What are the best first DLCs to buy for Dead by Daylight for me?

With 1st of December's update, most Dead by Daylight DLCs are 50% off on Steam. I don't have any DLC but I was thinking of buying 1 or 2 DLCs to maximize my games.
- I think licenced DLCs are better than non-licenced ones since you can eventually unlock non-licenced ones with purple points in-game.
- I play killer and survivor equally.
- However, with survivors you can already get the most best perks with the non-DLC characters.
With non-DLC survivors you got: Dwight (Bond, Prove Thyself), David King (Dead Hard), William Bill Overbeck (Borrowed Time, Unbreakable), Claudette Morel (Empathy, Botany Knowledge, Self-Care), Jake Park (Iron Will), Meg (Sprint Burst, Adrenaline), Nea (Urban Evasion).
With these, you got the vast majority of top tier survivor perks without paying a cent. There are very few top tier perks for DLC characters, such as: Feng Min (Lithe), Laurie Strod (Decisive Strike), Cheryl Mason (Soulguard), Kate Denson (Dance with Me).
So you already have a competitive set without paying any extra money for survivors. Which is why I think I should focus on killers to make the buying of the DLCs worth it.
Because as killer, you got 3 good perks from Hillbilly (Enduring, Lightborn, Tinkerer), 3 good perks from the Nurse (Stridor, Thantophobia, A Nurse's Calling) who is also the best killer in the game toe to toe with Spirit.
- Unlike survivors, killers greatly differ from one another, they are not essentially a reskin of the same.
- Unlike survivors, the vast majority of the best killer perks are not found in non-DLC characters, so you need to pay some money, farm those 9000 purple points or get lucky with the Shrine for 2000 purple points to get the most competitive killer perks in the game.
- Top tier killer perks require DLC killers: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Hex: Undying (Blight), Discordance (Legion), Barbecue & Chilli (Cannibal), Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown), Monitor & Abuse (Doctor), Infectious Fright (Plague), Hex: Devour Hope (Hag), Save the Best for Last (Myers), Corrupt Intervention (Plague), Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face), Surveillance (Pig), Deadlock (Cenobite).
I had in mind a few survivor & killer builds when I got the game:
- Jake Park: Self-care, Dead Hard, Kindred, Prove Thyself. (focused on survival & doing gems)
- Nea Karlson: Borrowed Time, Lithe, We're Gonna Live Forever, Lightweight. (focused on healing others; maybe experiment with Unbreakable / Kindred too).
- Legion: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, A Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher. (am thinking of buying Legion when I get 9.000 points)
- Wraith: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, Lightborn, Sloppy Butcher. (maybe Surveillance instead of Discordance)
But in the end, I swapped Prove Thyself for Lightweight. And my current build is: Self-care, Dead Hard, Kindred, Lightweight. I also tried to play with Spinechill instead, but I'm not that good with it yet.
As for Nea Karlson, I swapped We're Gonna Live Forever for Empathy. Don't have Lithe so I went for Dead Hard instead. Essentially, my healing build began to look like my survival & gems build, except for Borrowed Time <-> Self-care difference. Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Empathy, Lightweight.
So I got my survivor competitive builds already with plenty of options to pick from. 😀
But for killers.... I really need to farm 9000 purple points, get lucky at the shrine with 2000 purple points or buy the DLCs to get the best perks and the best killers out of them.
So, with this backend information in mind, what do you think I should get?
I made this quiz: https://www.otzdarva.com/whichkiller and got as following:
- 1. Legion ; 2. Oni ; 3. Cannibal ; 4. Wraith.
- My 7th place was Spirit and Doctor, which I wanted as the time was the 13th option.
Should I buy the killer that I feel is the best for me? or the killer that will bring me the best teachable perks?
I also wonder whether I should buy Blight or Spirit. They are some of the best killers, but I don't know which one would be my style.
Or maybe I should buy Cannibal for it's licenced status (impossible to get otherwise) and Barbecue & Chilli perk?
Or should I get the Hag despite not being a big fan of her, just for that OP Hex: Ruin teachable perk that will basically change the game? I like this option the least though. If I am to buy a killer, at least buy one I would enjoy like Blight or Spirit that is also competitive. Or a licenced killer that will also help me with farming like Cannibal.
