No one fails skill checks against Freddy

To give context, I have been playing since 2018 and I have played Freddy mainly. I have noticed over the years that survivors do not fail skill checks anymore to get out of the dream world, even if there is no red paint brush addon equipped. This isn't a bad thing, just an interesting observation I have noticed in my games and I have thought about why this is the case. There are three reasons I have come up with, but feel free to give your own reasons from your own experiences. I would also like to know if anyone has experienced the opposite of this post's title because I have not noticed any failed skilled checks in a long time.

1) Freddy is a threat in both the dream and awake states of a survivor. Freddy cannot use his powers on an awake survivor, but he can still injure the survivor. This means, compared to old Freddy who could only injure in the dream world, losing progress and giving away your location isn't as worth it anymore as there is no greater risk to staying in the dream world.

2) There is no action speed penalty in the dream world. Old Freddy gave a sense of urgency to get out of the dream world as quickly as possible because objectives would take longer to do if the survivors did not do anything to escape the dream world. There is no urgency to escape the dream world quickly through a skill check for the limited dream snares and pallets around the map if survivors can still work on their objectives with ease when the current Freddy is not around. Of course, staying in the dream world allows Freddy to teleport more often, but this would not be much different from Freddy teleporting to an awake survivor already.

3) The addition of dream clocks in current Freddy's kit allows survivors to have another way to escape the dream world. This method does not alert Freddy and it gives survivors 30 seconds of immunity from the dream world. I believe dream clocks are the biggest reason that survivors do not fail skill checks because if dream clocks did not exist, then failing a skill check would be the easier of the two remaining methods to escape the dream world (if you don't count being hooked as a method). Even then, however, current Freddy does not stall the game with his power like old Freddy did so there still is not as much of an incentive to lose progress and alert the killer when a sleeping survivor could wait for an awake survivor to wake them up.

On a side note, I also find current Freddy's power unimaginative. Anyone else feel the same way? GeneralV made a great post a while back in the feedback section of how old Freddy's power could have been with a few buffs and changes and I would have loved that instead.
