Which Dark Souls/Bloodborne boss would make the best killer?

tenoresax Member Posts: 797

I know there'd probably be issues with model sizes because some of these bosses are really big compared to the player character but for the sake of the poll, ignore that :)

Personally, I think Artorias would work super well since he's one of the series' most iconic characters and his erratic animations in his boss fight would fit really well into the game, I've no idea what his power could be though.

Which Dark Souls/Bloodborne boss would make the best killer? 14 votes

Abyss Watcher(s?)
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
anarchy753kekprod 2 votes
Soul of Cinder
GrandkuramaGazgemauchshinobu149 3 votes
Sister Friede
Taiga 1 vote
Gravelord Nito
Artorias the Abysswalker
tenoresaxBooba 2 votes
Orphan of Kos
Rizzo 1 vote
Father Gascoigne
Dinkle_De_ERoboMojo 2 votes
xtr4megilgamerBennett_They1Them 3 votes


  • Gazgemauch
    Gazgemauch Member Posts: 39
    Soul of Cinder

    for me its a tie between soul of cinder, artorias, and abyss watchers, with an honorable mention to gravelord nito who is a little bit on the bigger side and having all the bones he's made out of scaled down would look like he's made out of dead babies.

    ultimately went with soul of cinder though just because its my favorite boss, and its power could be tied into its ability to switch weapons, gwyn's power, or with the firelinking curse.

    artorias would fit the job perfectly with looks, but he does not have many options for powers that keep it friendly to dark souls. (maybe something with walking through abyss?)

    the abyss watchers could be another killer to introduce ai assistants like nemesis (but ones that dont suck), with maybe 2 abyss watchers (1 player, 1 ai), but around huntress movement speed, and some charge/combo attacks to keep the power interesting

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797
    Artorias the Abysswalker

    I think weapon switching could be a really cool power actually

    Greatsword would be the default weapon obv, Sorcery phase could slow him down to 110 and give him some kind of ranged ability with soul spears or smth, then I've got no idea what he'd do for the Curved Sword or Spear phase lol

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327
    edited November 2021
    Father Gascoigne

    Personally, I think that Father Gascgoine would fit DBD best (Only souls game I've played extensively is Bloodborne). Orphan of Kos could work, but I can't say for certain that they'd fit. Truth be told, I accidentally went into new game + before I could complete the DLC. I never actually got the chance to fight the Orphan of Kos, lol.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797
    Artorias the Abysswalker

    Father G would definitely fit really well. I feel like he'd be a Power Burst type killer like Michael and Oni where he can turn into a Beast for a limited time.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Idk Witch of Hemwick or someone else I wouldn't mind seeing horribly buggy and in a horrible state