If there were a competitive and casual mode, which would you play?
Competitive could have things like increased bp, mmr, a perk pool for survivors (maybe each perk can only be used twice between all four survivors) and possibly the strongest maps and add ons for both sides removed.
Casual could simply be no mmr, free use of perks, add ons and all maps can appear.
These are just general things that I'd presume would be used in the case dbd decided to split into two separate queues.
This thread isnt about if it would work or not, but rather theoretically, if dbd split between casual and competitive, and they worked like this or something similar, what would you play more often?
If there were a competitive and casual mode, which would you play? 36 votes
Comp, because all the sweatlords will head over to casual hoping for easy stomps.
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Both. Comp for honing my skills, casual for gimmick builds and practising new killers.
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Probably should've included a both option thinking about it, but oh well.
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Competitive will just end up being the gamemode you play if you want to actually play the video game. In other games, it's pretty much not worth it to play casual unless you want endless trolls, toxic whiners and people disconnecting at the drop of a hat (which is already happening to some degree in DbD, but I'm sure it would be worse).
"Normals" on League, for example, are full of toxic crybabies, trolls and everything negative under the sun. Back when I played, I would ONLY play ranked because at least I could semi-count on my teammates to actually play the video game. Normals are a nightmare 99% of the time.
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for me DBD's much closer to D&D than an Esport. Sure, you can kinda win, but I've always thought the game's more fun when storytelling through game mechanics is the focus.
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If comp added like perk banning for each side then I would def want to do that.
Also they need to get rid of majority of the current bugs like exploiting spots on the maps.
- 4 perks to be banned for Killer (Each Survivor picks one)
- 4 perks to be banned for Survivor (Killer picks)
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I don't sweat and I don't want to
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I would play casual, but what I've seen in other games is that "casual" becomes a place that's casual sometimes and other times it's where you get stomped by competitive players who want an easy win.
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I wouldn't feel like stressing myself out with competitive mode, so I would play casual.
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I would play casual because I really dislike sweats but as I read a certain comment I believe that high level sweats might go over to casual for easy wins
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I’m guessing Casual simply because it would probably have a larger player pool.