Nerf ruin...

Sorry clickbait title...

I'll preface this by saying if your going to critique me don't pay attention to the numeric figures but rather my concepts because the numbers are really guesses.

I play roughly 60/40 on a survivor/killer split. That being almost all solo q and I sympathize with everyone's issues with the game. I've played games with survivors who do nothing and we never had a chance and then I get survivors on my level and we absolutely dominate basically any killer outside of nurse.

Let's nerf the slowdown, camp, tunnel meta and make this game fun for everyone(theoretically). I for one when I'm killer love chases, however the gens can fly sometimes which can make the chase lose some of its luster. I dont want to just chase one person. And as survivor I dont want to be chases right off hook when I'm at a severe disadvantage.

The no way out meta. Thats where I would say we are roughly speaking. Lets take that idea and run with it, make games have a minimum time cap with some caveats. Lets say the gens are done in 5 minutes, you have 1 hook and the exits are powered. Make it so the gates can be 99nd or even opened but the survivors can't leave until lets say 8-12 minutes of game time has elapsed.

The caveats being you have to increase the hook countdown time, a Bubba shouldn't be able to sit in front of your hook and kill everyone. Give killers the Incentive to bring perks that could make them more lethal in chase and end game noed, brutal strength, enduring, bamboozle. Get rid of those resources during the game. Survivors mindset would shift from doing gens fast to conserving resources in chase.

I won't pretend to have all the answers, like what about emerged gamers during the last 5 minutes egc? Could we get new information perks? A perk that lets you know when someone enter a locker? Everyone let me know your ideas and criticism and or if you like the thought of this. Why I personally like it is even if your running ruin undying your game will likely be longer however you could still only get 1 hook and no value so ideas like this gives the Incentives to chase rather than pressure gens.

Survivors like myself dont like just sitting on gens and the game has indeed gotten a bit sale on both ends. However I will sit on gens for my teams sake. Im sure many have thought about things like this but its a quick patch to maybe stop some of the power creep and bring back some killers like Ghostface or trapper and really have fun with their powers. You can have caveats to lower the minimum game timer for games where survivors are getting relentlessly tunneled or maybe if the killer is just having a great game. For example you have 2 gens left and 1 person completely dead, thats many times a very winnable game or close so that wouldn't need the minimum time requirement.

Huge post which is really just me spit balling a specific idea in hopes people of both sides come together to bring upon ideas of a newer enjoyable meta and of course nerf ruin by giving killers the Incentive to kill and not stop gens.


  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2021

    ill stick with title. Why? In SWF, hexes are gone in seconds. soloQ is either coincidence or once they figure out that they cant stop gen regress.

    I play like 90:10 killer:survivor but I still laugh how broken is boon as survivor

    I challenge killer to get slapped, run around for evades. and the if its indoor map as the game, it doesnt matter which floor as long as its boon radius, easy heal and repeat mocking killer. survivors should be nerfed, perks side and gen progress slower or harder.

    In SWF I meet is either:

    I do optimal 2 hooks in least ampunt of time = at least 1 gen is done.

    hooking = waste of time, especially with insta unhook and BT

    Last time I managed to down all 4. I was like yeah GG, lets end game with hooking. hooked first, second, picked 3rd which used DS and one guy had perk that allows you to unhook urself (nit that familiar with perks and names)

    They unhooked and revived the rest.

    So I was back on the start of the start (okay, challange acceptes) but yet i expected DS, so was thinking…i can semi afk and slug them out, therefore should be a win.

    tldr: in current state, it is hard to get upperhand as killer and somehow slowdown pace on gens

    tunneling is nasty but effective tactic to slowdown pace of survivors. i personally look at wounded = priority in chases. so as it happens that after hooking, you dont do 20 steps away and unhook is done, well…ill tunnel you as its easier to end chase

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ah ######### here we go again boys