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What do you think of the new perks?

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

Just curious about the opinions on the new perks for Artist and Jonah.


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021


    Boon: Exponential -> good for SWF, bad otherwise. Basically all survivors need to have build for it.

    Corrective Action -> bad

    Overcome -> good with CoH, or medkit

    Grim Embrace -> used for adept and it's just bad. It should be just with tokens per any hook, so you can trigger it faster and maybe don't limit it once.

    Scourge Hook: Pain -> quite good, really good combined with pop, you know what is gen with most progress which is valuable info.

    Resonance Hex: Pentimento -> got way better with fix that slow-gen is first, useless alone, but strong with Plaything and probably Thrill of the hunt to counter boons. It's kinda full build around thing. I tried just Plaything + Pentimento and boons are just too good against that.

    If Pentimento was released before boons, it would be super good.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Pain is pretty good, other ones were ok aside from Overcome. It's unhealthy for the game and I think it's also bugged, I'm pretty sure it activates on Nemesis' infection

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    The New Boon is kind of bad unless you have a very specific build for it ur not gonna get much value.

    The New overcome perk is nice. ive been seeing alot of mindbreaker 2 now, help with a camping killer since it still works on deep wound damage

    Corrective Action might one of the worst perks in the game, such a garbage perk, should of been a character non specific perk.

    i havent played with the artist perks yet so I wont comment

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    pentimento seriously limits your build as you have to run other hexes to counter boons, so it's a pretty trash perk.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    Played Nemesis yesterday and have a strong suspicion too. Guess it's bugged.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Corrective action is a good perk if you know you are swf with new players or just know your teammates are noobs

    Love the new exhaustion perk

    And the unbreakable boon is ok

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Grim- is either really good or get no value because you couldn't hook that one survivor soon enough.

    The hex I've gotten no value and took it off. No build around it though.

    Pain is really good imo and might make it a staple.

    I don't have any of the new survivor perks but I've played against them a few times.

    Overcome is disgusting the amount of distance and time it waste is bad.

    The new boon can be strong in the right non swf like I was at 2 gens with one down in the boon(I wasn't aware at the time)and 2 people close so I went to slug. The downed survivor crawled into the boon by the time I knew he was in the boon area it was to late.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Exponential seems so-so. I did get it to activate twice in one game but the killer was seeming to intentionally let me do it. I'm not sure it will be an issue like COH. Collective action is garbage unless you're with a new player in your swf. Overcome seems unhealthy for the game since it encourages holding W, which is boring. However I have doubts people will use it over DH. Pentimento is a perk out of time. It wants to exist a year ago, not now. I cannot see a reason to use it in a boon meta. Grim embrace is too much work for way too little reward or impact especially for a once a game effect. It needs serious buffing to be usable at all. Pain resonance I have been extremely impressed with and IMO is a solid gen regression perk. It will find its way to many of my builds.

    So IMO Killer got one good perk and two bad ones. Survivor got one good perk, one okay perk, one bad perk.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Boon: Exponential

    Extremly situational. The boon has to be up, you need to go down in the area but outside of the hearing range of the killer and you have to be slugged. Good for youtube montages with Tenacity, flip flop and power struggle but overall it's better to stick with unbreakable

    Corrective Action

    Perk for playing with a new player. Not bad in that regard but obviously obsolete after a couple of hours


    Most overrated perk i have ever seen in the game. If you ever want to know why the devs don't listen to the community you just look at the reactions of this perk. Absolutly mindboggling how people think an exhaustion perk that gets completly denied by insta down killers or does nothing when you are tunneled of hook is s-tier.

    It's about as good as smash hit. Okay in the picture perfect scenario, absolutly useless in the worst

    Grim Embrace

    I like the idea of it. Nothing really crazy thought but you can't go wrong with it. Important to note that it does not matter in wich order you hook the survivors. Idially you still want to remove a player before this triggers but you can often make it trigger right when the last gen is going to pop and the pressure it gives is pretty good

    Scourge Hook: Pain

    Really good. The worst case scenario of having bad hook rng happens a lot less then i thought it would, so far atleast. Survivors really need to learn to stop working on the gen that it triggers on though. Has an obsurd synergy with pop for the sole reason of survivors not playing smart right now.

    Resonance Hex: Pentimento

    Really good but needs a build around it. On it's own it does nothing. Throw in a couple of other hexes and you can get a ball rolling. This and Thrill are best friends as thrill makes the worst case scenario of your hexes being booned obsolete with it taking near to a minute to do so

    Overal there isn't a single killer perk i don't like. They are all either strong or fun or both. On the other hand there isn't a single survivor perk i like. All extremly situational and overcome's praise causes me headaches

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Terminally underwhelmed.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I thought Overcome would be op but actually i found it a bit underwhelming. 2 seconds of extra speed isn't as much as i thought even with the right build, i prefer sprintburst and DH.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    New Boon is eh. But the fact that it comes completely free with other boon perks in boon perk builds is still just ridiculous. It won't do much of anything honestly. Shadowstep/CoH are still miles better, but those perks are miles better than anything else in the game so thats not really much of a point.

    Corrective Action is "never pick this perk tier" it doesnt do jack.

    Overcome. S+ broken tier. Hold W is still the strongest thing you can do as a survivor. Giving a survivor an on demand sprint burst that lasts longer than sprint burst means you auto lose the chase. If you try and continue on someone using overcome you will lose gens for it. End of story. Its the best exhaustion perk in the game now. Basic map knowledge means that if you get hit while running this perk, you make it to, LITERALLY, any loop, on any map that you want.

    For the killer. Deadlock is garbage. Hex peppermint patty is the most laughable excuse of a perk I've ever seen simply because boons exist. If boons didnt exist it would still be a D tier perk due to the time and setup needed. (Requiring survivors to do a secondary objective they never do for a perk to be strong is just potato tier game design)

    Scourge Hook though. This is such a nice perk. Its Surge but good. Its pop but actually better. Instead of hooking and running to the gen you need to interrupt. You hook, it pops it automatically, PLUS survivors on it will scream. Informing you HOW MANY survivors are on the most progressed gen. This perk is AMAZING. Meta perk or slightly off meta perk for absolute sure. With the undying nerf, boon totems existing, which basically removes hex perks from the game, Pop was the only gen regression, and its not very good at that. Scourge Hook pain is competing with Lethal Pursuer as the best perk they've put out for a killer in a long time. Great design on a perk. The main downside unfortunately to it, is that some maps that are already bad for killers, become even worse with this perk.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Not to mention it's a dead perk vs insta downers and does nothing when tunneled of hook.

    Not only isn't it op. It's just bad

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531


    Hex pentimento: Pretty good perk that is hard countered by boons. If boons fall out of meta it could be amazing

    Pain resonance: Great slowdown perks and has good synergy with certain powers (especially Freddy) very excited to try this out

    Grim embrace: Perk that encourages not tunnelling but the effect is a bit too weak imo and deadlock will give more value


    Overcome: Decent perk but outclassed by dead hard. Makes M1 killers life’s a living hell

    Boon exponential: Very very situational and probably won’t be used