How do you play Nemesis against very good survivors ?
I loved playing Nemesis, he is fun.
But against high mmr survivors its a nightmare.
Against average survivors I had no problems getting tentacle hits and getting my mutation. Sometimes it was harder but it was possible.
I think I tryharded too much my Nemesis and I got matches that are too difficult for me.
Its almost only swf with BNP. But its not my main issue. The real problem is getting my mutation.
Against very good survivors its almost impossible for me. They are corner hugging so hard, they avoid vaults and pallets at all cost because they know I will tentacle them. They prefered to be downed by my M1 rather than allowing me getting my mutation.
And it is an effective play against Nemesis.
Im clearly not the best Nemesis and I only use my tentacle when they vault or pallet because Im too bad to hit them with my tentacle, they just avoid hits even if they are in the blue thing.
So how do you play Nemesis against these kind of survivors ?
Nemesis felt funny against average survivors, but now Im almost leaving him for Plague because im not effective enough and my mmr dont want to go down 😕
You don't it's that simple
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You use the Nemesis legendary skin "The Nurse"
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The famous legendary secret skin against good survivors 🤔
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You don't. He's too weak.
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I finally got around to playing Nemesis for the first time yesterday and I’m terrible with his whip. I ended up getting almost all my hits with his basic attack instead. I think I may be charging up his tentacle too long before whipping, it felt kind of slow to use? Numerically though the stats sound like it should be a bit faster than Huntress’ hatchet so I’m guessing I’m just overestimating how long it takes to get ready. But combine that with that it doesn’t necessarily injure and it has a short range and is kind of narrow, … I don’t know, I’m not sure I’m feeling it. 🤷♂️ Just a first impression, though, maybe I’d like him better if I play him more.
I like the zombies in principle. They at least periodically tell you when someone is near them, which is nice.
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The three hits is ridiculous to overcome against better survivors.
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You don't. You play Nemesis because you think he's fun that's it and maybe you're also a gambler and hope your Zombies actually work. You give away 8 free hits in the entire match that's already a bad sign.
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At first I felt the same. But with some practice and mutations, you will see how strong and fast he can be.
Try to hit when they vault and pallet. Its the easiest way. Then you will learn where and when you can tentacle them on every map. But you need time and knowledge. It takes me some times to understand I cant hit them near the back of the cars but only in the front of the cars for example.
The problem is survivors avoiding tentacle at all cost. So you stay Tier 1 you cant destroy pallet and yes Tier 1 is too slow.
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Yeah, I was mostly using the tentacle at vaults and pallets, similar to Pyramid Head. For some reason Pyramid Head felt easier to pull off though. Don’t know if it’s the charge animation throwing it off in my head or that Pyramid Head totally ignores terrain, just felt slow.
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Interesting I felt Pyramid slower than Nemesis, but maybe its just me.
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Now that I think about Pyramid Head, I think it might be because with him you end up getting the benefit of leaving a trail if you keeping charging. So even though his charge isn’t faster than Nemesis you don’t feel as punished for holding the charge because, worst case, you left a trench a survivor might run over.
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Doesn't the tentacle hitbox also work like a pole you can drag across windows etc? It's not intuitively following the animation.
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Yes ans no. It depends on the window, the angle, and many other things that are too complicated for me 😂
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You PLAY Survivor. Then you don't play anything DBD. :) But these forums.
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It's...tough. Especially against groups that know how to abuse the DH 'fake hit' tech (see: exploit) to negate his tentacle completely and prevent it breaking pallets.
The big issue is his zombies which can almost arbitrarily win or lose you games and he is very map dependent.
Otz really struggled to do his 'Nemesis streak' and that was before the DH thing.
His addons are also rather mediocre, with a few that feel almost entirely useless.
I play him on and off and I find that I need early pressure (LP), some sort of slowdown (Pop+Oppression or Ruin+Undying) and info info info (BBQ, Discordance, Tinkerer etc.).
If his addons were tweaked (I'd love a third zombie, for instance) he could be pretty fun though.
Eh...he's not the worst. Wraith, Piggy and a few others are way worse than him. He can be pretty streaky though.
