Why do you think Trickster's kill rate is so low?

It's not like he's very strong, or even above the midway mark of strength for killers, but I'm not sure why he's still below 50% kills even after the buff. People kill themselves on hook against him all the time, and he's a very effective camper. Surely that alone should be rocketing him to high kill rates, like it does with Bubba? He's arguably even better in a chase than Bubba, depending on the tile.
Normally killers with low killrates are hard to play effectively - Nurse, Clown, Plague, etcetera - but Trickster's skill floor and ceiling are pretty much the same. He's not exactly easy to play, but he doesn't really have any techniques or things to learn about how to play him other than just sharpening your aim. So it's not just a skill curve issue - and he's good at securing kills. I'm very surprised why his kill rate is still so low!
In BHVR's endless quest to make Trickster popular and strong, will he receive his 7th buff in a row?
Where are the stats coming from?
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in order to even play trickster successful most have to camp and tunnel and probably come out with like 1ks or 2ks at most.
just an observation.
i hate him but he is hella weak like
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Lack of controller options dont do him any favors.
I've used plenty of high recoil guns, but Trickster is painful to aim with. It's not even consistent recoil.
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Official stats released a few months ago. I know because I was the one who asked for them on the stream :)
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Because like all other characters called "killers" he is pathetic and it discourages people from playing him.
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Because his power is actually easy to counter. If you really want to avoid a tricksters, as someone who plays him a decent amount, just avoid getting out positioned. His power is easily countered by high wall tiles. And another thing I noticed is that a lot of people underestimate his main event, don't try to rescue if he is camping, his main event can actually down and entire squad and eat BT like nothing.
Post edited by Trickstaaaaa on3 -
Consoles maybe? I play on PS4 and the aim recoil is so big that it's hard to control that on a analog stick. And that's coming from someone who played a lot of fps's.
I think it's the same as nurse, whoever masters it, will destroy any game. Nowadays if I encounter a trickster it's Just because it's someone who really doesn't miss a single knife and worked his *** off to be good with him. I gave up on him a long time ago.
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He lacks map pressure and a lot of Tricksters I notice spend too much time on one survivor when that survivor is using what's he's weak with against him is where a lot of them have downfalls or the survivor moves like crazy and it makes it harder to land a knife. Places like shack and high walls are nightmares and instead of dropping chase, they'll stick to it and lose 2 gens for it. Or some Tricksters use the bat to get survivors off gens when the knives are more effective / having a survivor in a sweet spot in say a corner but using the bat actually costs Trickster more distance and the loss of a chance of a quick follow up so the knives to get the injured and follow up with the bat; it's like the same rules applying with Huntress. He has knives through... That's it. It's like Legion but Legion has more going for them. At least they get information from their frenzy stabs, Trickster doesn't.
Most importantly, the more knives you throw, the slower you are. Precision requires patience. A Trickster with good aim can take each knife with patience. I usually have slow starts with Trickster but build up as the match progresses. I usually make a real dent in the mid game but that's just a me thing. It also doesn't help being on controller where the aim + recoil is harder especially when a survivor is hugging a rock annoyingly tight. And I play games like Lfd / b4b, Apex where I'm decent with aiming... Go figure.
Those are my guesses anyway why his kill rate is so low.
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Eh, Main Event sucks in almost every situation. The only times where it's actually beneficial to use are:
1. You are running out of knives and the survivor is close by and not behind a wall.
2. You run literally right into a survivor in a deadzone/away from a pallet, wall or window while the power activation window is up. You know, where normal knives would work just fine.
3. You're camping, or a survivor unhooks next to you.
In all other situations Main Event is so slow-moving that you can completely negate it by going behind a single wall. Or even a rock! I remember this time I outlasted Main Event on a Z Wall, of all loops. I'm completely unintimidated by it, and as Trickster, I pretty much just use it in the 1st case where I'm running out of blades. Pretty sad for an "ultimate ability" that has a limited window, fatigue, and you can only get like 2 or 3 times a game at max.
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I agree main event is pretty trash in most cases. But that is what I'm saying if a trickster is camping don't attempt to rescue in front of his face, don't try to body block either, because main event can shred survivors. Trust me I done it multiple times, a lot of people seem to underestimate the main event at close range. I downed 3 survivors multiple times using main event when they they attempt to be hero's. But yes as a whole it's a trash ability in-itself for the most part, unfortunately it's great at promoting camping tho.
