New Chapter Concept: "The Future Diary"

YunoGasai_03 Member Posts: 1

CREDITS: FirstEncounterAssault (Theme), SummerRose (Killer Description etc..)

DISCLAIMER: This is only a concept changes and suggestions are accepted.

From the anime The Future Diary AKA Mirai Nikki

Yuno Gasai (The Lover):

Yuno was adopted as a young child by a wealth infertile couple as an heiress to their banking empire and for several years lived a peaceful childhood. As she entered middle school the family started experiencing financial strain resulting in her father working long hours. The stress of finances and the strain they put on their marriage caused Yuno's mother to become aggressive and abusive blaming the new hardships on the daughter she now claimed she never wanted. She would lock Yuno in cage without food for simple failures like being a few minutes late or a missed answer on a test. Her father was objective towards the abuse but he did nothing to stop it. Fed up with the torture Yuno managed to lock both parents in the cage intending to show them the pain of her punishments, however the stunt got out of hand and she failed to release them before it was too late.

Yuno continued her day to day life as if everything was normal even when the utilities were shut off from overdue bills. Every day after school let out she would talk the decaying bodies of her parents, still in the cage, telling them about her day. One day while talking with a lonely boy after class about his parents divorce and his desire for a family outing she suggested they could be a family if they got married. With a laugh and a casual reply of "When we're older maybe" Yuno took it as a promise of a future together.

Over the next year Yuno watched the boy and began keeping a diary on her phone of his every action. One day a powerful deity offered her the ability to see the future and the chance to become a god through a survival game. Yuno accepts intent on using the game's prize to finally win her beloved. The game begins and she quickly learns her love is also a contestant. Using the combined power of their Diaries as an edge in the contest the two formed an alliance. Yuno is quick to act on violent impulses to dispose of anyone she sees as a threat to her beloved or their "relationship". Shorty into the game Yuno vanished even from those who could see the future.

A new deity's voice spoke to Yuno distorted undecipherable murmurs but Yuno understood. "Play my game and be reunited with your love."

The Lover Movement speed: 115%/4.6ms Terror radius: 32 meters Height: Small Killer Power: What's Mine is Mine (power cooldown: 60 seconds)

The Lover is an obsessive killer, able to punish cooperative and altruistic survivors while picking and choosing her Obsessions.

Her teachable perks, Always After You, Lovers Rage, and Hex: Tainted Love allow her to become an unstoppable force and meddle in her victim's affairs.

Killer Power: What's Mine Is Mine Obsession power, allowing The Lover to have multiple Obsessions. Hitting a survivor while your power is active will inflict the Deadly Love status effect and turn them into an Obsession. While an obsession is under the Deadly Love status effect, they will trigger The Lovers rage for performing and receiving ANY co-op action. If they do so, their aura and all nearby survivors aura will be revealed for a short time, then The Lover will enter her enraged state(*). (Enraged state properties at the bottom) Any obsession with Deadly Love will be Exposed for the duration of the enraged state, The Lover's enraged state will end when she puts any survivor that's the Obsession in the dying state or if she gets stunned. Any survivor who touches or comes near the survivor under Deadly Love will be exposed for as long as they remain in proximity. Deadly Love can only be removed if an obsession reads the correct Cursed Diary. After the correct Cursed Diary is read, Deadly Love is removed and they are no longer an obsession. A handful of Cursed Diaries can be found around the trial. If an Obsession is already created at the start of the trial, they are automatically inflicted with Deadly Love. Once an obsession is placed in the dying state, The Lover can't enter her enraged state again for 60 seconds.

Alt power ability: Yukiteru Diary Holding the power button will cause The Lover to pull out the Yukiteru Diary, reading it will activate the associated alternate power ability which can be changed with addons.

(Default) Ōratorappu: Places an Aura Trap at your location, any survivor who walks or runs within 10 meters of it will cause it to trigger. The survivor will gain the oblivious status effect for 30 seconds and their aura will be revealed to The Lover for 5 seconds. (30 second cooldown on placing another trap after Ōratorappu effect ends).

Okubyōna oroka-sa: Places a Terror Radius trap at your location, any survivor who walks or runs within 5 meters of it will instantly gain a 32 meter terror radius for 30 seconds, The Lover gains the undetectable status effect for 30 seconds. (60 second cooldown on placing another trap after Okubyōna oroka-sa effect wears off).

Watashi no ai, megumi: Reading the Yukiteru Diary will change your blade into Yuno's Scissors hitting a survivor with these scissors will cause it to remain in the survivor, the survivor will now gain a bleedout meter. They must make haste and read the correct Cursed Diary to remove it. If they don't read the correct one in time, they'll bleed to death. Bleedout meter pauses when in chases or in the dying state (independent of dying state bleedout meter) (90 second cooldown after survivor dies or successfully removes *Yuno's Scissors)

Shinkō suru shi: Reading the Yukiteru diary near any generator with 0% progress will place an explosive trap on it. When the survivor's fully repair the generator, it explodes and puts any survivor working on it in the dying state. Fully repairing this generator doesn't count as a completed generator. (Addon deactivates after use)

"We'll be together, forever..." -Yuno Gasai

Teachable perks:

Always After You Your obsession will find it much harder to escape from you. Increases the range at which you continue a chase while chasing your obsession; making it harder for them to successfully escape. The bloodlust speed buff will maintain for an additional 6/8/10 seconds after any survivor escapes.

"Im the only friend you need"-Yuno Gasai

Lovers Rage Your bloodlust manifested in a physical force, the idea of your victim escaping fills you with rage. Pressing the active ability button on any upright pallet will Break it. After that, Lovers Rage goes on a 140/130/120 second cooldown.

"Your future belongs to me"-Yuno Gasai

Hex: Tainted Love Your love for causing pain and misery arouses The Entity. While Hex: Tainted Love is active, all survivors who are not your obsession suffer from the broken status affect for as long as the hex persists. Meanwhile, your obsession gains a haste buff of 6% and can perform all coop actions 25% faster. The killer also gains a haste buff of 3/4/5% All buffs and debuffs are removed once the hex totem is cleansed.

"Don't worry Yukki, Yuno will protect you"-Yuno Gasai

(*) Enraged state properties. The Lover will emit a map wide scream to announce her enraged state Grants Undetectable status effect Movement speed: 130%/ 5.2 m/s Lunge range open time (0.8 s) Survivors hear a non-directonal music box tune playing within 40 meters Unable to use Yukiteru Diary while enraged Slightly blurred vision and inaudible whispering Immediately ends when placing any obsession in the dying state or if The Lover gets stunned.

Chase Theme concept