Exponential Proves the Devs Have Forgotten Twins

We warned you from PTB, that Exponential would make Twins unplayable if neither the perk nor the power were changed. And now the newest Boon perk makes it so that Twins can't pick a Survivor up because their fatigues are so long that Survivors can pick themselves up faster than you can.
This is something you should be testing for in the perk design stage. If a perk makes a Killer power that's only useful against injured Survivors incapable of downing and hooking them, then that's a problem with either the Killer or the perk and something needs to be addressed before the perk goes live.
The fact that Exponential went live in this state without changes to it, or to Twins to allow them to handle Exponential, proves that the developers have literally forgotten this Killer existed.
They came out a year ago today and the developers didn't even tweet about their birthday like they did with Blight a few months ago.
If you don't want me to play my favourite Killer any more, just come on out and say it. Don't leave me with the hope that you might actually sort them out someday because it's been exactly a year and every single set of patch notes with some shadownerf or new bug or new super-recovery perk feels like a punch in the mouth.
Just buff their fatigue times so we can pick up Survivors without taking 5-7 working days to get to the down, okay? That's all we need, that's all we EVER needed. And now it's gone beyond an irritation to "you can't play the game any more if a single Survivor brought a single perk."
Bon anniversaire, my wonderful French children.
fortunatly, no one plays twins.
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I do.
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Play executioner.
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the 2 twins mains will be sad
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Twins Main here it makes me so sad what the Devs are doing whit my beloved Killer :( First CoH and Now this Perk also a Killer like Trickster already got more Skins and also a Tome Twins only got 1 new Skin since her Releases it isnt not even a Good one
Thanks God i didnt have played against the new Boon Totem so far Boons was a massive Nerf for Twins
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Like they care about the 2 twins main out there
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It's even worse when combo'ed with CoH or Soulguard. But yeah i agree, completely overlooked. Possible bandaid fix is to allow Victor to break or latch onto totems.
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My condolences to the few Twins mains out there, I'm a little glad I drifted away from Twins before boons happened otherwise I'd be more upset about it all.
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Victor should totally be able to snuff boons, he's the perfect size to smash the ######### out of them
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There's no twins players anymore anyway... Sad
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Jeez, I wonder why?
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Me too.
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First, because of circle of healing and they didn't changed it. Now with infinite unbreakable it's almost a dead killer.
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RIP to the few Twins Gamer out there. I told people Exponential would not be strong. Then I remembered Twins and I was like ouch
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They haven't forgotten them. Its more like a neglectful parent, they acknowledge their existence but simply cannot be arsed to care enough about them.
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That's true, they'll acknowledge their existence when it's time to fix a bug that benefits them, like Victor hitting through Dead Hard's I frames, but not when there's a bug or intended mechanic that ruins their day.
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Like I've said in other posts they nerfed the old killers so you will spend more money on new ones.
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Twins aren't an old Killer though: they're a year old today.
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make that 3... :(
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Play a better killer
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It's situational and will not influence games most of the time. CoH is still miles better to put on a totem. I haven't seen any Exponential totems yet.
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Give it a week or two and you will almost never see Exponential in your games anymore. I barely see it as it is.
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You're right, but just because the perk is uncommon doesn't justify how much you can't play the game when you do see it.
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We were already pretty gutted by CoH, it's just nails in the coffin.
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more people would play twins if they didn't have their awful fatigue.
I personally always manage to dodge the main issues people talk about, since I generally use victor and then charlotte to get downs.
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It's one of those killers they made and was a failed design so the devs just try to sweep them under the rug and pretend they don't exist. Many killers suffer this fate. You also won't see anyone caring because "lmao I don't like twins so who cares if a killer has been gutted or nerfed and people who do like them can't play them? It's all about meeeee!"
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Honestly they don't even need to do a big change to deal with that. Just let Victor snuff out Boons and this isn't a problem anymore.
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hey, I saw your new video.
I agree with your points.
Happy Twins-iversary.
(I'm aware a thumbs up or a comment on the video would've been enough)
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No one is gonna even run that boon perk after a couple weeks.
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They came for the Twins mains, and I didn't speak up, for I was not a Twins main.
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Thank god
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I love twins, but they just feel so bad to play, especially with stuff like this.
I do consider myself a twins main, but a twins main on break.
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Overrated perk
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The devs as well as the community are really disrespecting people who main low tier killers right now. I don't know how I'm still surprised.
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I just hope us Twins mains (like what, 4 of us? Not even double digits) get our desired wishes! :(
Happy Twins-verssary to us all 😥
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Twins players deserve better. It's the most neglected DLC I've seen. They feel awful to play. Probably a good candidate for a rework. I get the sense that COVID affected the development of this particular DLC really hard and the final product wasn't really what they had in mind killer-wise. They had to have something to release.
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I was really tempted to just say "Good" and leave it at that, but also I'm afraid the devs will never be able to fix twins. They should be equalised vs solo and swf and that'll never happen without proper solo buffs instead of perks, so all I can really see saving them is a full kit rework but even then people who like current twins will be upset.
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This hasn't really effected me as a Twins main. I don't slug because I use Victor to locate + injure and Charlotte to finish them off. Breezy days still for me :)
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Im very glad this perk destroys twins. Twins is the most unfun killer to go against, they just slug and face camp someone with victor. Incredibly annoying.
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i do
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Then you went agains better than average twins that rarely use charlotte for interesting plays.
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I can't count how many times Victor has phased through survivors when I pounced them right behind them. And exponential ruins them even more, kinda sad. GG devs, you've killed a killer.
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Yeah, I play Oni a lot and he really doesn't like that, but he at least have option to pick up, Twins are even more #########.
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I honestly only really play twins as an m1 killer with a portable radar, as actually using Victor is too punishing in this current gamestate, which says a lot about how much they need a rework (For the love of god give Victor and Charlotte AI, it would help immensely and actually make them viable, also skins for Victor pls)
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So I went against 99% of the twins players? What twins player even prefers to use Charlotte?
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I was a twins main until they gave her a DS punishment for downing a survivor.
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I really like Twins but I don't understand why the devs don't. It's such a cool idea they should make sure people want to play Twins instead. They were among the three killers I played the most before switching to survivor only.
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Using charlotte as in a body block