Current state of reports

Kotentopf Member Posts: 276

It's annyoing. Everytime i get a toxic swf squad and i make them lose, they just being salty, call me a nazi (cause im from germany) and they get away with this.

I always make screenshots, upload them to imgur and post them on the current report system ingame. But i have a real big problem with the report system since the start. I get no feedback. When i report to valve they send me an automessage with "we inspected your issue and came to the following result". I miss that in DbD. I need an hub for all my reports and the current state of them. I try to report everything whats against the rules: Harrasment, griefing and when i see a cheater even that. I always upload the media and posting the url in the system (i can not paste it, as you all know. i need to type the url).
So please, an report hub must be on teh roadmap, for the next 12 months, but better asap. And the better report system is still not here.


  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48

    Fed up with that too.
    Even if cheaters are not that common, they need to be banned and the system in place does not work.
    i always bookmark the profiles of the cheaters i report. none has been banned recently.
    i cannot check for griefers or abusive insults because it does not lead to perma ban... but still some pretty agressive insults like: hope you and all your family dies of cancer goes unpunished just because they were killed is no fun at all.
    Worse when you try to expose cheaters on forums for mods to forward the info and hoping that it will be dealt with, the message is erased or you get warned (or banned) for naming and shaming.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited June 2018

    Don't speak up or ask questions is the best advice I can give you.