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The fact that the tentacle hit gives survivors a speed boost and doesn't cause damage is something that high SBMM survivors will take advantage of, especially if they're playing together. Just simply removing the speed boost would do wonders for Nemesis. But yeah he's pretty useless at high MMR, especially with the brain dead zombie bots he has at his disposal.
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I use Ruin, Pop, Tinkerer, Discord but Im thinking about trying Corrupt, No Way Out, Dead Lock, Pop
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STBFL and only use tentacles when they're throwing down pallets or pre-vaulting a window for a guaranteed hit.
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Do I want to play like that ? Only M1 ? I would go for another killer, but maybe I will give a try to STBFL
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I'm not a fan of the Ruin+Pop combo. It feels like it helps me 'win more' in games where I'm already ahead but doesn't help me if I'm struggling. I'm starting to lean more towards Pop+Oppression if I want slowdown, or simple aggression.
NWO is okay, but you need to pair it with NOED for consistent results.
Nemesis thrives on information, especially early information. Discordance and Lethal Pursuer are excellent on him.
Deadlock...I ran it for awhile. It has the same problem as Thrilling Tremors, in that it can frequently backfire and result in a lot of gens being finished in quick succession later on.
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Yeah sadly he suffers from the same play style that Myers does. He needs to get out of tier 1 as fast as possible. The downside is that it's far easier to do that with Myers since all he has to do is simply look at survivors, whereas Nemesis has to actually connect with the tentacle which can take considerably longer sometimes depending on the skill of the survivors.
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That's the only way to play him. You get a hit in the open with a tentacle and they Sprint off and you lose a ton of time. They get less distance at pallets and windows and sometimes they get cocky and stay. STBFL since you're mainly an M1 killer and the less distance they get to, the more they have to go to the next loop and that gives you another chance for a tentacle attack.
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If you use your tentacle in the open, 2 things can happen and both are negative. 1: You land the hit and now they sprint off for another, what? 30 seconds or more before you can attempt to hit then again and it's not even a health state of damage.
2: You miss and get no progress while they get distance on you, free of charge. Don't use tentacles in the open.
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So what is the point of playing like that when there are better M1 killers to use STBFL ?
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Watch RedGamingGears 30 days of nemesis. He shows pretty well on how to effectively play him.
Don't expect miracles though
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You asked how to play Nemesis really good. I never said nor was I asked who was a better M1 killer. I only stated the best way to play Nemesis. I play random killers and each killer, I play differently with different perks to fit their power and playstyle without relying on camping or tunneling. Best M1 is Blight by a longshot. Best M1 with range is Trickster.
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Has anyone said "you don't" yet?
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You accept that you are going to lose, probably badly.
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It's the most efficient way to play. Regardless if it's safe or not and getting a miss on a finicky attack from a tentacle doesn't mean you're getting better. You can miss if your controller doesn't turn fast enough or a survivor confuses you before the attack lands. If you want to win, you wait. That's like playing PH and using his range attack in the open because you want to get good. That literally makes no sense. Huntress, yes. Her attack goes far. Deathslinger too. Even Trickster but a killer with a thin attack that is like 4 meters only? You're just asking to get rushed out of the game.
You STBFL as much as possible in the open while using the tentacle at loops and pallets. It's meant for that, not for open field slings. STBFL reduces the distance they can get so they get stuck at pallets and window loops awhile. Then tentacle them to death until they either go down or run.
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Why are you saying only the obsession? You think you won't lose stacks as the game progresses or something? Limited amount of vaccines and it's better to be efficient then hoping you land a hit with a tentacle. You gain a lot less distance if vaulting a pallet or window after a hit compared to doing so in the open. You can play as you like. I know the way I play has great results and there is a reason why I rarely say killer is weak on here. You will end up with everyone infected by the time the game ends but having more guaranteed hits/downs rather than struggling to even hit someone for awhile because you want those tentacle hits in the open.
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Ruin, undying, corrupt, Marvin's blood. Get your t2 in the first chase and hardcore camp your first hook while zombies soft pressure gens with ruin. This is the Nemesis meta in EU. It works too.
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Nemesis main here. Want to hear my full honest advice?
You don't lol. Nemesis is a fun character, not a viable character. You play him because you love his character or his gameplay, if you go in expecting to win you will be severely disappointed.
