Waiting times for survivors ques are getting horrible



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    This has nothing to do with what I wrote, but thank you for your input I guess.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    There were plenty of wraith threads and a bunch of stuff on other forums and streamers complaining.

    Pinhead has not had many complaints here specifically, but most streamers are complaining about how "unfun" he is and they always cry about engi fang when it is used. No idea about steam or twitter posts though.

    Deathslinger has always had random posts made about him here and plenty of comments in other topics. Streamers and youtubers made videos about him spreading the "no counterplay" mantra even though anyone that plays him beyond sentient rock level sees the counterplay in action.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    the killer is unfun =/= the killer is op and needs a nerf. Forever Freddy was also unfun but still wasn't overpowered, just as an example.

    I think going against huntress is unfun, doesn't mean I think she needs a nerf.

    What streamers say isn't a general thing. I rarely watch any streamers and I don't think they should be seen as the voice of the community in general.

    The only thing deathslinger needed was a sound cue when he aims, the same thing huntress has when she gets her hatchet up. Everything that was nerfed about him was not asked for. Same goes for the billy nerf and for the POP nerf.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    At peak hours, my survivor queues can take anywhere from 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Offpeak - 10 minutes isn't unusual.

    My killer queues at their longest are maybe 45-60 seconds at offpeak and almost instant at peak.

    Even with 4 available spots in groups, there seem to be less and less killers around.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I don't disagree. The problem is the developers clearly do.

    They are nerfing killers based on "FUN" because survivors keep disconnecting against them and raising the kill stats. This is exactly why pinhead has high kill rates. If i get a chain hunt going, on a map that i know the box spawns on, survivors will generally Dc by the third wave. It isn't rare. I won't be shocked if hoarder is nerfed within a year.

    Deathslinger was nerfed specifically because of "FUN". His kill stats were not that high and he had clear counterplay and was easy to beat thanks to having zero map pressure.

    I have seen more dev interaction in streamers chats then i ever have here. I don't know if developers actually read anything here, or are just told things by the mods.

    I also hate huntress since most of them seem to have 100 ping, but there are plenty of people who love playing against her and she is usually the comparison for what the haters want for ranged killers (slow, wind up, noise notifications, large terror radius)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    That is an issue not only with the community but with the devs as well then.

    People pay way too much attention to what streamers say when they should be making their own judgement by playing the game themselves.

    Devs have been too worried about doing these streams with streamers as guests and whatever else, while the rest of the community, which can be as good and invested in the game, get ignored.

    Most recent nerfs were made not because people really asked for it, but because for the devs unfun = needs a nerf.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    But you know that those two survivors didn't do a gen. And maybe they won't even be able to get use out of that boon, because you hook them and don't let run away injured. Or snuff the totem when you go around.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    I don't get why people complain about boons if there was no swf boons wouldnt be an issue.. I love boons as a killer i always snuff them out almost right away.. If you know totems spawns its super easy to find and better yet survivors waste so much time with them..

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I've played this game on and off since 2016 and have about 800+hrs in the game and majority of that was spent playing killer. Right now isn't a great time to play killer with all the nerfs, boons, and then the real threat of being doxxed/swatted/ddos'd because someone seems to feel the way to respond to a loss is invading someone's privacy and potentially putting them in grave danger. Even a bloodhunt isn't gonna pull that many killers back into the game when they have to consider all of the stress that comes with it.

    Which is why I have started playing survivor almost exclusively lately. I like to have fun playing games and the only side that's really allowed to have fun in DBD currently is survivor. I get to listen to music, bless totems, and generally have a chill time. I don't get people dumping their emotional baggage on me at end screens which has been really nice. The game is just a better experience all round when you've transitioned from a Nemesis/Legion main to a Mikaela/Dwight main.

    It sucks that I can't really play the role I'm passionate about right now, but at least whoever put together the Trickster spotify list knows how to make a soundtrack. More of this please.

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    I mean, I love playing with newbs. I troll. Get points, drag out the game some, let last one go, and end up with almost perfect score. What's the issue?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Survivor queues were instant for me yesterday.

    So either the horrible survivor queues were a matchmaking bug or the bloodhunt really reeled players back instantly

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    i'm pretty sure right now its probably gonna be instant survivor queues due to many people playing killer just for the BP.