The bloodpoint grind is too much. Any tips?

I have a few main issues with the grind.
A. I work 10+ hours a day so I don't have much time to play DbD these days. Thankfully during lockdowns I was able to play a lot and got lucky on the shrine and have most perks on survivor side. Killer side is a different story. I have a decent collection but as I haven't purchased many killers until recently, I'm lacking some critical perks.
B. I would LOVE to play on PC however I picked up DbD heavily when I got my PS5 because it was free. With that being said unless cross-progression becomes a thing I couldn't possibly put in the time it'll require to start from 0 and reach half of where I am today.
C. The sheer randomness of the bloodweb. I got my bubba to level 50 and went through his bloodwebs a few times at 50 and I still didn't get BBQ tier 3. I may have not went through the bloodweb as optimal as I could have though but still.
I do my Tome's, I do my best to get all my dailies done and I go through the bloodweb as optimal as possible. What's everyone's way of getting bloodpoints the quickest? Should I possibly be using certain perks that boost BP bonuses for the time being?
Use the code: EASYASABC for 150k Bloodpoints.
besides that: Mostly you get points for just playing, Survivor mains get way less, so feel lucky you play killer :'D
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Its too bad they dont have a bp bonus buff that increases by how long its been since you played last.
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Well, they need at least some motivation for players to play killers :D
It's not like they can gain more, but it's just easier to gain more on average, mainly because 4 stack with BBQ is way easier than 4 stacks with WGLF.
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Chose 1 or 2 killers that you really like like and stick to them.
I fortunately im at the point where most my killers are well equipped with 3 to 5 pages of perks but I'm nowhere near to the point of getting them all. God forbid i want to try something specific huh?
It sucks, people have been complaining about this for ages but not a lot has been done, and don't expect that to change.
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There's no tips to give. The grind is too much.
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Try to use all that you got to maximize points and minimize amount of BP you use. Build your economy :)
Bonus codes? Great!
Rank reset bonus - Good.
All offerings that provide % bonus to BP - good investment.
Shrine perks that you have - if you don't need other perks from the Shrine or save shards for the skins it's 50/50.
Economy perks
- BBQ and WGLF - are great.
- Beast of Prey - underated, but still can be used.
- Distressing - can be extremely good for some killers and not worthy of attention on the others.
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt - never used, but guess it's extra points while slowing down boons.
- No One Left Behind - situational, can get you killed :)
- Prove Thyself - not good, but ok for the start, just avoid hiding in the lockers next to gen.
Most important - personal goals.
"I want Prestige 3 Ghost Face" is more doable than "All Killers 50 with meta perks".
Edit: typo
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Wait for a cake event or bloodhunt and hit it hard. The issue is despite their claims that they are aware of the grind, I think cakes are anniversary exclusive and we haven't had a bloodhunt since, well, right around the anniversary. Never take off BBQ and prioritize stacks over winning. Lowkey, this lowers your mmr and makes it even easier to grind BP... Just saiyan.
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Best way to farm in this game is playing Legion, Doctor with BBQ and if you have BP offerings.
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wraith is a good bp farming killer, you get a lot of points just by uncloaking and hitting a survivor.
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also, don't even bother prestiging, its a waste of time and doesn't improve your odds of getting good stuff in the bloodweb.
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Yes, character and perk helps a lot, i usually play doc with BBQ/distressing/Beast of prey/hex:TOHT and i rarely gain less than 50/60k per game without offering.
The only thing i would be a bit carefull about is the BP offering, especially the 50% one, I made a post about it a while ago and they can sometime be a detriment to our BP gain, even more so while playing survivor since you only pay them back if you get 6000k in the chosen categorie, which isn't always that easy to get with survival or altruism.
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That's way too confusing for the OP and you're putting too much thought into it. It doesn't matter what BP offerings he buys as long as it gets him to the perk he wants and complete the bloodweb in the cheapest way possible.
OP- you shouldn't even be playing any other killer if you don't have BBQ on them. You already have it on Bubba and he's very good except at the highest level, and even then he's ok. Focus on getting BBQ 3, then just use him as your BP maker until you're comfortable enough with your build to start building up your other killers.
The sad fact is, is that you you'll need upwards of several thousand hours to cap out all killers and survivors without prestiging. Maybe half that if you just concentrate on the killer side. If you don't have that time, then just focus on a couple of your favorite killers first, besides Bubba, just to break up the monotony.
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I understand what you mean, but i still find important to warn him about those, but yeah, maybe the graph was i bit to much. Because, like i said, if you use a brown offering and you don't get at least 6k in that categorie you actually LOST bp on your purchase, and since he really want to optimise his gain, I thought that he should be made aware of that.
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It's more economically safe to grab offerings from blood web instead items and add-ons. Even if you get half of the offerings price back - you progress faster.
As for items:
Combine Plunderer's Instinct and Ace in the Hole. And just survive :)
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We are going to live forever and BBQ every game and learn what actions earn you the most bp.
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Play Doctor with Distressing, BBQ and the best bonus BP offerings you have.
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If playing killer, play whoever you want with BBQ and puddings or BPS. Don’t bother with the other bonus point offerings unless it’s all you have. But preferably a killer that maxes out on deviousness easily, even if you don’t get a 4K. Outside of dailies, events, and codes, not much you can do besides that.
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Good news, they just announced a bloodhunt from the 25th through the 29th!
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You probably already tried this already but make sure to equip BBQ and level up your blood web while it is equipped. I found that this increases the chance that your lower tier skills that you want to level up will show up in the next web. Not 100% guarantee I don't think but a much better chance in my experience
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Nice timing on this thread. BHVR just announced double blood points from Nov 25-29.
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I don’t think it has anything to do with equipping it. They just changed the formula that you’re more likely to get repeat perks in lower level blood webs.
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Well like I said I had a lot of good reactions to perks that I equipped showing up in the next bloodweb. Otherwise if all of my equipped perks are already t3 it will give me any old perk I dont have
And it's not like you have to play a game with it or anything.. you just equip your t2 perk, level up one time and it might show up
Post edited by throwaway79465468797 on0 -
Survivor Bp build: WGLF, prove thyself, DS + Deliverance (survival points), small game or any totem perk for boldness points. Do two generators with another person, try to get 4 stacks of WGLF if possible, don't engage in a chase at the start of the match so you can get deliverance, bring a map item so you get scouting points and cleansing all the bones if possible. And lastly, if you're in solo q, don't feel bad if it doesn't work out most of the time. But overall, you get more bp playing killer than survivor, but if you do play survivor, it's what I recommend.
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Mm equip BBQ and any killer that uses power in chase a lot. IE blight, PH, Doc, etc and go for as many hooks as you possibly can. Forget kills, if they happen great but if you're farming BP, chases and hooks are the way to go. I get around 30-32k consistently as blight, with bbq this is a consistent 60-64k each game. 10 mins of game.
As survivor use Were gonna live forever and get every single protection, hook save, flashlight save, flashbang save, pallet stun save you can get.
And then, and this is the hardest part, play the game without thinking about it. Don't bother looking at your points til you've played like 5-6 games. It adds up real damn fast
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My advice is to participate at the bloodhunt that’s coming tomorrow :)