Who is tired of survivor/killer team up for last survivor?

thrash_quack Member Posts: 4

When there are 2 survivors left,instead of killing the one survivor the killer will carry the survivor around the map and have them give them signals if they are close to the survivor most likely to escape. I was held hostage for over 30 minutes by killer and the other survivor and in not a camping survivor...

Who is tired of survivor/killer team up for last survivor? 11 votes

Hate it/devs need to solve it
kisfenkinkekprod 2 votes
Whatever, its ok with me
Hex_Ignored 1 vote
. it combats hide an camp survivors
GibberishidcHippieDino7281 4 votes
TapeKnotReikoMoriGannTMPlsfix369 4 votes


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    I have never encountered something like this in my 1300+ thousand hours of playing tbh. There definitely should be something to prevent this though.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617
    Hate it/devs need to solve it

    This is not new, I have seen it happen several times, maybe because I have much more play time than the first comment.

    With the change to the hatch it's even more important that the devs deal with it somehow. It is cheating.

    Report cheaters at this link with video evidence of the match that you post on another site like YouTube or Twitter. https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=191426

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That's a reportable thing. You're not supposed to help the killer in that manner.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    . it combats hide an camp survivors

    I love to give survivors option to snitch. Snitches get hatches

    Not really this way. I down them, so they can see and then let them wiggle out and either they will show me or they die and other survivor gets hatch.

    It depends how each survivor played during game of course.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003
    . it combats hide an camp survivors

    I do actually support it when it's used in an appropriate manner. I hate it when one Survivor is just stealthing around the map, almost holding the game hostage because they're just waiting for their teammate to die and the teammate they want to die is actually trying to progress the objective, but keeps getting interrupted by the Killer. I'd much rather assist the Survivor who is actually progressing the game rather than the person who's just trying to get a free hatch escape.

    For example, I played a game on Pale Rose versus a Doctor. With Jake and I being the only ones left, Jake decided to hide in and around the shack doing absolutely nothing while he waited for me to die. He kept getting in the locker to avoid the static blast every time the Doctor was nearby. After escaping chases with the Doctor multiple times (for over 9 minutes, all while I'm trying to do the last two generators after doing the third generator... all this by myself), I finally heard him getting in a locker while I was near the shack. Walked inside and he stepped out of the locker and got shocked by my iri queen debuff... so, since he wasn't progressing the game at all and was just waiting for me to die, I kept making noise near him to attract the Doctor. While I was doing this, Jake kept Urban Evading across the back of the map.

    Long story short, the Doctor realized that the Jake wasn't doing anything, hooked him (and camped him so I wouldn't unhook) and then gave me the hatch. It was pretty satisfying and I was quite appreciative of the Doctor realizing I was the only one actually trying at the video game (I had around three flashbangs... from working on generators).