I also consider the Legion since he was the first one I got on that quiz and has a good Discordance perk.
The Pig with an interesting gameplay style, being licenced and the Surveillance perk is also a viable choice.
What do you think I should prioritize?
Let's say I have to pick 1 or 2 DLCs. What DLC would you buy and why? considering it would take a really long time before buying other DLCs.
Cannibal is must have if you don't have BBQ and he is not really bad killer, so he was quite fun to play.
I don't know what perks you already have, but for Legion to get fun build, you need cannibal and clown.
Build that is decent and mainly fun: BBQ, Pop, Enduring and Bamboozle (Bamboozle could be replaced with Spirit fury)
Spirit you need good headset and Blight will take a while to learn, I really wouldn't start to play killers with those. If you want best and hard killer, just start with Nurse, but it's bad idea imo. You will not have good time.
Oni is really good killer too and quite fun. You would need more DLCs for him tho. Build I love is: BBQ, Pop, Tinkerer, Infectious fright
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Stranger Thin-… Man
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I think you should buy whatever appeals to you most, and if you’re caught up on licenses, definitely wait for Hag as she can be bought with shards but definitely get Bubba for BBQ. I would recommend Stranger Things but as that isn’t obtainable anymore, Cursed Legacy is always a safe bet, Oni and Yui are personally two of my favourites.
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I highly recommend kate for windows of opportunity
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Thank you all for the advice.
After some thought, I decided to go with Leatherface (Bubba) DLC. After all, he's the only killer out of the ones I considered that is impossible to get without real life money, because he's licensned. So I could get the Hag for her perk eventually when I reach 9000 purple points; as well as Blight or Spirit or Legion. But if I don't take the Cannibal now, I'll never get him as well as the bloodpoints farmer Barbecue & Chilli.
What builds would you recommend me for Bubba?
By the way, I saw a lot of people playing Nemesis (another licenced killer), is he that good? why are so many people playing him?
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Ask yourself this. Are you willing to dump over a million bloodpoints into a character you may or may not like?
If you have the patience of a monk then wait for the shrine to decide. (Characters that feature in the tome will dictate what perks appear in the shrine.)
Otherwise choose who suits your playstyle best.
My progression was a bit different because I play on console so hag and doctor were already unlocked. I liked doctor because of his tracking and farming so I stuck with him.
I'm very picky on which characters I buy. I have skipped almost half the killers simply because I don't like how they look or their power is boring. The only licensed characters I have are demo, pyramid head and nemesis.
As for your list:
Legion - Skipped. Got perks from shrine. I heard they are good at farming bloodpoints.
Oni - Difficult but alot of fun.
Bubba - Skipped. Got all perks from shrine.
Wraith - Already unlocked. Kind of dull but easy to use.
Spirit - I suck at tracking so I hardly use her.
Blight - Too clunky for console.
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Depends on what perks you currently have. For someone new. Hillbilly's are decent to start with. Enduring you can combine with spirit fury (which is the shrine by the way). Tinkerer is good for info on gens and lightborn denies all items that blind you while giving some aura reading.
I see bamboozle alot on some bubba for shutting down windows.
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No, seriously, tgis game is a mad mess. The devs are just throwing things at the wall now. Don't sink your time and money in.
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I recommend the Silent Hill chapter.
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I recommend the Leatherface chapter. It contains the best Perk for beginners, that being BBQ And Chilli, and comes with an easy enough Killer to understand
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People are playing Nemesis because he is pretty fun, not that good but quite fun. I woudknt recommend him as he isn't that easy to understand and can be very random at times due to his Zombies
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I got Leatherface. After I level up the Hillbilly then I'll level up Leatherface. And then maybe level up the Nurse so I can get all 7 good perks from them.
As for a 2nd DLC, first I should level up the killers I already have and play a lot with them. But after that, I was considering the Jigsaw chapter since it's impossible to get this killer otherwise.
Detective David Tapp doesn't have such great perks. However, the Pig as Surveillance that is especially great with Hex: Ruin and Make Your Choice.
After all, why waste money on killers that I can unlock with 9.000 purple points when I have killers that I can only unlock with real life money?
If I want to play Blight, Legion or Spirit. Or Doctor and Oni. By the time I level up the killers I already have, I would have enough purple points to unlock them.