What Do You *Like* About DbD?

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

As in - despite the things you dislike, what keeps you playing?

For me:

  • Good matches can be really memorable.
  • The occasional bit of really entertaining emerging narrative.
  • I like the variety of killers and perks. I wish survivor perks changed up the game more (killer perks have tons of risk/reward/counterplay).
  • The music is incredible.
  • The community out of game is pretty damn great.
  • Some absolutely brilliant maps (Yamaoka in particular I'm never sad to get).
  • MMR (yes I know some people dislike it) definitely allows me to play a lot more experimental, chill games.
  • Frequent new content.
  • Playing Demogorgon, Plague and Cenobite is generally quite enjoyable even when I lose.
