I've had enough BHVR...

I've had enough of your ignorance of the cheater problem in Dead by Daylight, BHVR. In every other match, there is either a blatant cheater or a stealth one. It has become part of daily experience to run into cheaters that one can no longer simply ignore and move on to another match expecting to have a better game because what waits there is yet another cheater.

In addition to this horrible situation, even to this date, there is no efficient report system in place. I am not even going to go into the discussion about how awful the current report system is, we all know it does not work and the cheaters even make fun of it with only a fraction of cheaters getting banned by streamers who actually can bother to go through the long process to submit a report.

I just want you to know BHVR that I've been playing this game since 2016 with over 3,000 hours of playtime on my hand. I am what you can consider a dedicated Dead by Daylight fan, a veteran who actually cares about this game and does not wish to see it fail, but even my patience has its limit. I've waited and waited for you to do something about this situation, but all you do is sit around until someone has finally almost got hurt in the latest news we all know about by now. Will this finally force you to make a change for the better? I really hope so.

Battlefield 2042 is officially finally releasing in just a few days and I need a break from this game riddled with cheaters. My hope is that when I finally come back, this game will have some serious fixes because if not, I may very well start looking for the next game to replace Dead by Daylight, perhaps VHS as it looks pretty promising.
