Fan-Made DLC Ideas

As much as I want to make a new Survivor and Killer, I really cannot. Can't quite get a good grasp of what i want to make. So... perhaps some of you guys might supply me with some ideas to work off of. I just need a few ideas from the "Wonderful" community that is Dead By Daylight. Here's what I need for a good idea:
- Killer ability, like Huntress' Hatchets, or The Shape's "Evil Within"
- Perks in relation to the theme of the killer, a "Jester" in this instance.
- Survivor perks focused on going it alone, however is NOT dependent on other's dying. We do not need another Laurie Strode. although perhaps focus it on Generators.
- The theme of the Killer is that he is a "Jester". Maybe make Perks and Abilities in relation to Comedy or something.
Everything else I'll make on my own. Seems simple, yeah? I would appreciate any ideas thrown into here.
I will credit the people when their ideas make it into the DLC
Best Answer
I've got some perks, but not names for them.
Killer Perk 1: Skillchecks appear 5/10/15% more often and every missed skillcheck grants a token up to 5. For every token, skillchecks are 1/2/3% smaller and missed skillchecks regress the generator 1% more.
Survivor Perk 1: For every survivor at least 16 meters away from you, gain 1/2/3% action speed and get 2/4/6% larger skillchecks. (Dead survivors count towards this perk, but they don't have to be dead for it to happen)
Killer Perk 2: You gain stacks of bloodlust 1/2/3 seconds faster and they each increase you movement speed by an extra 0.1 meters/second (bloodlust currently works like this: tier 1 = + 0.2 meters/second, tier 2 = + 0.4 meters/second, and tier 3 = 0.6 meters/second).
Survivor Perk 2: (Obsession perk) Every time a generator is completed, gain endurance (Borrowed Time effect) for 20/25/30 seconds. If you are not the obsession, you gain endurance for 5/10/15 seconds.
I also have sort of an idea for a power. It is mostly passive, but would probably have interesting effects.
As generators are worked on or as survivors get hit, they gain some affliction up to a full circle, such as the madness tiers on the right where, when they fill up, go to the next tier. However, when this circle fills up, your survivor dies. For numbers on how fast it fills up, every 100% of a generator would fill a survivors affliction to 50%. Every time a survivor gets hit, they gain 3% affliction. Both of these can be increased with add-ons, and the cap can be decreased with add-ons. There will be stations around the map where survivors may slowly cure their affliction. Every 1% of affliction would force a survivor to cure themselves at a station for .5 seconds. This may also be modified with add-ons. There could also be a special add-on that replaces the death penalty with a 30% action speed penalty, but incredibly lower the affliction cap.
I hope you like these ideas! Sorry to give you so much from just one post!
@SolarFoxVB said:
I've got some perks, but not names for them.Killer Perk 1: Skillchecks appear 5/10/15% more often and every missed skillcheck grants a token up to 5. For every token, skillchecks are 1/2/3% smaller and missed skillchecks regress the generator 1% more.
Survivor Perk 1: For every survivor at least 16 meters away from you, gain 1/2/3% action speed and get 2/4/6% larger skillchecks. (Dead survivors count towards this perk, but they don't have to be dead for it to happen)
Killer Perk 2: You gain stacks of bloodlust 1/2/3 seconds faster and they each increase you movement speed by an extra 0.1 meters/second (bloodlust currently works like this: tier 1 = + 0.2 meters/second, tier 2 = + 0.4 meters/second, and tier 3 = 0.6 meters/second).
Survivor Perk 2: (Obsession perk) Every time a generator is completed, gain endurance (Borrowed Time effect) for 20/25/30 seconds. If you are not the obsession, you gain endurance for 5/10/15 seconds.
I also have sort of an idea for a power. It is mostly passive, but would probably have interesting effects.
As generators are worked on or as survivors get hit, they gain some affliction up to a full circle, such as the madness tiers on the right where, when they fill up, go to the next tier. However, when this circle fills up, your survivor dies. For numbers on how fast it fills up, every 100% of a generator would fill a survivors affliction to 50%. Every time a survivor gets hit, they gain 3% affliction. Both of these can be increased with add-ons, and the cap can be decreased with add-ons. There will be stations around the map where survivors may slowly cure their affliction. Every 1% of affliction would force a survivor to cure themselves at a station for .5 seconds. This may also be modified with add-ons. There could also be a special add-on that replaces the death penalty with a 30% action speed penalty, but incredibly lower the affliction cap.
I hope you like these ideas! Sorry to give you so much from just one post!
No worries, however there are a few... issues i can possibly see in some of your perks.
Killer Perk 1: It's possibly OP if it were a normal token perk, however it can possibly be balanced if it were a hex, or a downside.
Survivor perk 1: Basically the perk "Leader" but with a longer range, works on yourself, and applies to generators. It's rather a nice and even idea actually.
Killer Perk 2: Again, nice idea, a perk that actually helps with the chase will be useful. Most perks in relation to "Bloodlust" is rather crap. This one might change the tables though.
Survivor Perk 2: To be honest, the odds of this perk of being useful and saving your life is rather... slim. But being a bit of a daredevil and repairing in the radius of the killer and getting out still on your feet is a new, and rather nice idea.Power: So basically, it's "Evil Within" but it slows down the game more excessively than the Nightmare's Dream world and the Pig's Reverse Bear Traps combined. True, yes it's a fine idea, and using the Reverse Bear Traps ability from "Time Limit passively" to... well this. It's an excellent idea, and looks rather fair.
Thank you for these ideas i will Steal use these ideas for the new DLC.
