Literally Every Match For Me Now

This hit validation is driving me insane.
You could also add med-kits with addons that stack with their CoH so they can heal in less than 8 seconds no problem.
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From being exhausted on the ground, DH actually working.
You didn't deserve the hit in the first place.
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With circle of healing now becoming all too common, I'm seriously contemplating running nurses calling on all my builds. There hasn't been one match that I've played (survivor or killer) where there hasn't been a boon perk.
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Yeah, no point in playing normally anymore. Just tunnel hard and hook. No other way to play.
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This is pretty much most of my matches. Can't even play normally much anymore.
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The developers have always said that they want the killer to do -2
When you camp you will always do -1
And this is already 50% of the success. 🤣
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Honestly if you camp and tunnel from the beginning of the game you'll easily 2K, little did we know that camping and tunneling was the intended way to play killer.
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See: here's the issue.
DH had it's quirks but was still the most meta of meta picks. It was crazy strong and it's now a defacto third health state on a 40 second cooldown.
Shifting the validation 'risks' from survivor to killer here had the net result of a significant buff to a perk that was already top tier. Add in the endless 'fake hits' and the ability to eat killer powers/glitch some of them out...yeah.
When you see 1 perk on literally every survivor from low-intermediate all the way to top MMRs, that perk is probably unhealthy.
When something is so strong that not using it is playing the game wrong, either it needs to be nerfed or made baseline and the entire game adjusted to compensate.
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Nope, not been my experience in the last five years of playing this game as a Killer main. More often than not tunneling and proxy camping gets me at least 2 kills, plus 3 to 4 survivors spending much of the match not doing gens while they swarm for the save and usually I 4k.