Corrupt Intervention....with a Hex?

When did this terrible idea become a trend?
I'm not one to tell people how to play the game, but does corrupt with a hex ACTUALLY work for anybody?
I've had 3 survivor games today where the gens are blocked--- so GuEsS wHaT i Do?
I start Hunting/Blessing/Busting totems. -_-
Like I almost feel bad cause it's like "do you even know?"
If you push survivors off gens, what is their second objective? Totems.
If the gens are blocked immediately and a survivor can't find an objective....what do they keep an eye out for? sometimes chests....but more mainly: Totems. 🙄
I mean I guess I can take it as a positive thing for my side when playing survivor, but seriously...does this work for anybody?
In 3k hrs I've seen it work maybe twice cause of bad "taunt the killer with a flashlight" teammates.
Aside from that, 30 seconds into the match: BOOM. Ruin. BOOM. Undying. Find a Gen.
It's as useless as bringing No Mither and Self-Care. lol
That is one of many reasons that I don't bring Corrupt and a Hex
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Right?? Same.
But obviously someone needs to get the word out cause I see Killers bringing the pair way too frequently.
and the sad part is if you played long enough to have these perks all in Tier 3, you should have enough common sense to know its a bad idea.
But if that's how they want to play, it's ultimately their choice I guess. xD
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Otz made a Build For All Killers video not to long ago and that's what he had on almost every Killer
Corrupt- Ruin- Pop (Undying)- Tinkerer (Undying)
He even said that this may be boring to watch cause of the repeated perks
There's the Video