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How about the skillchecks don't appear more often in Killer Perk 1?
On a side note, are you creating a new discussion when you create your DLC?
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i have a killer idea
ghost face from scream
Power: horror movie fanatic
you know all the tricks, gain the ability to perfectly mimic any other killer or mimic any survivor.
when mimicking a killer you gain a random special power for 60 seconds.
when mimicking a survivor you become one of them for 60 seconds and attempt to sabotage generators and get stealthy plays.
the buffs are as follows
Trapper: 5 bear traps will spawn armed in 5 pallet locations. When triggered survivor is put into the injured state. Bear traps will despawn when power endsWraith: temporarily turn invisible scratch marks persist 5 seconds longer and blood is easier to see when uncloaked power ends regardless of time.
Hillbilly: gain 50% movement speed for 30 seconds terror radius is increased by 50% all survivors suffer from the exposed status for 30 seconds. If you hit an obstacle suffer a minus 5% speed penalty.
Nurse: gains the ability to blink 3 times before the power ends. Suffers from no fatigue after each blink.
Doctor: terror radius increased by 50% every time you hit a survivor they are put into a madness state. Madness wears off after power ends. Each survivor suffers from a random affliction of madness.
Hag: 1 dull totem will suddenly become a hex totem and a random hex will appear until it is destroyed or the power ends
Huntress: gains 5 throwing knives power ends when all 5 are thrown power automatically ends. Each knife has a 10% chance of using a addon effect.
Clown: gain 4 throwable tonic 10% chance for a addon affect. Power ends immediately after they are all thrown.
Spirit: you are able to project an image of yourself near the closest survivor then they're aura is revealed to you for 30 seconds and if they are hit they suffer from the hemorrhage effect.
Shape: all survivors suffer from the exposed effect. Your obsession gains a 100% speed boost for 10 seconds but you have the ability to kill them.
Nightmare: all survivors are put into the dream state action speeds are decreased by 50% you cannot attack them until they wake up. Power automatically ends after all survivors wake up.
Pig: gain 1 special trap. Any survivor who is fitted with it has 30 seconds until it blows. (Basically you have at most 30 seconds to downa survivor then bear trap them not too sure about this one)
Cannibal: all survivors suffer from the exposed status for 60 seconds you gain 3% speed every second in a chase but lose all of it if you crash. Power ends if you crash.
If you cloak yourself as a survivor you will appear as an existing player for 2 minutes.
When working on a generator the generator will decrease by 50% more than a survivor working on it would increase. Failing skill checks will prematurely end the power and stun you for 2 seconds.
You can drop 2 pallets prematurely to get rid of obstacles in later chases
When healing you will put the survivor into the dying state or reduce their health in the dying state by 50%
If you sneak up on a survivor you can backstab which will put a healthy survivor into the injured state and uncloak you when uncloaked you gain 10% movement speed for 5 seconds.
When uncloaked you have 110% movement speed and a lunge of 1.5 meters.
There is a 30 second cooldown before you are able to use a power again.Perks
Movie fan
Tells you 2/3/4 perks your obsession is using
And any items or addonsPhone call
Reveals all auras for 2/5/8 seconds within 12m/24m/36m each time a skill check is failed.Insanity
Each Time a generator is completed gain a 10%/15%/20% speed boost for 10 seconds has a 60 second cooldownAdd ons
CommonBurnt kernels
Remnants of overcooked popcorn
Slightly increases uncloaking speedBeer can
A dented can
Slightly decreases cooldownBroken vhs
A tangle of clack film coming out of a broken plastic cart
Slightly increases chance for your first power to be that of your last played killerUncommon
Broken glass
Shards of glass from forced entry
Moderately decreases cloaking time. Moderately increases cooldownFake blood
When cloaked as survivor unnerving twitches are reduced by 25%Vhs movie
One of many well loved horror movies
Moderately increases chance for first power to be that of last played killerRare
Boyfriends guts
Bloody guts from an early victim
Greatly reduces uncloaking speed. backstabs are more effective putting healthy survivors into the dying state. Cooldown greatly increasedGarage door control
A simple garage door remote
Unnerving twitches are reduced by 50%. When “healing” survivor in the dying state reduce their health by 75% generator regression slightly increased. Skill check fails greatly increase stunVhs Box set
A collection of someone's favorite movies
Greatly increases chances for first power to be that of last played killerVery rare
A white phone stained with blood
Each time your obsession fails a skill check a random survivors aura is revealed to you and they suffer the exposed status. If 4 generators are complete the afflicted survivor can now be killed by your handBloody knife
Stained with the blood of the innocent and the guilty alike
Uncloaking is greatly increased. Terror radius moderately decreased back stabs more effective unnerving twitching moderately increases. When uncloaked no terror radius for 4 seconds. No after cloak speed boostVhs collection
A die hard fan of horror movies greatest treasure
greatly increases chance for every power to be that of last played killer
Moderately increases cooldownUltra rare
Generic halloween costume
A scary ghost in black robes
100% less unnerving twitches 10% faster action speeds. instant uncloaking. better back stabs.
Greatly Lowers terror radius. Cooldown moderately decreased. If a skill check is failed all survivors suffer from the exposed status and you can kill the obsessionVoice distorter
A little device that turns a voice unrecognizable
Every survivor suffers from the exposed status until hooked at least once.
Backstabs can kill your obsession.
Generator regression moderately increased
Survivors action speed greatly increasedWhat do you think any ideas? i would love to see something similar to this come out.
i also really love the idea of exposed status to a random survivor when the obsession fails a skill check would go great with overcharge0