Corrupt Intervention....with a Hex?

When did this terrible idea become a trend?

I'm not one to tell people how to play the game, but does corrupt with a hex ACTUALLY work for anybody?

I've had 3 survivor games today where the gens are blocked--- so GuEsS wHaT i Do?

I start Hunting/Blessing/Busting totems. -_-

Like I almost feel bad cause it's like "do you even know?"

If you push survivors off gens, what is their second objective? Totems.

If the gens are blocked immediately and a survivor can't find an objective....what do they keep an eye out for? sometimes chests....but more mainly: Totems. 🙄

I mean I guess I can take it as a positive thing for my side when playing survivor, but seriously...does this work for anybody?

In 3k hrs I've seen it work maybe twice cause of bad "taunt the killer with a flashlight" teammates.

Aside from that, 30 seconds into the match: BOOM. Ruin. BOOM. Undying. Find a Gen.

It's as useless as bringing No Mither and Self-Care. lol
