Should SBMM be reverted?

Like it says on the tin. I don't want to poison the well, but I personally think that although the old rank based matchmaking system was flawed, it was decisively more fun than MMR. I had a lot more fun as both killer and survivor with the old system, and I felt that I was consistently going against players of similar skill level.
With SBMM, it's pretty consistent for me to play exclusively against players far outside my skill level. It's either new players who have less than 100 hours in the game, or veterans with around 5k+ hours. I pretty much never play against other players that have around 1k hours like I do, so matches are either too easy or too hard.
I don't feel like I'm improving in terms of skill anymore since I can't get better by playing against bad players, and it's hard to understand what you did wrong against god gamers.
I'm actually on a hiatus from Dead by Daylight until SBMM is removed or reverted, since all the fun I was having in the game got completely sucked out.
What about you guys?
Should SBMM be reverted? 44 votes
Doesn't matter, it won't be
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
You're honestly right, I'm just holding out hope.
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I'm not sure/undecided
Just nerf high mmr survivors and it's fine
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I'm not sure/undecided
I think that the MMR system needs some major improvements for it to actually work.
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
The problem is that the game isn't fun in either role anymore. Get face camped and tunneled as a survivor, get outplayed and genrushed as killer, or have a baby killer that gives up and DCs in one minute, or have baby survivors run at you in a straight line and die. SBMM is a complete disaster and simply doesn't work at all.
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I'm not sure/undecided
High mmr is not fun because game is not balanced. killer camp and tunnel because game is unbalanced.
Balancing the game would solve a lot of high mmr fun problems
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No, I think SBMM was a good change for DbD
No option for truly representing my opinion so I picked the closest and decided to comment- the MMR system was a good idea and has a perfectly serviceable base, it just needs a few slight tweaks and some balance changes to the rest of the game, and it'll be infinitely better than the mess of the old system.
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
I think you're right, the actual problem lies with the game design itself: the most effective strategies to get escapes or kills are also the least fun strategies to play with or against.
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
If MMR as a system actually worked I think it would be fine, so I agree. However, it simply doesn't work properly in it's current state imho. The big change I think that needs to happen is that MMR needs to increase and decrease more slowly. If I lose one game, I shouldn't be playing against newbies. If I win one game, I shouldn't be playing against wannabe comp teams
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
MMR is awful, when I play with survivors we never get anything done and its 50/50 if we're fighting a God tier killer or a baby.
As killer it's the same, only a higher chance to go up against annoying as SWFs.
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No, I think SBMM was a good change for DbD
I definitely think the new system is producing better results overall for me than the old system. Anybody who thinks there weren’t a ton of complaints about the old system is looking at it through rose colored nostalgic glasses, the old system was terrible.
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
At the very least, I would love to see them change the system to work so that survivors are affected by the survival of all four survivors. That way, the Blendettes can find themselves back in the noob games where they belong. Survivors who just leave instead of making late unhooks will also be justly punished and sent back to the noob games where they too belong.
You get the picture, I have more of a problem with the idea that survivors are ranked purely on their own survival, than I do with MMR being a thing. Why would they create a system that actively encourages people to play selfishly? What a fun environment in which the game will thrive... That said, getting rid of MMR completely would be better still.
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No, I think SBMM was a good change for DbD
I never played sweaty so my MMR is at a pretty fun level where I can just sit back relax and enjoy the game.
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This is interesting. Care to elaborate?
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Yes, SBMM has made DbD less fun for me
Can a mod lock this thread?
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No, I think SBMM was a good change for DbD
I think SBMM reveals balance issues in DBD.
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I completely agree. It exacerbates existing problems and polarizes the playerbase at best, and at worst it doesn't even work and gives unbalanced matches anyway.