Proton up!

Behavior, when are we pressing that one button to Proton this game up already?
Once this is playable I'll purchase all content, to show my support 😎, thanks!
We have only mentioned this with relation to Steamdeck which we've confirmed DbD will be available for - we do not have a date for this however, but we did say to not expect it at launch, which is in Feb 2022 I believe.
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Ok. I'll be purchasing the Steam Deck, this gives me a huge relief! Thank yoU!
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Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but when you say "only with relation to Steam Deck", do you mean that someone, somewhere is pushing for EAC Proton support to be enabled only for Steam Deck and not for other platforms that Proton supports (i.e., desktop Linux)? Because I'm sure that would make me and a lot of other people really mad. I deleted my Windows partition after DBD committed to supporting Proton (my hard drive is too small) and have been playing on Stadia since (Stadia is actually playable on Linux - had nothing but trouble with it on Windows - but there's still a tiny bit of input lag and the controls stop responding for a few seconds once in a while, meaning it's not the best for competitive games).
I don't think it's currently possible to enable EAC Proton support for Steam Deck without doing so for desktop Linux, and there'd probably be some way to hack around it since I'm using the same OS (Arch Linux) that Steam OS 3.0 will be based on, but... If some companies are trying to separate Proton support on the Steam Deck from Proton support on other devices, there'll be a massive unholy shitstorm directed at said companies and Valve.
If you just meant that DBD will only officially support the Steam Deck, and we're on our own if we want to run it on other Linux platforms (similarly to how Steam only officially supports Ubuntu LTS, but it'll run just as well as Arch or Gentoo or Debian or whatever else) and I'm just being schizo, then nvm.
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No, I don't think they mean that. They just may not be as familiar with these ecosystems as we are.
@MandyTalk I hope you'll encourage the devs to at least look into what exactly is entails sooner rather than later, as I expect it will be a very easy implementation.