Any other streamers who dominate as killer most of their games...

Like Ralph does? I mostly watched them for entertainment not skill but Ralph is both skilled and funny.
He does play Huntress only from what I have seen but that is no issue for me.
So any recommendations?
I'd assume most streamers win most of their games tbh. Killer mains I have enjoyed watching are ScottJund and Otz but you probably already heard of them?
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I dunno I see otz struggling sometimes too since he plays different killers and builds like tru3 does.
I think I saw them on yt but never checked them out. I will.
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Bruh he has a 50K streak with most of the Killers XD
I get what you're saying though, it's not like he's literally 4King 100% of games since he switches up, but he's pretty dominant
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He does but pre sbmm.
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Check out DOWSEY maybe. He's pretty sweaty, I don't think he ever lost a game on Twins.
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Yes he is really good and deserved more viewers !
And he makes YouTube video almost everyday.
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He is fun I watch him also.
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That's pre-mmr. Which is a big difference.
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True, I was actually watching when he got that 2 hour MMR queue, I stopped watching but forgot that he ended up in a game, which he lost.
I suppose there are not many streamers who can always win now with MMR? probably a good thing I guess.
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Generally speaking no, not a lot consecutively at high mmr bar some off exceptions like Nurse.
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Thank you I will check them out.
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I think a lot of killer streamers are tanking their MMR offstream
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It's called editing.
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I am not sure what you mean by this. Streams are live.
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Really? Surprised they would admit to that.
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Dowsey is low key one of the best killer mains streaming. He doesn’t really do a good job of attention grabbing with his skills, but he’s very consistent. He also recently switched to posting 100% of his content to YouTube now. Brave leap dropping Twitch like that.
If you want a criticism of his playstyle, he refuses to play killers he does not like, and does not do build requests. So he’s not challenging himself the way Tru3 and Otz do. Still he’s incredibly consistent at killer.
Another criticism is he gets impatient with the chat often enough to notice, resulting in negative vibes. Off putting, and he doesn’t bring the energy back up when he falls into one of these moods.
Still plays very effectively and walks the viewers through his thought processes really well.
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I know at least one killer main streamer that admitted to trying to tank his MMR offstream. He said it took so long and he got back to high MMR so fast that it wasn't worth it. Now he's a survivor main that plays killer for tips and subs only. He's not huge but averages between 200 - 300 viewers
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It's really entertaining when DOWSEY gets super tilted at both his chat and high MMR at the same time. His stream is fun to watch when that's going on
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Watch some games of LilithOmen the sweat in his games with Blight is unreal since SBMM is a thing
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Content creators offer entertainment.
"Domination" can be manipulated for entertainment purposes. That's how constantly dominating should be treated. As an attribute of entertainment, not gameplay proficiency.
There's a reason for streamers playing during sleeping hours. Without any intention to start petty rivalries, there's also a big gap in the average survivor team from NA to something like EU or Oceania at peak evening hours.
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The only killer main that actually dominated survivors was Pro Vengeance before he quit. I just prefer to watch people for their personalities now as nobody could compare to him, really. He got a 50 winstreak post mmr which none of these other cats have come close to.
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Super chill dude and very talented
Extremly underrated.
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Watch LilithOmen, you won’t regret it
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I watch Dowsey quite a bit, but he can get a little full of himself sometimes.
I like Otz of course, OhTofu, Scott Jund and SpookyLoopz are others I watch a lot. As for my favorite, probably a toss up between Otz and OhTofu. Both are funny and seem like cool people.
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Playing against survivors whose collective IQ is lower than the tutorial bots, while still domination, is not exactly a testament to anything.
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I think he does build suggestions, too? Posts a lot of games to YT.
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Yeah quickly becoming my favorite dbd content creator
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You should watch LilithOmen. He's good.
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I do not watch content creators that they play the same killer 24/7 like the Huntress streamer. Boring as hell, no offense.
I like Zubat.
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Note to OP: this dude might be too "energetic" for ya, unless you're into those kinds of streamers
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I watch Ohmwrecker he streams on Twitch at times and is on YT but has been playing survivors more but sometimes mixes it up with Killers. I think it depends on what he feels like playing at the time
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I think unless your watching a person who only mains 1 killer, you won't see anyone who dominates all of their games.
There is a bunch of extremely good killers who play a variety and do extremely well but not dominating 100% of the time.
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I watched one time and never went back.
He sounded like he did an entire bag of cocain before the stream.
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Sums it up, but this is why I enjoy him, he’s just cracked and on that good blight serum
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CMwinter is insane on pig
edit: he holds multiple world records and holds a 174 win streak.
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I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Avoid CMWinter at all costs.
If you want to watch a good Pig player I recommend Scorpionz.
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Scott, Otz and OhTofu tend to be pretty strong, and the latter two often play experimental builds that can be really fun to watch. Tofu in particular is extremely entertaining especially when he starts doing his own SFX.
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It's kind of hard to find. The type of player who can still consistently dominate post-MMR also generally doesn't care to because they don't care about public matches all that much. I can't really think of any comp killers who stream public match killer games and try hard anymore. They either play survivor or just chill on killer (M2 only Billy, stuff like that).
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Thanks for everyone who answered and stick to the topic.
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Great review, I agree with pretty much everything you said.
He is very good for learning from
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If you look for high level no mercy streams then just ignore every popular streamer, since they usually don't go all out to not get hate from survivor viewers.
Killer Streamer : XenoDBD ( Sweaty Comp player )
Survivor Streamer : motaz 1v1 ( Comp player that destroyed almost every popular streamer such as OTZ, Auryn, Tru3 and Jordirex )
Edit: Xeno rarely do YT, but do Twitch but not consistent. While Motaz1v1 do YT but rarely do Twitch :x.
If you look for somewhat consistency then SupaAlf is your best bet, even though he doesn't sweat as much as he was since he grew big on YT and Twitch, but he still dominate.