is an issue with the map being imbalanced, not an issue with being able to influence the Entity to send you there.
The only thing I would change about map offerings is that if a killer uses an offering it should beat any survivor map offering, unless a survivor uses a sacrificial ward.
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Yes, map offerings should exist. But there's zero excuse for maps to be this unbalanced one way or the other in a 5 year old game. Especially considering most maps already got a pass. They just don't have a feel for map balance, don't care to address it, or the balance target is very low MMR solo queue. Most M1 killers should be 3 gen chase minimums on many maps
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I would like map offerings to be kyf (for live servers) and ptb only.
In kyf I don't think it matters and I'd want them in regular bloodwebs in the ptb just so you can go to whatever the new map is, but maybe just the one for that map/realm.
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I play Nemesis. I won most of my Haddonfield matches.
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So, is that a "not with these maps"?
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After Hawkins was removed from everyone's inventory and people with 100+ offerings only got 100k BP as compensation I think they should remove offerings entirely. Remove them from bloodweb, let players keep the ones they currently have in their inventory to burn through or change them to Bloody Party Streamers since those cost the same.
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RIP jumpscare Myers but if thats the price i will take it.
Stop sending me to coldwind you little #########.
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Then those survivors were just overly altruistic or bad. There's no reason to why you shouldnt lose on haddonfield unless its the 2 things I just described.
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No, either killer should get map priority or offerings shouldn't exist, and this isn't a "killer main" mindset this is just a thing to help on balance, we have 35+ maps but some survivors only send themselves to badham, haddonfence, the game, very skillful maps.
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Yes it cant be me doing good
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No. No they shouldn't. If you want to pick the map, play a Custom Match.
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I'm fine with them...mostly.
There are certain maps I just love to play on (Yamaoka is the biggie) that don't really have much to do with power.
But as Blueberry puts it:
This is the key problem.
There are maybe 3 maps in the game (after Hawkins goes) that are considered 'killer favored'. There are maybe 6 more that are somewhat neutral.
The rest go from moderately survivor favored to very survivor favored, to 'if they all know to run to that one loop and I'm not playing PH or Nurse or something, I may as well just AFK'.
A huge part of what makes playing killer frustrating is having an entire evening of multiple Haddonfield, Badham or RPD offerings.