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Better question- how do you go against very good Nemesis’?? I can drop a pallet late, early, fake drop it- and he still tentacle whips me nearly every time. How do you dodge that thing on a good Nemesis, while looping a pallet? I try ducking, going left, going right- nothing works. Are good Nemesis’ aiming for the middle or something? If so, then that means TS will always make contact with your hitbox, right? I don’t get it.
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Demo has a much farther lunge and much wider attack than Nemesis but fair enough. I play each killer a certain way with specific perks. Maps can also make or break your win rate. Maps with lots of long pallets and high walls, Nemesis will suffer. Lots of pallets but low walls and Nemesis will do well since he can whip over them. Very good on the snow map.
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@Bloodshade The only killer that I can truly say that I suck at is Freddy. His blood pools are just worthless to me. If you play Freddy, how do you play him? Not talking about the dream pallets, only the snares that he uses. I'm good with Clown but hate Freddy xD
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Tip: against very good survivors you don't play.
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You don't. A killer that gives 8 free health states to survivors will never compete against good survivors. He's a low/average MMR killer.
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This, a few people have mentioned its difficult to tier up, and Marvin's Blood will make this much easier as you get to tier 2 off just 2 hits (I think)
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- If he is trying to always whip you can try faking a drop and he will swing assuming you will be animation locked and (depending on tile and nemi location) can hug the loop and get out of the way
- You can choose to infect yourself via a zombie early to deny infection gain(hitting an uninfected survivor advances his tiers significantly more than hitting an already infected one)
- Nemesis has a .33 second window where he can drag his whip, the animation does not show this and this could be what you're getting hit with, the player can shift a little bit left or right and depending on terrain in between you and him he can still get a hit in this state.
Lastly, if you are having significant trouble with his whip and regularly fail just hold W nonstop and don't try to loop him, you will still buy a significant chunk of time if he is only whipping you(2/3 whips depending on things). You can still buy 20+ seconds doing this at the very least.
Killers are awful at the start of the game and is time goes on they get stronger. Nemesis is designed such that he emphasizes this even more. His early game is weaker than most killers(A power that does nothing and gives away 8 free speed boosts/hits). Now, if late game rolls around and he has T3 he is significantly stronger in chases and loops.
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I use to do that but his slowdown on placing them makes that not viable anymore. He gets W'd hard. I see people spamming pools but that doesn't seem like a valid playstyle. He's the only killer that I hate playing as now. Just doesn't fit my playstyle. Also, OG pill bottle Freddy was best Freddy xD
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Nemesis main here.
You don't. You pray that you can at least get some BP or make some progress towards a challenge.
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You just don't. He's very time inefficient and his whip will cost you the game because of the free sprint burst it grants
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You grow a pair of balls and pray your hail marys connect.
Its rough, because nemesis loses so, so hard if you lose a gamble, and his tentacle is so telegraphed that if you whiff it, survivors will immediately disrespect you and not take you seriously.
Safe Nemesis, aka tentacle only at guaranteed hits, is the best and most consistent way to play him but that only gets us so far tbh.
I still find him comfortable to stomp with, even though he gives me a ton of anxiety
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What if the survivors avoid at all cost these safe tentacle hit and just let you M1 them ?
I cant get my contamination fast enough
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Pray for a miracle and then find out he Entity granted the miracle to the Survivor.
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The linger tech is the key, without it he would be low tier instead of mid imo.
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Im not english, what do you mean by linger tech ? Maybe I know in my language but in english I dont see what it is
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It's a technique to "extend" your tentacle hitbox horizontally, Dowsey explain it in this video:
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You have to preemptively tentacle and drag it into the survivor. This allows you to hit around corners, get surprise hits through windows etc.
Those games are tough, honestly. Sometimes it's better to just get the hit, but now with Boons it might be better to keep trying to infect. You absolutely need the vaccines gone after the last gen pops or else you lack pressure.
Imo, Lethality is a nice band aid fix for Nemesis. I personally love Starstruck to help make up for lost time spent infecting survivors. Not a fan of STBFL though
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I doubt I’m playing high MMR with Nemesis so my input is probably moot are the survivors good? Sure
i have to run slow downs with Nemesis and I tentacle strike those zombies like a consenting couple in a bdsm relationship.