Exponential Proves the Devs Have Forgotten Twins

We warned you from PTB, that Exponential would make Twins unplayable if neither the perk nor the power were changed. And now the newest Boon perk makes it so that Twins can't pick a Survivor up because their fatigues are so long that Survivors can pick themselves up faster than you can.

This is something you should be testing for in the perk design stage. If a perk makes a Killer power that's only useful against injured Survivors incapable of downing and hooking them, then that's a problem with either the Killer or the perk and something needs to be addressed before the perk goes live.

The fact that Exponential went live in this state without changes to it, or to Twins to allow them to handle Exponential, proves that the developers have literally forgotten this Killer existed.

They came out a year ago today and the developers didn't even tweet about their birthday like they did with Blight a few months ago.

If you don't want me to play my favourite Killer any more, just come on out and say it. Don't leave me with the hope that you might actually sort them out someday because it's been exactly a year and every single set of patch notes with some shadownerf or new bug or new super-recovery perk feels like a punch in the mouth.

Just buff their fatigue times so we can pick up Survivors without taking 5-7 working days to get to the down, okay? That's all we need, that's all we EVER needed. And now it's gone beyond an irritation to "you can't play the game any more if a single Survivor brought a single perk."

Bon anniversaire, my wonderful French children.

