Whats your opinion on the Eyrie of Crows Map?

I love the new map it looks great. It's definitely one of their best works for map visuals, in my opinion, the floating objects, the ink coming out from the ground, the main building and how it makes you feel so small from the outside. The map just looks amazing.
Gameplay-wise?, I don't really know if I like it that much. The map's size isn't all that big. It's probably as big as like Ormond or the Groaning storehouse. But the gens are spread quite far apart from each other which kind of annoys me since it's hard for a lot of m1 killers to stop gens from popping. So relying on a possible 3 gen strat is key but this map makes getting a 3 gen a challenge.
Also on a specific killer who blinks through walls. The nurse seems to not like blinking through certain objects like the small metal fenced-in grave things and the mini mausoleum things as well. I don't know why but she doesn't like blinking through them sometimes. The main building is a bit hard to blink through too, I don't know if it's cause there's a blink deadzone or the wall is too thicc or something but she has a hard time blinking in the main building, at least for me.
Anyway how do you feel about the new map?
And you can enjoy this picture of the new map I took off the dbd website too.
Map is pretty busted loop wise and its also big as #########.
But I like how it looks, beautiful map
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I really like this map. Finaly a good map after very long time. I like it for both sides so far. I wouldn't say it is too big.
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i love it too, i wouldnt say its too big either its just harder 3 genning potential.
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I like the map. Sure it is pretty big but the look sells it for me.
The loop on the balcony is pretty dope if a survivor runs it well but sometimes you just have to drop the chase and leave them be. After all there are zero objectives up there.
Good map, maybe some tweaks are needed but I like it very much.
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Its okey, it looks gorgeous but gameplay wise it is nothing sepcial.
The main building is something somewhat unique but sadly pretty strong for survivors.
I would give it a 6/10.
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It looks pretty, but gameplay wise it kinda sucks.
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I don't really like how it looks. It's so bright it hurts my eyes. Playing Freddy on it which makes it even brighter is awful.
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It's now Friday 12-3-21 three days after release and I STILL have yet to play this map or get to go against beautiful Carmina.
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I like how it looks visually, it's very pretty. The only issues I have with it is that it's way too open and bright. That and the main building is basically one giant infinite.
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guess you'll have to find that map offering.
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It is survivor heaven, boasting huge size and the strongest main building in the game. Also currently has a completely blockable hook in the main building.
All in all, exactly what I’d expect from the people who thought RPD was ok for this game.
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Lol I have seen it pop up often. I have yet to play a map offering as killer. I prefer BP gains for now. It's a new map why wouldn't they increase chances for a bit? Best believe I have got Haddonfield each day though.
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I think they did increase the chances. At least based on how much they’re loving sending me there, mostly as killers that can’t do anything on it of course.
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I haven’t played on it enough yet to have a strong opinion. The main building seems strong for survivors but that could just be because I haven’t really fully gotten the layout ingrained yet and I’m a clumsy doofus who falls off the railless walkways (that place is an OSHA nightmare!) In principle though I don’t know that it’s worse than the Ironworks building with its big ramps and totem spot on the second floor, or the farmhouse, etc.
The outdoor map being bright with no grass is kind of a double edged sword, it means it’s harder to sneak up on survivors but also harder for them to stay hidden. I think personally I enjoy the openness as a killer more than, say, something like the corn fields where you can’t see crap outdoors or Yamaoka where there are really dark bushes to hide in everywhere. At least if they see me and run away I probably see them too and have the option to chase them anyway.
Either way aesthetically the main building has a cool look to it, and I like the feel of the desolate ruins and uneven ground outdoors.
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I must just be incredibly unlucky then.
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They need to plant the bushes from Mr Cowboys map all over the new map. As things are now, it’s miserable.
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As Artist or Spirit: I like this map, it looks nice and seems reasonable.
As Freddy or Legion: There's a pallet, there's another pallet, there's another pallet, now you're at a jungle gym... Geez this is feeling like an outdoor version of The Game. Oh and don't bother contensting the middle Gen unless you have range or mobility because the main building has 2 really strong windows and they can take you upstairs which has Midwich syndrome.
I did win that Legion game on the new map... but only because I 3 genned them for an excessive amount of time on the outside half of the map. It gets dead out there once all the pallets are gone but there are so many of them.
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I heard that Trapper has run around for days on it looking for a plant or some grass to hide his traps.
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speaking of bushes why tf does the long dead looking bushes have collision attached to them?