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He's 110% movement speed so you can't move very fast and it takes 6-7 blades just to damage a survivor. Not to mention, past like 8 meters the blades are really difficult to use. With no map pressure and anti-loop being very limited, it's difficult to do much with him except camp and tunnel.
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I would say it's the reduced knife capacity. Trickster now spends a lot more time reloading even if he can down survivors marginally faster. 110% killer with no map pressure now spends more time having to locate lockers to use his power is going to lose more games on average. Not to mention some maps just suck for locker spawns.
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His power is really bad. I know that seems like a dismissive answer, but that's really what it comes down to. He hits for partial health states where other ranged killers damage for full health states, but he has all of their same drawbacks and no real strengths to counterbalance it. He's not good at anything. Yes, if I land every knife at short range, I can down survivors quickly. Huntress is nearly as fast and also brings a lot more to the table. Trickster is ridiculously inefficient.
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Just like why Pinheads killrate might be so high. Controller button mapping.
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He was terrible and got buffed in 5.0. Then, immediately after in 5.1, he got nerfed again. 50% more knife hits to activate Main Event, 25% fewer knives, 2x as fast laceration heal (though that was reduced to merely a 50% faster laceration heal.
Because, for some reason, buffs cannot be handed out without nerfing other things in the same breath. And they STILL don't let you save Main Event, unlike every other build-up killer power in the game.
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He is hard to play. He demands highest skill-cap in first person shooter skills to be played Like all low kill-rate killers. He has one of highest skill-floors in the entire game.
The irony is that he gets no rewards for being difficult to play and ironically, His throwing knives ability has low skill-ceiling because you can counter his ability by just looping any high-wall, Just look at main event where your movement speed is locked to 96% and you cannot down a survivor looping a rock.
Basically he is hard to pick-up and play with no reward for mastery.
At least deathslinger and trickster can now be good friends at the bar as they now share same problem.
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It's because Trickster is just a...terribly designed killer.
His kit is just too silly to ever balance - even if he's weak, he's still bloody unfun to play against.
Other killers tend to have to 'bet' on chases - you'll either down them fast or they'll eventually reach complete safety and you'll lose them.
Trickster on the other hand is sort of an inevitable, slow killer. If a Trickster wants you down, you go down. But they waste a lot of time getting that down.
It's annoying for the person who is going to go down, but it doesn't make Trickster a good killer.
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The correct answer is I play him. I've single handedly brought down the kill rate.
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I don't know about the skill floor and skill ceiling being the same chief.
There is a world of difference between a good trickster and a bad one.
Biggest reason is probably by how unplayable he is on console. People will still play characters they like no matter how bad they are.
And while with mouse and keyboard you atleast have a chance against the avarage survivor. He is so unsuited for controller that survivors really need to throw to do bad against him
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1. This killer has the worst mobility in the game alongside Huntress. On top of being 110%, he needs to reload.
2. He also has Huntress' map dependency. Get a map with a lot of cover, and you're SoL.
3. Unlike Huntress, he needs a constant LoS because he only deals partial damage. From my estimation, he needs at least 1.94 seconds of sustained fire in order to deal a health state of damage in a 1v1 scenario. Compare that to Huntress who just needs 1 cheeky hit, or even Deathslinger who shares his short windup.
4. He's impossible to play on console. Huntress has a larger and more forgiving hitbox. Deathslinger literally has iron sights for you. Trickster has recoil, small hitboxes, and needs to land 6 knives.
5. His projectiles are deliberately inaccurate. That means you'll waste a lot of ammo, meaning you need to reload more often. This not only means you'll be slow to do anything, you lack Huntreess' snowball potential that makes her so strong. This leads to my next point.
6. He has no map pressure. Huntress has crossmaps and snowball potential. He has nothing. This isn't unique to him but it's a problem.
7. His lullaby is semi-directional unlike all other lullabies that are completely non directional.
8. Main Event is so situational that it's functionally useless. You need a survivor out in the open running like a headless chicken or going for an unhook since camping is literally the one thing he's great at thanks to his DPS being ample to go from 0.5 per second to 0.67 per second (for those that don't want to do the math, he can down you in exactly 3 seconds at his max throwrate).
I could go on. This killer has so many issues, it's not even funny. Considering he's 110% and his power is this underwhelming makes him, in my honest opinion, among the worst killers in the game. And considering many consider Legion, a killer whose power is to NOT HAVE A POWER, to be in that same group, that's pretty bad.