Perk Build: Generator Jockey

(Hello, just thought I would start posting my perk build ideas here for General Discussion, want to give Survivor's cool ideas for different builds and potentially just hear feedback on them. I have a bunch in mind so if anyone likes this build look out for more of my posts for different builds.)
Rookie Spirit
Stake Out
Fast Track
Focus on quickly progressing the Generators and stacking your Rookie Spirit. Once Rookie Spirit is stacked you can begin keeping track of Generators around the map, using the info you gain to also keep track of the Killer’s movements as well as other Survivor’s positions relative to the regression aura. How this works is, if the Generator aura turns white you know it was kicked by a Killer or regressed by some sort of perk. If that regression disappears then you know a Survivor is there and has either stopped the regression with a tap or is fully working on the Generator.
In a lot of instances you should stop what you’re doing if you aren’t on a Generator already to go and save the regressing Generator. Your job essentially is to protect the team from losing progression. If Hex: Ruin is up and you are on a Generator you should prioritize your own Generator over another Generator that is regressing otherwise you will lose progress on your own as you move to the other Generator only causing you to lose more time. Once your Generator is complete then you can make your way over to the regressing Generator if it doesn’t already stop regressing.
In the situations where there is no Hex: Ruin it’s absolutely worth it to stop working on your Generator and immediately make your way over to stop the regressing Generator. This is when your other perks begin to be useful. Usually doing this puts you close to the Killer in which your Stake Out can start building stacks and allowing you to quickly crank out progression on the Generator and also make up for the lost progression. If the Killer happens to find you during this time you will begin your chaise sequence. If you happen to get injured you have Resilience to help you in chaise with faster vaults. Losing the Killer after becoming injured is a really powerful position for you to start really progressing Generators with the Resilience repair speed and Stake Out stacks. Always be mindful to focus on your prior goals after leaving chaise, of protecting regressing Generators and progressing them. Your Resilience and Stake Out also help you to help others, allowing you to heal them much faster with great skill checks and the resilience healing speed boost while injured.
Your last perk, Fast Track is a support perk for your overall build, allowing you to progress Generators faster as the Killer gains momentum, so you can keep the momentum in your favor.
I love running Fast Track its so underrated but one of my fav gen perks i had like 15 on it and my teamate blew up the gen at the last sec and i managed to hit fast track and it gave us with onky 5% of the gen remaining before the killer came to us, so it comes in handy just depends on how good you are with great skill checks
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Yea it's really underrated, so is Rookie Spirit. On paper it seems really bad. People just aren't noticing its less obvious strengths, which are tracking other Survivor's and the Killer's position on top of being able to protect regressing Gens.
Also Fast Track is really strong with Stake Out as well. :) Basically every hook with one Stake Out stack is 5% of a Generator, so just using them as you get them is huge. Also, pair that with the 9% speed from Resilience and you can really gen rush.