Idea for new perk. Boon:Boosted

For all the boosted survivor mains, I present Boon:Boosted.
Bless a totem, blah blah blah.
When within the range of the totem and for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving it you run at 3/4/5% faster speed. Does not affect walking.
I think it's rather obvious idea for a perk I actually proposed for killers (unlimited range) years ago, but since we have boons it actually makes more sense to be a survivor perk (due to killer being always alone they can't be boosted).
Idea for new perk. Boon:Boosted 30 votes
Crap idea, NO!
I wouldn't use language as strong as that, but permanent haste could be hellish to deal with.
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@Bennett_They1Them Around the totem untill it is snuffed out... How is this permanent? Hope is stronger IMO.
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Crap idea, NO!
I mean permanent around the totem.
sometimes totems are hard to find...
maybe if it also highlighted the totem's aura, so the killer could just go snuff it.
that's still basically a free escape in chase.
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@Bennett_They1Them Totems are very loud? The closer you are the louder they get?? Do you really need aura reading???
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Crap idea, NO!
I mean, the directional thing needs some work.
as far as I can tell, most people can't easily find them.
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Crap idea, NO!
Someone could loop for a very long time around just one which can cover 2-3 loops, there can be a max of 4 during the trial. but also at endgame stack those with hope for more pain. Noed would be required by then provided it can even trigger.
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Crap idea, NO!
Depending on map and totem placement this would effectively turn some areas into infinites that most killers couldn't cope with.
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@Thadius @ReikoMori You guys do realize that as killer you don't need to take every chase (especially in pain houses) and that you can actually snuff out boon totems, right?
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I can only say the proposed name really fits... oh, wait, no: it should be called Boon: Busted.
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Crap idea, NO!
Snuffing totems can be a time consuming hassle with low reward with the current configuration of Boon perks and the lackluster directional audio. Generally speaking, having perma-haste in this game generally isn't going to be seen as fun to deal with because there is a finite limit to how quickly killers can move. If every killer has base 4.6 or a mobility power effect it would balance out, but killers with below average movement speed just flat out suffer. While you don't have to take every chase, you aren't usually in a position to just walk away from looping scenarios these days. Killer's only recourse to dealing with perma-haste is to bloodlust the runner unless you have a ranged power or can inflict the hindered status.
As someone who plays pretty much only boon builds on survivor now I've already seen the amount of frustration that builds up when a killer's dealing with trying to search out boons. Snuffing boons doesn't really offer much of a reward as the moment they leave, I just put the boon back up. The only real time gate is blessing over a hex and even if I spend more time booning than doing gens there are still three people cranking out progress and running the killer.
Also we already have a perk coming in with the next survivor that is going to add to the Hold W chase meta which is something we shouldn't be encouraging further.
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Crap idea, NO!
As someone that doesn’t have that big of an issue with boons, please don’t.
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Meh, but here's how to improove it:
The Haste bonus would definitely be too strong in chase, but I think you could make an argument for a similar Boon if the Haste was much stronger but only outside of chase (with maybe a 1% Haste while in chase). Still, movement speed bonuses are tricky to balance.
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Computer says no