Fearmonger is REALLY good...

It'll be even better next patch.
Shutting down Exhaustion perks early is huge for any killer.
I'm playing at what I assume is mid-high MMR on most of my killers - The amount of DCs after first chase has increased beyond belief.
I'd seriously recommend using it - Hiding Down + Pick Up locations (assuming people are doing gens) is also a sweet bonus.
I've been saying this for a year, back when it was just Exhaustion, but no apparnetly you need 4x slowdown perks on Nurse and Blight.
I love the perk and use it on high-mobility killers. Used to use it on my main man Pyramid Head too but DH doesn't do much vs him and it really does feel like he needs at least 2 slowdown.
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I think I know what your talking about because with the perks overcome and the boon perks Fearmonger will block the auras and counter the new perk. It still won’t be good though cause your sacrificing a perk slot to counter a effect while you need gen defense
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I'm all ears is fun on PH too
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Oh my god its his best perk I love it so much
Currently using Corrupt/Pop/Bbq/IAE on him, it's very solid and so much fun!
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A lot of people aren't using any gen regression perks anymore and focusing on things that delay the game with minimal time investment from the killer.
Corrupt and Deadlock are both huge now, as are the "gate" perks like No Way Out / Remember Me / Blood Warden.
These strategies are usually played with Instadown/Ranged Killers / Add Ons which allows for quick chases without committing to protecting totems or using POP.
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Plaything + nurses is fun too. Especially when you can hit multiple survivors through walls.
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i admit people that use sprint burst probably love it because they can hold their exhaustion
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It's a perk that absolutely counters SB and DH. I'm surprised not many people use it.
With the new Blindness addition, it can be used to temporarily hut down Kindred on their side while doing a generator, as well as other aura perks. It's very minor but it works.
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Would you recommend it for Pig? I've tried it before and have always felt very disappointed by it.
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I've used it on Pig recently to great success - I think it's pretty good on any stealth or speed killer.
Corrupt + Deadlocked is also amazing on Pig if you have not tried it.
Corrupt + Deadlocked is pretty nuts in general, imo, as they're uncounterable and add literal minutes to games.
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How is it good on someone who has to go at molasses speed to qualify as a stealth killer, if I may ask? Of all the stealth Killers in the game, Pig's is by far the worst, and having to leverage it seems like a bad idea IMO.
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I've been liking it on Plague. The gens are infected, so this perk helps eliminate panic DHs when I cruise by with Tinkerer
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Do you really need 4 gen defense tho?
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What am I missing? The exhaustion is only 5 seconds right? So they can't sprint burst until you catch up...Sounds great.
Please explain what I am missing.
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I've used that perk with wraith for countering his main counter (Sprint Burst). In my opinion it have been always an underrated perk, for countering Dead Hard is not that good, because a survivor can remove the little exhaustion easily in a jungle gym or the shack, but for countering the rest of the exhaustion perks except Adrenaline it's very good.
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Its usefulness is not tied exclusively to her stealth.
Most killers can benefit from it.
5s of exhaustion any time you approach or push someone off a gen is huge.
I don't think I'm capable of changing your mind at all, sorry.
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Wasn't asking for you to change my mind was asking what I was missing. I rarely see SB most my matches are 4 DH with a sprinkle of lithe/BL here and there. Believe it or not I prefer that over SB as annoying as the new DH is.....its more annoying someone SB to shack/strong tile soon as they here your TR. Most time I will turn around and leave.
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On some characters no but some need it more than others
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Time for it to get nerfed, right?
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The blindness actually makes it a pretty dangerous perk to go against
Can't use aura perks
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It’s actually very nice perk combined with Hex: Plaything. They won’t hear you coming.
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Hex: plaything is in my loadout often. Guess I need to check this perk out.
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I From my experience, the only thing it did was just stop Sprint Bursting off the gen (which isn't nothing, to be fair). I guess my main question with regards to it is "How do you prevent a Survivor from just waiting out the few seconds at a pallet or two?"
Maybe I'm being too pessimistic about it, idk.
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Fearmonger is literally a buff for Sprint burst. Free 99% whenever I tap a gen? Yes please thank you.
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Crazy buff 5 real
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It's literally countered by walking for 5 seconds.
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Which is 5 seconds they're walking at 2.26m/s, covering a total of 11.3m instead of the usual 20 (a difference of 8.7m). For reference, in those 5 seconds, the killer will be moving at 4.4m/s or 4.6m/s, allowing them to cover 22m or 23m respectively. While this doesn't sound like much, it will enable a killer to catch up a lot faster, assuming both sides do nothing but hold forward and the survivors leave the generator as soon as they hear the heartbeat.
In a game where every second counts, 5 seconds of moving at half speed every time you're chased off of a generator, particularly with Hex:Ruin active (near the start of the game, usually), is very beneficial to getting early game pressure.
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I use it all the time on Nurse. So good at countering Cringe Hard.
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So run normally to the nearest the safe area as usually and you will get cleansed when you stand 5 seconds at the corner of a loop. It's really not that hard to play around. It's not worth a whole perk slot in comparison to other perks.
Hex: Ruin would get cleansed at the start of the match, Hexes are not reliable perks.
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Math....not even once!
It's pretty apparent that you're both playing different games, given their reply.
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It's really not bad now, the only thing making it bad previously was the 3 secs instead of 5. That was far too easy to walk off.
Blindness usually is worthless, but it actually might be best here. Still underwhelming, but better than applying it mid chase.
It also pauses any exhaustion timer, I was stuck on nearly a full timer after I sprint bursted to a gen. That was rough.
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It would seem so. I guess in the meta of holding W and pre-dropping pallets, making as much distance as you can, survivors will stand at the corners of loops? Like ######### trade games and give me looping back
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It PAUSES all existing exhaustion timers.
You can 99 Sprint Burst a bunch....by throwing the game walking around/not doing gens....You'd need to wait until SB was at 1% BEFORE touching another gen.
Could work out in some cases, though - Actually a pretty interesting interaction the more I think about it.
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Been using it on Plague really great.
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Best part it pauses exhaustion cooldown when survivor is on gen. So they can't repair gen and prepare another DH or SB at same time.
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That wouldn't work, actually, since it'd automatically put it back up to 5 seconds if it's below 5 seconds. If it's over then it's paused.
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ehh idk I wouldn't say "for any killer", seems like just an ok perk and makes 99% sprint burst all the more annoying. guess its only good for high mobility killers, since spine chill negates this perk for stealth killers anyway