Do you fing Deathslinger playable after his nerf?
I really tried him after the nerf. It just was god-awful.
- You have to run Monitor and Abuse
- You spend more time fighting 'W' than anything else
- You never feel like you win, even when you do it just feels like the survivors lost
- You're now suckered into running aprox. 3 different sets of add ons (Otz covers them pretty well in a recent video, actually) for build styles, which is almost fun - save for when your BP's eventually dry up and you're reminded he's a shell of what he once was
- There's a bug where if you double scope real fast the second is a quick scope, so you have like 4^8 power mouse sensitivities you have to juggle depending on where the redeemer is on the screen at any given time
They could've done a million things, and instead they neutered him.
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Is he playable yes but, is he fun to play not anymore prefer playing as and against the old Deathslinger way more enjoyable to snipe people from far away and he was more scary to go against.
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All killers are playable. I don't use him as often as I used to (Long time fps so no quick scoping hit hard) but i still do very well with him. I just zone more than i used to which is not as fun for me or survivors i play.
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There is absolutely no reason a 110 killer should have a 32 meter terror radius
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And by contrast, trapping a survivor at a loop and spamming Punishment until you hit them is more fun for both sides?
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Yeah he lost the fake out play which was half the fun.
You can also hear him from a mile away like every other killer taking a lot of the surprise and threat out of him.
Faced him twice since the change and he's far less scary than he was.
Getting shot before you even heard the terror radius because he's running monitor, that's what I miss.
After facing him I played a few slinger rounds and he feels similar to play you just gotta commit to the shots now. Which kinda sucks because he largely just chases like any other killer.
Hey if they nerf enough varied and interesting killer powers then we can all just play the exact same way every game regardless of which killer it is, sounds like fun to me.
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I wish I had skipped him.
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Define playable.
Playable yes.
Fun to play? Nope, not at all.
Why? They removed quick scope but kept the issue he had, imo if he got punished by reloading instead of ads he would be fun.
The only 4.4/110% killer with 32m tr.
Usually when bhvr nerfs they give something on the side, the cooldown for breaking the chain is a joke
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Absolutely. It is more engaging and you're not hopeless that he'll just run you down with you not being able to do anything.